教你如何提高英语听力3 Lesson17(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:44 83
[00:00.00]Unit seventeen
[00:06.77]1 Listen to the man telephoning the hotel to book a room and fill in the form.
[00:15.31]Receptionist:Royal Hotel. Good afternoon.
[00:19.93]Can I help you?
[00:22.26]Mr Pidgley:Good afternoon.
[00:24.58]I\'d like to book a room, please, for the twenty-third of December.
[00:29.02]Receptionist:Right. The twenty-third of December?
[00:32.18]Mr Pidgley:Yes please.
[00:34.32]Receptionist:Er,how long for?
[00:36.96]Mr Pidgley:Two days.
[00:39.00]Receptionist:So the twenty-third to the twenty-fifth of December.
[00:43.34]Mr Pidgley:That is correct,thank you.
[00:45.77]Receptionist:Is that right?
[00:47.80]Mr Pidgley:Yes.Receptionist:And, er, what time will you be arriving on the twenty-third?
[00:52.53]Mr Pidgley:Approximately two thirty.
[00:55.25]Receptionist:Twothirty p.m. yes?
[00:57.89]Mr Pidgley:Yes, indeed. Yes.
[01:00.53]Receptionist And, erin, what kind of room would you like, sir?A single or a double?
[01:05.25]Mr Pidgley:Single, please.
[01:07.58]Receptionist:Single room.
[01:09.62]Right. Er could you give me your name, please7
[01:13.35]Mr Pidgley:Yes, it\'s Mr J. Pidgley.
[01:17.40]Receptionist:Pidgley, could you spell that for me, please?
[01:21.24]Mr Pidgley:P-I-D-G-L-E-Y.
[01:29.63]Mr Pidgley:Yes.
[01:31.66]Receptionist:Mr J. Pidgley.
[01:34.09]Mr Pidgley:That\'s right.
[01:36.13]Receptionist:Yes, from the twenty-third to the twemy-fifth of December,
[01:40.47]a single room, arriving at two thirty p.m..
[01:44.31]Mr Pidgley:And you can confirm that?
[01:47.76]Receptionist:Yes.That\'s, er, that\'s OK. sir.
[01:51.10]Mr Pidgley:Thank you very much indeed.
[01:54.34]Receptionist:Look forward to seeing you. Goodbye.
[01:58.67]Mr Pidgley:Thank you. Goodbye.
[02:01.50]2  Listen to th three announcements,
[02:07.14]and look at the departures boart below.
[02:11.08]Then decide which flight each announcement refers to,
[02:16.23]Write down where the passengers should go.
[02:20.28]Announcer:Would passengers on flight IB four, two,oh to Madrid
[02:27.04]please proceed through gate two for immediate boarding?
[02:31.28]Passengers for Madrid, gate number two.
[02:35.51]Announcer:British Airways regret to announce a delay on their flight BA two, six, five to Rotterdam.
[02:45.36]This is due to adverse weather conditions.
[02:49.87]The estimated time of take-off is now sixteen hundred hours.
[02:56.01]Would passengers please wait in the departure lounge?
[03:00.35]Thank you.
[03:02.39]Announcer:This is a call for passengers on Air New Zealand flight two, four, nine to Auckland.
[03:09.44]We regret to announce a further delay on this flight.
[03:13.96]Passengers can obtain a voucher for refreshments from the information desk.
[03:19.99]These will be accepted in the cafeteria.
[03:23.44]We apologize for this delay.
[03:26.37]Passengers on Air New Zealand flight two,four,nine
[03:31.38]can obtain refreshment vouchers at the information desk.
[03:35.61]Thank you.
[03:37.65]3 Indicate th position of each of the places to visit by putting th correct number in the box.
[03:47.50]Hotel receptionist:  Good morning.Can I help you?
[03:52.46]Visitor:Oh, good morning. Yes please.
[03:56.90]I\'d like to have some information about er nice placeser around here because I,
[04:03.67]I\'m going to spend er the morning in this city
[04:08.29]and I don\'t know exactly where I could go.
[04:11.53]Receptionist:Well you could go to the open-air market,
[04:15.27]it\'s not far from the hotel
[04:18.19]and they have de-delightful fresh fruits and vegetables,they have home-made jams and jellies,
[04:25.35]they also sell ceramics and hand-made jellies,
[04:29.09]and leather goods
[04:32.64]I think you\'d enjoy it.
