教你如何提高英语听力1 Lesson6(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 18:10:40 86
[00:00.00]UNIT SIX Like and dislike
[00:05.56]Number 1 Listen to the tape and do the following exercises.
[00:11.55]A. A: How about sports? What kind of sports do you like?
[00:17.06]B: Oh, I like swimming and tennis. How about you?
[00:20.22]A: I like tennis too. I also like to play golf. Have you played golf?
[00:26.17]B: No, I have never played.
[00:28.00]B. A: Which restaurant shall we eat tonight?
[00:32.99]B:How about the Revenna,the Italian restaurant?That\'a a good place.
[00:37.93]A: No, I don\'t like Italian food very much. How about the West Lake House, the Chinese restamant.
[00:43.70]B: No, I don\'t like Chinese food very much.
[00:47.23]A: And then how about Kyoto House, the Japanese restaurant?
[00:50.99]B: No, I don\'t want to eat Japanese food tonight.
[00:54.83]A: How about French food?
[00:56.35]B: Yes.
[00:57.81]A: Why don\'t we go to the Seine? It\'s a good French restaurant.
[01:01.83]B: OK. Good. Let\'s go there.
[01:04.76]C. A: Do you want to see a film tonight?
[01:07.50]B: Sure. let\'s go see Mysterious Road.
[01:11.42]A: No, I don\'t like to see mystery movies.
[01:14.61]B: How about the Last Adventure ?
[01:16.98]A: No. I have already seen it.
[01:18.99]B: Have you seen Superman ? It sounds like a science fiction film.
[01:22.86]A: Oh, I don\'t like science fiction films.
[01:25.29]B: Then what kind of film shall we go and see?
[01:28.53]A: How about comedy?
[01:29.84]B: Comedy? How about Street Friends? That\'s a good comedy.
[01:34.62]A: OK. Yes. Let\'s go see that.
[01:37.44]Number 2 Listen to each conversation.Does the second speaker "like it",like it a ittle "or dislike it"?
[01:51.91]1.  A: How do you Nike your new car?
[01:54.99]B: Oh, it\'s fantastic, the best car I have ever had.
[01:58.96]A: Do you like Indian food?
[02:01.68]B: No. It makes me ill.
[02:03.40]3.  A: How\'s the coffee?
[02:05.83]B: Mm. not so bad.
[02:07.76]4.  A: What do you think of this picture?
[02:10.74]B: Oh, it\'s OK. A little too bright.
[02:14.03]5.  A: Do you like my new hair style?
[02:16.96]B: Yes, that looks very good on you.
[02:19.21]6.  A: Are you enjoying the concert?
[02:22.21]B: Actually I can\'t stand this kind of music.
[02:25.19]7.  A: What do you think of,her, children?
[02:28.40]B: I hate it when children act in that way.
[02:30.96]8.  A: Do you like this ice cream.
[02:34.10]B: Oh, yes. I love it.
[02:36.45]9.   A: How was your holiday?
[02:37.73]B: Just wonderful.It was a great place.
[02:40.86]10.   A: Do you like living in this country?
[02:43.50]B: Yes. Yes and no. So-so.
[02:47.18]Number 3 Listen to the tape and write as much information in the table as you can.
[02:55.07]Bart:  So Mary, do you really like living in London?
[02:59.83]Mary:  Yes, for most of the time I ... I really love it,
[03:04.89]Bart, there are so many things to see and do there and they\'re very easy to get to.
[03:09.86]I mean, I love the theatre, for example,
[03:13.20]and there\'s ample opportunity to see whatever the best things are that are going on there.
[03:17.69]Of course, it\'s not cheap and so one can\'t really go all that often.
[03:22.68]Bart:So you don\'t ... you don\'t really go very often to the ...
[03:26.94]Mary:Well, not a lot, but there\'s the cinema too.
[03:30.76]Sometimes I\'m able to take in a film, and there are lots of other good things, just about London itself.
[03:37.63]Sometimes I feet I really love \'the bustle and the feeling and atmophere of London,
[03:43.32]and especially the river, Which I 1ove, very much.
[03:46.98]There are good trips, by the way, that you can take on the river.
[03:50.58]Bart: Do you ... do you like driving in \'London.?
[03:53.64]Mary: Oh no, I hate it. In fact I don\'t do it at all if I can possibly avoid it.
[03:59.41]Everyonehere is so aggressive behind the wheel of a car, that\'s really bad, especially at rush-hour times.
[04:07.48]In fact rush-hour, of course, is just awful.
[04:11.69]I loathe the rush-hour--er--in any form of transport but the tube,
[04:16.68]you\'re standing shoulder to shoulder and everyone\'s packed together.
[04:20.91]In the mornings you feel exhausted before you arrive at work.
[04:24.99]Bart:  So you like the things that London offers but you don\'t like getting there?
[04:30.11]Mary: That\'s right. There are some things that I just don\'t like about London.
[04:34.52]I don\'t like the noise particularly, that really gets on your nerves sometimes.
[04:40.37]So there are lots of things that you\'ll be able to do and see here.
[04:44.63]Bart:  Yeah, I\'m looking forward to it.
[04:47.53]Mary:  How about ... how about the zoo--do you like animals?
[04:51.58]Bart:  No, I don\'t really like going to the zoo. I don\'t mind it,
[04:56.83]but I don\'t really like it because I don\'t like seeing the animals all caged in
[05:01.09]and they can\'t walk around or run around as they should be able to.
[05:04.72]Mary:  I hate the lion-house for that reason, too.
[05:07.96]Bart:  And I hate dealing with crowds of people, I really do.
[05:11.67]I like cities, butI hate dealing with crowds of people.
