教你如何提高英语听力2 Lesson12(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:45 90
[00:00.00]Unit Twelve
[00:05.51]1.One the tape,there are four converstaions.
[00:11.76]In each one,
[00:14.39]a person is talking about and advertisement for a job.
[00:18.73]While you listen,fill in notes in the table.
[00:23.35]Woman:I\'ve got one here that might interest you.
[00:28.89]Er, this is a mechanic\'s job for a garage just down the road.
[00:33.62]About a hundred pounds a week...
[00:36.55]Man:That sounds quite good.
[00:39.47]What are the hours?
[00:41.40]Woman:Er,usual garage hours.
[00:44.23]Eight o\'clock to five-thirty.
[00:47.46]Man:Sounds fine. I\'ll have to go and have a look at that.
[00:52.32]Woman:Jack? I was looking through the paper this morning
[00:57.76]and I saw an advertisement for an electrical engineer.
[01:01.99]Eight thousand per annual. Are you interested?
[01:06.32]Jack:Yes, very much.Er,what paper was it in?
[01:10.95]Woman:In the Times.
[01:12.99]Jack:Er,what sort of hours,er...
[01:16.93]Woman:Nine till five and apply to the personnel officer for an interview.
[01:21.89]Jack:Oh, right.Thanks.
[01:25.24]I\'ll--what pap...?The Times?
[01:29.08]I\'ll get that paper and I\'ll have a look at it.
[01:32.42]Thank you.
[01:34.56]Man A:Erin, well,I think there\'s a job that could well interest you.
[01:42.40]Man B:Really?
[01:45.12]Man A:Yes.It\'s at a comprehensive in,in,in, North London.
[01:50.76]Man B:Oh, yes.
[01:53.48]Man A: Yeah.They\'re,they\'re,they\'re looking for a, a French teacher.
[01:59.01]Man B:Oh, that sounds interesting.
[02:02.25]What,does it mention the salary?
[02:05.88]Man A:Well, yes.
[02:08.81]I seem to remember they mention something in the area of,oh,six thousand.
[02:14.84]Man B: Uh huh.
[02:17.27]Man A: And, well,I think,the,the job, you know,
[02:21.22]it involves the normal,normal teaching hours.
[02:25.14]I suppose you\'d have a 35 hour week.
[02:29.19]Man B:Oh, really? When, when\'s the post vacant?
[02:34.04]Man A:Er,well,starting you know,at the,at the beginning of September.
[02:39.58]Announcer: Well,we\'ve still got our vacancy for a trainee dontal technician
[02:46.79]to work in a dental laboratory in Tisely.
[02:50.42]You\'d be filling in your time during the day from eight till five,
[02:55.28]learning all about dental laboratory work, like making,plates and braces and things.
[03:01.81]For this, you\'d be getting thirty pounds a week to start with
[03:06.67]and you must be keen and interested in this,type of work.
[03:11.01]And, if you are,and you\'re sixteen to seventeen,
[03:15.63]just ring Youth Line ontwo, three, two,oh,two,oh 12:20
[03:23.28]2.Four pictures below show the present jobs of the speakers.
[03:33.32]Put the right letter for each speaker and write down the jobs they did before
[03:39.85]and why they changed them.
[03:42.64]Guide Voice: Listen to Jill.
[03:45.75]Interviewer:  What\'s your job?
[03:48.91]Jill:Well,I\'m--I\'m an assistant, you know,
[03:52.46]ann just serve, check all the--or do the ordering and check everything.
[03:58.89]Interviewer:  What sort of things do you serve?
[04:02.52]Erm what kind of things do you order?
[04:05.97]Jill:Make-up erin, you know, the babies"-- baby food, and things like this.
[04:11.22]Interviewer:How long have you been working here?
[04:14.38]Jill:Two-and-a-half years.
[04:17.02]Interviewer:What did you do before?
[04:19.94]Jill:Worked in a boutique.
[04:21.98]Interviewer: What were you doing nere?
[04:24.91]Jill:Selling clothes. Dusting. (She laughs)
[04:28.96]Interviewer: Why did you takethis job
[04:31.78]Jill:More interesting.
[04:34.02]There\'re lots more--there\'re lots of things to do and it\'s just much better.
[04:38.75]Guide Voice: Listen to Clare.
[04:42.38]Interviewer:Can I ask you erm how long you\'ve been working here?
[04:47.92]Clare:About,er,two years now.
[04:51.37]Interviewer:Yes, and what did you do before that?
[04:55.00]Clare:I was, er.a secretary in,er,a typists"pool.
[04:58.95]Interviewer:And erin.er,why did you take.this job?
[05:03.18]Clare:It was much more challenging.
