教你如何提高英语听力1 Lesson2(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 18:10:45 108
[00:00.00]Unit two Descriptions
[00:05.69]Number 1 Listen.
[00:10.34]Which person are they describing?Write the correct number.
[00:14.52]1.A:I think she looks frightened.
[00:19.30]B:Yeah,it looks like she\'s holding up her hand to protect herself.
[00:23.35]A:Yes,it must have been something really scary.
[00:26.93]B:Yeah.probably so.
[00:28.42]2.A:He look like he\'s just made a score and very jubilant.
[00:28.53]B:Yes,very very happy.
[00:31.06]A:Just like a happy child.
[00:33.23]3.A:She looks happy.What do you think?
[00:38.04]B:She looks proud.She looks like something good happened.
[00:43.16]4.A:He looks perplexed.
[00:46.21]B:He\'s thinking about something.
[00:49.06]A:Maybe he can\'t decide what to do.
[00:51.52]B:Yes,I think you\'re right.
[00:54.31]5.A:Look at her.
[00:57.47]B:She is angry.
[00:59.20]A:Oh,is she?
[01:00.69]B:Maybe something annoying happened to her.
[01:03.09]6.A:He looks very sad,doesn\'t he?
[01:08.47]B:Yes,It looks like he\'s been crying,doesn\'t he?
[01:12.18]A:There\'s been some tragedy in his family.
[01:11.18]B:How sad!
[01:12.77]Number 2 Listen to the tape and write as much information as you can in the table.
[01:21.39]Robin:And now that you\'re here.Why don\'t you join us for dinner tonight?
[01:26.72]Er-mary and I were going to go just around th corner to this little Spanish place called the Trocdero.
[01:33.04]Carolyn:Oh,that sounds interesting...
[01:34.51]Mary:That would be great.Do come with us.It would be so nice tho have your compary...
[01:40.75]Bart:I would really like that-it\'s my first evening out and my first meal...
[01:45.37]Robin:It would just be the four of us.Oh,no,because John and Jane are coming,you remember...
[01:51.23]Mary:Oh,yes,yes,I know John and Jane.
[01:53.97]Robin:You probably remember John,don\'t you?John Cooper?
[01:57.94]Carolyn:No,I don\'t.What does he look like?
[02:00.55]Robin:Well,you did meet him,actually,at a Chinese evening about two weeks ago,
[02:05.75]he\'s-um-that rather serious-looking musician,with glasses,you remember,
[02:11.47]wears a suit most of the time,and...and a very attractive wife,Jane.
[02:16.77]Mary:If you don\'t remember him,you must remember Jane.She\'s absolutely fantastic.
[02:21.76]Robin:She\'s tall and slim with this lovely red hair,and she has a super sense of humur.
[02:30.57]Carolyn:And very talkative.
[02:32.11]Robin:He\'s rather boring,but she is very talking an interesting.
[02:36.65]Carolyn:Yes,yes,I remembe now.
[02:39.79]Number 3 Listen to the four descriptions of objects and identify what is being described in each case.
[02:50.00]1)A:Where does Adrian live?
[02:52.38]B:In Rose Cottage.
[02:54.26]A:Which one\'s that?
[02:55.83]B:Oh,you know,beautiful old place with a thatched roof,two chimneys and a hedge at the front.
[03:01.97]A:Ah yes,It\'s got th date it was built on the wall,right?
[03:05.70]B:That\'s it.
[03:07.19]2)A:Good morning,madam.
[03:10.59]B:Morning.I just came to see if anyone has handed in a bag I left on th number 52 bus last night.
[03:17.51]A:Can you give me a description?
[03:19.75]B:Of course.It\'s plain blue,quite large with a zip on top.
[03:24.35]B:Um.there\'s a pocket on the outside and it\'s got a tear down one side.
[03:31.04]A:Right,I\'ll just check for you.
[03:33.70]3)A:Um,can anyone lend me their bike for half an hour?
[03:38.41]B:Sure,You can take mine.
[03:41.65]B:It\'s the red one with the bags at the back.It\'s got a little mirror.
[03:46.03]Here\'s the key to unlock it.
[03:48.25]A:Thanks a lot.
[03:49.43]B:Oh,one of the tyres is a bit flat.You may need to pump it up.
[03:53.90]4)A:International Plastics.Good afternoon.
[03:58.21]B:Hi Connie.It\'s Geoff.
[04:00.82]A:Hello.What can I do for you?
[04:02.31]B:I think I may have left my raincoat there.It\'s a plastic one with a hood.
[04:07.95]Er,it\'s got black stripes on the sleeves and pockets.
[04:12.50]A:OK,I\'ll have a for you.\'
[04:15.08]B:Thanks a lot.
[04:17.07]Number 4 Listen to these people describing some things they have lost.While you listen,take notes.
[04:26.52]Porter:Good afternoon.madam.How can I help you?
[04:30.62]Connie:Erm,well,I seem to have lost my handbag.
[04:34.02]Porter:Oh,I\'m sorry.
[04:35.46]Connie:Have you seen a brown bag?
[04:37.60]Porter:I\'m afraid,madam,at the present time nothing has been handed in,
[04:42.82]but if you\'d like to give me a description.I can write it down.
[04:46.40]Connie:OK,it\'s,it\'s a brown bag.