[04:35.80]Visitor:Oh that\'s a good idea yes. Could you tell me where it is?
[04:40.95]Receptionist:Yes. If you leave the hotel and you make a left turn
[04:46.30]and you follow a winding road,
[04:49.23]you go over a bridge, erm, onto Plum Island.
[04:53.56]And it\'s right there.
[04:55.60]Visitor:Oh that sounds good, thank you.
[04:59.05]Receptionit:Yeah. There are also some tourist shops and cafes not far from the hotel
[05:04.59]erm if you are interested in buying souvenirs.
[05:07.93]Visitor:Oh no I\'m not so keen on that.
[05:11.98]Don\'t you have something special which I should see?
[05:15.32]Receptionist:Yes well,there\'s the cathedral.
[05:18.67]Erm, if you leave the hotel and make a right turn
[05:22.80]and go over the bridge you go up a hill: and there it is.
[05:27.13]You can climb to the top
[05:29.85]and you have a very beautiful view of the city.
[05:33.19]Visitor:Oh that sounds interesting.
[05:36.01]I\'d love to go there.
[05:38.05]Is it far from here or...? Receptionist:No, no it\'s not far at all.
[05:43.41]Also don\'t forget the aquarium.
[05:46.46]We have a very nice aquarium here.
[05:49.70]Visitor:What\'s that7
[05:51.84]Receptionist:Oh aquarium erin is like a zoo for fish.
[05:56.08]They have large tanks filled with fish that you can look at.
[06:00.12]Visitor:Mm well, no, not really I think.
[06:04.25]Receptionist:OK. And there\'s also a very nice restaurant.
[06:08.30]It\'s called the Overlook and it\'s not far from the hotel.
[06:12.53]If you make a right turn when you leave the hotel it\'s right near, erm,
[06:17.26]and it overlooks the falls.
[06:20.32]Visitor:Oh that\'s great. Thank you very much. That\'s very kind of you.
[06:24.55]Receptionist: You\'re welcome.
[06:26.69]I hope you enjoy your morning here.
[06:29.51]Visitor:Bye-bye then.  Receptionist:Bye.
[06:32.23]4  Listen and decide which of the three types of holiday
[06:40.46]in the pictures below each of these people wants,
[06:44.69]why and how they\'ll spend their time.
[06:48.32]Alistair:Well, I\'m off tomorrow I\'m leaving tomorrow, great, holiday, yes.
[06:56.55]Barbara:Oh, nice, where are you going?
[07:01.75]Mike:Tell us more.
[07:04.80]Alistair:Well I\'m leaving at eight tomorrow morning.
[07:09.14]Yes, driving to Gatwick, so that\'s about an hour,
[07:13.87]er so I\'m arriving at the airport 9 o\'clock and taking off 10 o\'clock.
[07:19.72]Er going an a cultural holiday.
[07:23.06]This is what I\'ve wanted to\'ilo for a long time.
[07:26.62]The usual sort of thing is lying on a beach but this is going to be a bit different.
[07:33.38]Barbara:Yes, you don\'t you don\'t like that, do you?
[07:37.22]Alistair:No, no, so I\'m hoping to do some museums, art galleries,
[07:44.14]taste abit of the food and the drink and the lifestyle of Italy,
[07:48.77]I\'ve always wanted to go there.
[07:51.48]There are, I\'ve got a whole list of, you know, museums and art galleries
[07:58.25]and in fact I\'m hiring a car in Milan so I can drive around a bit.
[08:02.69]I can leave Milan and go south if I get bored with that city,
[08:07.42]so I\'m really looking forward to it.
[08:10.66]Barbara:  Well that\'s not really my cup of tea at all for a holiday.
[08:14.50]No, I don\'t think I\'ll be doing that this year.
[08:18.05]Mike:What are your plans then Barbara?
[08:21.29]Barbara:  Well, I\'m not sure.I may go somewhere,
[08:24.74]well I don\'t know, I may go to Tenerife,
[08:28.19]I just want something,you know, where I can just relax,
[08:32.52]lie in the sun for two weeks and come back,you know,looking fantastic,
[08:37.25]but I\'m not sure where I\'m going to go.