[05:07.02]I\'m now a personal secretary,
[05:10.26]so it means I\'m working directly to someone ,
[05:14.20]and not,erm, in a pool just doing anybody\'s work that comes in.
[05:18.82]It\'s much more interesting, I\'m given much more responsibility.
[05:23.97]Interviewer: Mm--huh, and,er,what have you been doing today?
[05:28.93]ClarClare:Today I\'ve been typing a number of letters,er,which have been dictated to me.
[05:34.08]I\'ve also been an, ananging my boss\'s, erm, social ealendar,
[05:38.94]cos I also do that as well as his work here--making appointments for him--
[05:44.87]and I\'ve also been talking to visitors that come in to see him--
[05:48.81]general things like that,general office work.
[05:54.30]Guide Voice: Listen to Pat.
[05:56.41]Interviewer: Er...Can I ask you--how long have you been working here?
[06:01.27]Pat:Five years.
[06:03.49]Interviewer: Mm--huh, and what did you do before that?
[06:07.33]Pat:I worked in the post, office.
[06:09.76]Interviewer: And can you tell me...er...what you\'ve been doing this morning?
[06:13.89]Pat:Checking...um...accounts from yesterday\'s work---
[06:18.02]all--the cheques and things that people cashed I\'ve been entering up on the machine
[06:24.05]their accounts,and getting their,
[06:27.40]in fact the statements up--to--date,from yesterday\'s work.
[06:31.63]Interviewer: And why did you take this job?
[06:34.68]Pat:More regular hours than my job in the post office,to a certain extent,
[06:40.04]and more direct figure work...
[06:42.96]Interviewer:Which you enjoy.
[06:45.11]Pat:Yes. Yes.
[06:47.35]Guide Voice: Listen to Brenda.
[06:51.69]Interiewer: So, can you tell me...how long have you been in your present job?
[06:57.54]Brenda: I\'m...er...a tourist guide.
[07:00.47]Interviewer: And...er...er...what were you doing before you became aguide?
[07:05.48]Brenda:I was a primary school teacher.
[07:08.20]Interviewer:  Er...why did you change from a primary school teacher to a guide?
[07:13.21]BrenBrenda:Er ...well well,moved,away---my husband changed his job,
[07:18.47]and there were too many primary school teachers locally, so I had to think again.
[07:25.99]Brenda:And...er...I was chosen for a special course.
[07:29.33]So I was so thrilled at this.
[07:32.05]I did the training.
[07:34.19]And: I do speak some languages, which they like very much of course.
[07:39.05]Interviewer: Uh-huh. So you enjoy it?
[07:42.21]Brenda:I enjoy it very much, but I do find it exhausting.
[07:46.34]Andnow that I\'ve done it for two years solidly...
[07:50.78]erm, (you)know, every now and then I take a day off,
[07:55.12]but even so it does get very exhausting in the summer?
[08:01.59]3.You will hear ten people talking.
[08:08.02]Listen and write down what you think their jobs are,
[08:12.46]and the words which help you decide.
[08:16.30]1  Good-morning, ladies and gentlemen.
[08:20.53]On behalf of Captain Kirk and the crew,
[08:24.48]welcome to this British Airways flight to New York.
[08:28.42]In accordance with international regulations,
[08:32.55]the cabin staff will now demonstrate safety procedures.
[08:36.78]OK. Calm down everyone.Quiet please.That includes you, Matthew!
[08:44.23]Now first I\'d like you to hand in last night\'s homework.Er,
[08:48.85]you\'d better pass them down to the from.
[08:52.24]William!Will you stop that please and pay attention.
[08:56.69]Right Mr Baines.Now open up nice and wide.A bit wider.
[09:03.32]That\'s good. Now let\'s have a look.
[09:06.95]Hmm,this filling needs redoing.
[09:11.18]Right bottom three is chipped.
[09:15.02]Ah,there\'s a little piece of food trapped here.
[09:19.26]Yes.Now you were complaining of a pain have on the:upper left.(Ow!)
[09:25.29]Sorry about that.
[09:28.11]Yes.I\'m afraid there might be aniabseess there so I\'m going to take an X-ray.
[09:33.65]4  Yes, the trousers are a bit tight,sir.
[09:38.09]Let me bring you a larger size to try one.
[09:41.93]Um, a 34 waist should do it.
[09:45.77]The jacket is a perfect fit,isn\'t it?
[09:49.51]The dark blue really suits you,
[09:52.74]I\'ll just go and check if we have a larger size in stock.
[09:56.98]I won\'t be a minute.
[09:59.41]Now ladies and gentlemen.
[10:03.32]Behind you is the Sheldonian Theatre.
[10:06.85]A magnificent building designed by Sir Christopher Wren
[10:11.47]who was actually a studem,here at Oxford.
