教你如何提高英语听力2 Lesson16(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:46 106
[00:00.00]Unit sixteen
[00:07.39]1.Listne to each situation.
[00:11.73]Write the question.
[00:15.07]Then try to find a soulution.
[00:18.36]1.A: Here is a puzzle, a riddle.
[00:23.28]There is a man who leaves the thirteenth floor apartment and goos to work every day.
[00:29.70]He gets in the elevator, presses the button for the ground floor,
[00:35.24]gets ont and goos to work.
[00:38.53]However when he goes home, he presses the button for the twelfth floor
[00:43.31]and gets out at the twelfth floor and walks up to the thirteenth floor.
[00:47.83]Why? Why do you think?
[00:51.96]B:The elevator won\'t go up to the thirteenth floor?
[00:55.51]A:No, it goes up to the thirteenth floor.
[00:58.88]B:Er...no. Can you give me a hint?
[01:02.35]A:OK. Here is the hint.
[01:05.91]If he carries an umbrella or a tennis rocket,
[01:10.24]he gets off at the thirteenth floor.
[01:13.35]2.A: Here is another riddle.
[01:16.75]One day Bill and Mary were found dead in the middle of the floor of their living room.
[01:23.17]The window was open and some broken glass and water was found next to their bodies.
[01:29.31]However there was no blood on the floor.
[01:33.05]How did they die? Here is a hint.
[01:36.89]Bill and Mary are names used not only for people.
[01:41.85]3. A: Now this is a difficult one.
[01:46.19]A gardener was told to plant four trees.
[01:50.52]All the trees must he in the same distance from the other trees.
[01:55.96]How did he plant the trees?
[01:59.20]B: How about like this?
[02:01.99]This tree is in the middle of the other three trees
[02:05.94]and other three trees are in a triangle.
[02:09.46]A: Then the tree in the center
[02:13.90]is closer to the other trees than the trees in the triangle are from each other.
[02:18.87]B: Ah,all four same distance from each other.
[02:22.81]A: From each other, yeah.
[02:25.53]B: Can you give me a hint?
[02:27.96]A: Well, they don\'t all have to be at the same level.
[02:32.58]B: Oh.
[02:34.88]4.  A: There are nine dots arranged in three rows, three dots in row.
[02:41.49]Now what you have to do is to connect all the nine dots using only four straight lines,
[02:48.20]and you can\'t lift your pen from the paper. OK?
[02:52.54]So, how will you do that?
[02:55.26]B: Well, let\'s see...Let\'s do it this way...mm.
[02:59.49]Let\'s go this way....And this way is three lines?
[03:03.93]A: Three lines !
[03:07.27]B: Gee ... got a problem here.
[03:10.09]A: Yeah, it doesn\'t look that you could make it.
[03:13.72]B: Let\'s try again. Can you give me a hint?
[03:17.07]A: OK. The lines can he extended beyond the boundaries created by the dots.
[03:24.41]B: Ah, yes, yes, yes ...
[03:27.96]Listen to the dialogue and complete the table below.
[03:32.58]The first one has been done for you.
[03:36.22]A: Oh Rod!Um,welcome back!
[03:41.13]B: Hi Jim. My goodness. What on earth happened to the flat?
[03:46.14]A: Er, I had a party with a few friends.
[03:50.58]B. A few! It looks like a bomb fell on it.
[03:54.74]A: kook. I\'m really sony.I wasn\'t expecting you hack so soon.
[03:59.31]I was going to tidy everything up before you got back.
[04:03.04]B: Hmm. Hey, the leg on this table\'s broken,
[04:08.76]A: Urn, yes. I think someone fell over it.I\'ll fix it, don\'t worry.
[04:14.30]B: These are my records, aren\'t they?
[04:17.93]This one\'s scratched.
[04:20.26]A: Is it? Well I\'ll replace it,of course.
[04:24.88]B: I\'ve only just bought it.
[04:28.04]A: Yes. I feel really bad about all this.You know what it\'s like, Rod.