[04:50.84]Connie:And it\'s,erm,it\'s leather and it has a flap that comes over top.It\'s er,a shoulder bag.
[04:57.32]Porter:Fine,Have you got anything inside it that would identify it?
[05:02.60]Connie:Well,my passoprt\'s in there and er,my money is in there.I have about fifty pounds.
[05:08.89]Porter:I see.
[05:10.25]Connie:Erm,my passport an my money erm.Oh,I,have a little address book and my name is in the front.
[05:20.44]Porter:I\'m Connie McCurdy.I\'m in room fifteen.
[05:26.55]2.David:Excuse me,can yoiu help me please?I\'ve lost my watch.
[05:32.93]Receptionist:Where do you think you lost it?
[05:34.65]David:Well,I think I must have left it in the gentlemen\'s toilets.
[05:38.39]Receptionist: Do you know what time?
[05:40.74]Divid:Well,it was only about a quarter of an hour ago.
[05:44.55]Erm,I think I took it off to wash my hands and I left it on the window hedge just in front of the wash basin,
[05:44.60]and I went back to my room and I realised I\'d lost my watch so I went back to teh gentlemen\'s toilets again to see if it was there,
[05:52.81]and it disappeared.I wondered if maybe one of tne cleaners had picked it up.
[05:59.15]Receptionist: No,did you ask the attendant if he\'d seen it?
[06:02.84]David:Er,the attendant wasn\'t there at the time actually.I didn\'t see anyone else there.
[06:08.37]Receptionist: Right,can you give me some details,then,please?
[06:11.30]David:Well,it\'s erm an ordinary sort of watch,you know,not one of these fancy digital things.
[06:18.90]Receptionist: No.
[06:19.76]David:It\'s erm..
[06:20.84]Receptionist: What make is it?
[06:22.43]David:It\'s wind-up watch.I think it\'s a Timex.Erm,it;s got the date on it.
[06:29.95]Well,you know,a date indicator and a second hand and it\'s got a,a brown leather strap on it as well.
[06:36.69]Receptionist: Right.And what colour\'s the face?
[06:39.20]David:It\'s a creamy colour.
[06:41.29]Receptionist: OK,Well,leave it with me and I\'ll check with the attendant.
[06:47.25]3.Lost Property Officer:Yes,could I help you?
[06:50.98]Passenger:yes,I\'ve just come off the last flight and my bag isn\'t on the baggage thing.
[06:55.40]Lost Property Officer: I see,Erm,can you describe the bag please?
[06:58.69]Passenger:Yes,it\'s a hold-all,a green hold-all about this big.Er,it\'s got a zip across the top and yellow handles.
[07:07.12]Lost Property Officer: I see,Well,I\'d better make a note of that.H...have you got your baggage claim from?
[07:14.41]Passenger:Yes,erm.Here you are.
[07:16.11]Lost Property Officer: Right,now you say the bag was green and it\'s a soft,erm.a soft bag,nylon.
[07:24.05]Passenger:Yes,it\'s nylon.
[07:25.51]Lost Property Officer: And with a,with a zip,not straps.
[07:28.86]Passenger:That\'s right,withe a zip.
[07:30.48]Lost Property Officer: And,er,handles.Has it got a shoulder handle?
[07:34.11]Passenger:No,it hasn\'t.Well,it did have but it fell off.
[07:37.35]Lost Property Officer: I see.
[07:38.29]Number 5 Listen to the descriptioins on the tape of how things used tho be two hundred years ago.
[07:47.14]I dentify in each case what inventions or discoveries have replaced the things described.
[07:54.28]Listen to the example fist.
[07:57.46]Two hundred years ago,if you wanted to communicate with anyione at any distance,you used t write to them
[08:04.72]and it took days,if not weeks,before you got a reply.
[08:08.04]Nowadays,of course,we just pick up
[08:11.41]The answer is \'the telephone\'.
[08:16.69]Of course, two hundred years or so ago people used to keep food, and in particular meat,
[08:24.16]from going by salting it.
[08:26.46]Nowadays, of course, we\'ve got ...
[08:30.53]Imagine living a few hundred years ago when there didn\'t use to he any safe, cheap, effective drug to treat pain.
[08:41.03]We take it for granted nowedays that if you\'ve got a headache or temperature you just take a few...
[08:49.05]Until fairly recently, ff you wanted a close shave, you have to take a brash,
[08:55.25]work up a lather with shaving soap,
[08:57.54]spread that shaving soap over year face and then carofully scrape the bearded ama with a sharp razor
[09:04.21]Nowadays, of course, most men use a ...
[09:08.49]Two hundred years ago, if you wanted a hot drink, yon used to have to drink it fast, before it cooled.
[09:15.83]In contrast, today all you have to do is pour the drink into a ... and take it with you.
[09:23.14]Then you can drink it hot at any time you want.
[09:26.51]Two centuries ago, if you wanted to get the dust ont of a carpet or rug,
[09:32.13]you used to have to take it outside and heat it.
[09:35.08]Nowadays, of course, we just ping in a ...
[09:39.10]Tall buildings were not really practical two hundred years ago because people used to have to climb so many stais. 英语听力材料 mp3 八下英语听力mp3下载 英语听力音频 英语听力mp3在线听短文 初三英语听力训练mp3 初一英语听力训练mp3 英语听力在线听 英语听力