[10:15.03]The theatre was built in the 17th century,
[10:18.97]and is used for university ceremonies and Concerts.
[10:23.10]In fact, it\'s never been used as a theatre.
[10:27.15]A very good morning to you, madam! I\'m from International Cleaning Services.
[10:33.97]We\'re calling on selected households in this area,
[10:38.09]to give a speecial demonstration of our new range of cleaning fluids.
[10:43.00]We\'re giving away a free carpet cleaner for every client who buys a giant bottle,of Jiffy liquid.
[10:50.84]Now,if I could just come in and,take up a few minues of your time,
[10:55.57]I\'d like to, show you some of our excellent products.
[10:59.91]7  Just love that record!A golden oldie from the 60\'s by "the Kings."
[11:06.54]That one was specially for Tracey Rogers for her birthday from all her friends at Leicester Poly.
[11:12.76]Hope you enjoyed that one, Tracey,and you just have a WONDERFUL birthday OK!
[11:18.58]You\'re on Radio City 248 WHF.
[11:22.71]8 Good morning,madam. Did you realize your car is parked on a double yelow line?
[11:29.87]This is a noparking ama and you\'re disrapting the traffic.
[11:34.60]I\'m afraid I\'m going to have to give you a parking ticket.
[11:38.72]9  Good evening sir, madam. Here\'s the menu.
[11:43.58]May I recommend the chef\'s speciality: home--madeonion soup and then to follow.
[11:50.50]Scottish salmon garnished with chef\'s own special dressing.
[11:55.13]10  Nearly there,sir. It was Cricket Road,wasn\'t it? Here we are, number 27.
[12:02.34]I\'ll park behind the lorry. Right, that\'ll be 6.50 please.
[12:07.35]4.John is talking about his job.
[12:12.89]Write down while you are listening.
[12:16.52]What he likes about his job
[12:20.55]What he dislikes about his job
[12:24.28]What you think his job is like.
[12:27.73]Jobs: Likes and dislikes
[12:35.20]I  Hellow, Les.
[12:39.12]L Hello.
[12:41.26]I  It\'s very kind of you to give me some of your time.
[12:44.89]L Ur,that\'s all right,Now er....what ,do you want me to tell you about?
[12:49.85]I  Well could you tell me aboutyour job?
[12:53.20]What do you like about it?
[12:55.84]L Well, most of all, I like getting up early in the morning.
[13:00.56][laughs] If I live-to be80,
[13:04.30]I\'ll say it\'s because of the fresh air and getting up early,
[13:08.92]and having a physical job doing physical work.
[13:12.97]This means a lot to me, because I\'ve always been an active type of person.
[13:17.99]I  So the early mornings don\'t bother you?
[13:21.44]L No, I\'ve always been an early bird.
[13:24.88]I used to help ,the milkman when I was at school.
[13:28.33]I  What about winter?
[13:30.76]L Ar, well, it\'s a bit berder but I still like it.
[13:35.28]Another good thing of course is that I finish early,
[13:39.02]so I can go to the pub for a pint at lunch--time. I   Ah!
[13:43.35]L It\'s nice to look at other people going to work with their briefeases and things, and think.
[13:49.49]Well, I\'ve done over half my work,I\'ll be finished at lunch--time."
[13:54.85]And some people think it\'s a boring job.
[13:58.40]Well, it\'s certainly repetitive,
[14:01.95]but you\'ve got to know your area really well to sort the letters.
[14:06.29]I Ar yes.
[14:08.40]L  People are generally very nice, but well, there are some difficult ones.
[14:14.33]They shout at you for walking on the Broaden, or got not shutting the gate,
[14:19.69]or because you have shut the gate, [laugh]
[14:22.85]or they park their cars so that you can\'t actually got to their front door.
[14:27.71]And of oourse there\'s the dogs.
[14:31.26]One took the top off my finger last year [Oh!]s
[14:35.31]so I don\'t care for them very much. It\'s a shame,
[14:39.54]because I like dogs really, the nice ones,
[14:43.28]but ...when there\'s one going for me I\'m terrified of them.
[14:48.42]I Ar I should think so.
[14:50.67]L Something interesting is, whether you want to or not
[14:56.60]you find out a lot about the people you\'re delivering to.
[15:00.55]Perhaps I\'ve never met them,
[15:03.71]but I know who\'s having tax problems,who\'s gone away on holiday,
[15:08.23]who\'s having a birthday, and things like that.
[15:11.67]I  Thank you, Les. You really seem to enjoy your work
[15:16.30]L I do. 英语听力材料 mp3 八下英语听力mp3下载 英语听力音频 英语听力mp3在线听短文 初三英语听力训练mp3 初一英语听力训练mp3 英语听力在线听 英语听力