[04:33.19]Everyone was having fun and things just got,um,a bit out of hand.
[04:38.54]B: Some of our glasses are broken too.Look.
[04:43.06]A: Oh, I\'ll buy some new ones.
[04:46.80]Urn,I\'m afraid the record player doesn\'t work,
[04:50.64]but I\'ll take it to the shop this afternoon.
[04:53.88]B: Have you seen all this rubbish on the floor?
[04:58.11]Empty cans, bottles,food, serviettes, cigarette ends
[05:03.36]A: Yes, l was just about to clear it up.
[05:07.04]I should have been more careful.
[05:10.05]B: Whata disaster! What about these stains on the sofa
[05:15.40]and the cigarette bums on the carpet?
[05:18.75]A: Urn,I\'ll clean the sofa immediately and the cigarette bums. I\'ll ... well ...
[05:26.19]3.Listen to Brian talking about an experience he had in Africa.
[05:34.03]Then decide whether the following statements are ture or false.
[05:39.41]Jan:Brian you\'ve had some fairly horrifying experiences in your life,haven\'t you?
[05:46.23]I mean, having lived all over the world and things like that.
[05:50.96]Brian:Yes, I\'ve been in earthquakes,
[05:55.29]hurricanes, tornados, seen tidal waves, volcanos erupting,just about everything--
[06:01.93]all possible--floods,all possible natural disasters,
[06:07.07]but I think the most frightening experience was being involved in a bus crash.
[06:12.51]Jan: In this country?
[06:14.65]Brian: No, this was in Africa,
[06:17.47]in a bus which was going through the countryside on a dirt road.
[06:21.68]Er it was a bus crowded with people,
[06:25.62]crowded with luggage and the bus had stopped at a small town,
[06:30.14]at a bar,where the driver had a few beers
[06:34.37]and then loaded a crate of beer on the bus on the roofrack.
[06:38.39]When we eventually set off from that place the driver got up speed and suddenly ran off the road.
[06:44.82]Er,I remember the bus turning over two or three times and grabbing hold of a handle
[06:51.06]and eventually the bus came to rest upside down.
[06:54.80]All I could feel was a tremendous bang on the head
[06:58.93]which later turned out to be the crate of beer.
[07:02.37]The only sound was of the engine still running.
[07:06.42]Jan:People weren\'t screaming, and things like that?
[07:09.79]Brian:No, there was a dead silence,absolute shocked silence
[07:15.91]and it was a long way from any town or any village
[07:20.03]and the only thing you could hear was the engine.
[07:23.48]The driver ran away into the bush, he was frightened,
[07:28.10]so what happened was everybody crawled out through the back window
[07:32.44]and left their suitcases and possessions
[07:35.71]and everyone was terrified the bus would explode
[07:39.47]and eventually someone had the sense to turn the engine off
[07:44.17]and we all crawled back in again to get our possessions,
[07:48.19]and no one seemed particularly injured,
[07:51.75]everyone was just shocked and stunned
[07:55.09]and it was only after about ten or fifteen minutes of sitting on the ground
[07:59.43]that people began to collapse
[08:02.77]and become unconscious and suddenly appear very seriously injured.
[08:07.78]Eventually a lorry came and took us to hospital
[08:12.20]and it was only in hospital I realised just how serious it was.
[08:16.51]A girl sitting next to me on the bus was also sitting next to me in the hospital
[08:22.33]and the nurse was asking her her age, her religion, etc.etc.,
[08:27.19]and suddenly the girl just lay down and died,
[08:31.03]and three other people who\'d been sitting near me also died.
[08:35.47]So I think even though I\'ve been in earthquakes and floods,
[08:40.72]that was the most frightening experience,
[08:44.54]being in the bus as it turned over and over. 英语听力材料 mp3 八下英语听力mp3下载 英语听力音频 英语听力mp3在线听短文 初三英语听力训练mp3 初一英语听力训练mp3 英语听力在线听 英语听力