[05:15.59]Mary:  Well, the crowds of people, the rush-hour and the other thing I dislike,
[05:20.24]which is the dirt here and the noise, are one of the reasons why l really like to get out of London,at the weekends,
[05:26.97]so that I can get away for peace and quiet and relax and\' build up my reserves for next week.
[05:33.17]Number 4 Listen to some foreign students talking about what they like or don\'t like about Britain.
[05:42.26]First, listen to the example.
[05:45.34]For me, coming from Spain, there\'s one big advantage to living in Britain
[05:50.88]and hat s the postal service--it\'s really efficient.
[05:54.40]Do you know, I got, a letter from Edinburgh  yesterday.
[05:57.88]I,looked at the postmark and then I looked at the date on my watch,
[06:02.32]and Iwas amazed -- it,was posted the daybefore and it had only taken one day to reach me!
[06:08.30]The boy was Spanish, and he thought one of the best things in Britain was the postal, serviee.
[06:15.69]Now listen to six other people, and fill \'in the table in your book.
[06:21.18]As you can probably hear.
[06:24.08]I come from Genmany NOW one thing I\'ve noticed is perhaps a small detail about the British way of life\' but I love it,
[06:32.05]and that is the way you have your milk, delivered, every day,to your doorstep -- it\'s marvellous!
[06:39.23]I don\'t tike the beer here at all.
[06:41.74]It\'s warm! At home in Denmark, the beer\'s always cold,the way it should be.
[06:48.06]But to get it here, you\'have to ask for \'lager\', not \'bee\'. That\'s strange.
[06:54.90]I\'m sorry but I find the weather really depressing.
[06:59.11]It\'s the middle of July and it seems like winter--day afterday it\'s greyand cloudy.
[07:04.62]The only change is when it rains-- and that happens ,every time you don\'t\' take your umbrella !
[07:10.37]I brought summer clothes, but I\'ve had to buy two thick sweaters hem.
[07:15.57]And when I get letters from my family in Greece,, they\'re complaining,that it\'s too hot !
[07:19.98]The French, have a very good reputation for their ,food and the British a terrible reputation.
[07:27.09]Now, I\'m not going to say that the food is the best thing about Britain!
[07:30.95]But I have to ,admit that I just love English desserts-- the puddings and trifles are delicious.
[07:37.46]I find most young people here are aggressive, not nearly as friendly as old people.
[07:44.77]If I\'m lost, I never ask a young person to help me.
[07:48.48]I can\'t understand what\'s the matter with them.
[07:51.72]Perhaps they don\'t like foreign people in their town. We\'re not like that at all in Portugal.
[07:58.49]The traffic is much more disciplined in Britain than in Turkey.
[08:02.51]People drive more ,slowly, and they respect traffic  lights and other drivers.
[08:08.02]The cars  actualty stop for you at zebra crossings! Unbelievable!
[08:12.64]Number 5 Listen to two people talking about places they know,and make notes.                                                                                                                                                                                       :     !:<ii  \'
[08:21.34]Every year for the last few years we\'ve visited our friends in a small tiny little village in the middle of France
[08:30.46]and they bought a cowshed and it was literally a cowsshed with,
[08:34.53]not fit to live in and they have gradually made it better an renovated it
[08:39.68]and it\'s in a beautiful position-it\'s on the top of a hill
[08:43.36]and for miles around you can see this beautiful countryside,
[08:46.97]and I think only one other house so you do neet a car,
[08:51.49]and you take the car the tiny little village where there are about four or five shops
[08:56.66]and a very nice restaurant where you can go and have a five course meal
[09:01.47]for very little miney an also near is  a very big lake
[09:06.09]beautiful this place is in the Dordogne an there are lost of lakes there and we go there most afternoons an windsurf and sail.
[09:14.11]Also there\'s a very nice market-French market there once a week where you get lovely pates,
[09:20.67]lovely fresh fish,really good fresh fish and lovely bowls an baskets which th local people have made.
[09:28.22]I like this part of France very much but I think it\'s shame that there are too many English people there.
[09:38.82]What kind of city is it?It\'s a very modern city.
[09:43.97]I expected that Tokyo would be quite old but there are very few parts of it which are old in fact at all
[09:51.28]because it was firebombed during the Second World War by the Americans,
[09:55.36]there are one or two temples that survievd that but basically it\'s a city that\'s been built since 1945.
[10:02.59]Um,a lot of it is low rise;one-two-three-storey houses because of the earthquake danger,\'cos they get lots of earthquakes.
[10:12.26]Once you\'ve mastered a little bit of japanese it\'s relatively easy to get around ToKo
[10:18.21]because they\'ve got an excellent subway system and it\'s quick an easy to get around.
[10:23.05]The problem is course that Tokyo is a city of thirteen,fourteen,fifteen million poeple
[10:29.24]an they all want to get around at exactly th same time,
[10:32.35]er,so especially if you\'re travelling in hte rush hours,eight o\'clock in the morning,
[10:37.47]five o\'clock at night ity is a question in how many of the big stations of being pushed on to the train
[10:44.99]they pay student sa bit of extra pocket money to do this.
[10:49.25]Right in the centre of Tokyo is the Imperial Palace,and that\'s set in delighful gardens,
[10:55.02]but it\'s completely closed to the public so nobody ever sees it.
[10:58.99]In the rest of Tokyo there are ten,twelve public gardens but they tend to get very filled up with people,
[11:06.83]especially during national holidays and what have you.
[11:09.81]Other than that it\'s just street after street an block after block of very similar houses,
[11:15.27]as I say one-or two-storeyed houses which just go on and on for mile after mile 英语听力材料 mp3 八下英语听力mp3下载 英语听力音频 英语听力mp3在线听短文 初三英语听力训练mp3 初一英语听力训练mp3 英语听力在线听 英语听力