[08:41.09]I might go to Tenerife,
[08:44.33]might go to Greece, you know,I haven\'t really made up my mind.
[08:48.95]Alistair:So you\'re not a culture vulture like myself?
[08:52.90]Barbara:Oh no,no,I mean I like watching programmes on the television,you know,
[08:57.86]but when it comes to walking round museums for your holiday,no,no,that\'s not me at all.
[09:04.63]I\'m far happier,you know, drinking up the old sunshine on the beach there.
[09:09.59]Mike:Yes.I agree about that,actually.
[09:12.83]Barbara:  Dropping into a bar at,you know, lunchtime,back on the beach.
[09:17.45]What about you,Mike?
[09:19.88]What\'re your plans?
[09:22.21]Mike:Well I\'m quite happy to stay in England.
[09:25.37]Barbara:Really? Oh what about the weather9.
[09:29.60]Mike:Weather\'s no problem.I\'ll take it as it comes, yes sure.
[09:36.76]No, I shall head off north to the Lake DistriCt as I usually do.
[09:41.77]I\'m going at the end of tenn.
[09:45.22]I\'ve got a week free. Yes.
[09:51.46]Small cottage,self-catering, like to do that,
[09:58.62]don\'t trust anyone else\'s food so I shall do that.
[10:04.06]Barbara:But what about if it\'s really raining, or...?
[10:07.61]Mike:Well, if it\'s raining really hard,
[10:11.06]if it\'s really chucking it down I\'ll go out in the car,
[10:15.39]perhaps, but I really don\'t mind,I really don\'t mind going out in bad weather.
[10:20.41]Barbara: But you go out rain or shine?
[10:23.23]Mike:I don\'t mind,yes,no,I\'ve got the equipment,I don\'t mind,
[10:29.16]in fact it\'s often more exciting if the weather\'s a bit wild.
[10:33.39]Alistair:Wind, rain, all that business.
[10:38.35]Mike:The elements you know.
[10:41.41]Barbara:Well, I wish you luck, it\'s not my scene at all.
[10:45.36]Alistair:Nor mine I\'m afraid, no.
[10:48.28]5.Listen to the five travel announcements
[10:54.42]and match them with th corresponding pictures below.
[10:58.36]Announcer: The eleven twenty to Exeter will be leaving from platform nine;
[11:05.13]platform nine.
[11:07.66]Announcer: Mind the doors, please. Mind the doors.
[11:12.68]Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen. Could I have your attention, please?
[11:18.32]In five minutes time we shall be stopping at the Canterbury restaurant for lunch.
[11:24.17]Please make sure you are back at the coach by one thirty.
[11:28.61]Thank you.
[11:31.04]Announcer: Will passengers on flight Swissair SR eight, one,two to Geneva
[11:40.06]please proceed to gate number five for immediate boarding?
[11:45.80]Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen. Ina few moments we shall be landing at Gatwick.
[11:52.12]You are asked to remain seated with safety belts fastened
[11:56.17]and with seats in an upright position until the aircraft has come to a complete halt.
[12:02.02]Please refrain from smoking until you are inside the air terminal.Thank you.
[12:08.84]6.They are talking about the places they have been to and what they did there.
[12:17.38]Listen and write as much information as you can.
[12:22.40]Robin:Listening.to your talking about holidays makes me feel really envious, Carolyn.
[12:29.84]You seem to have been everywhere.
[12:33.01]Carolyn:Yes,I have visited several countries,Germany,France,Spain,Italy,the Low Countries,
[12:40.56]and recently I\'ve been to West Mrica.
[12:43.90]Robin:Oh, and where...what did you do there?
[12:47.95]Carolyn:Well,I visited Senegal, Gambia, Morocco--a marvellous time.
[12:53.59]Mary:And did... did you eat the local food while you were there.
[13:00.23]Carolyn:Well, mostly fruit, mangoes, and they were delicious.
[13:05.37]Robin:What are mangoes like?
[13:08.53]Carolyn:Very much like an orange.
[13:11.25]Bart:I\'ve eaten mangoes, yeah, they\'re delicious, they really are good.
[13:16.79]Yeah, I ate them in the West Indies when I was there a few years ago.
[13:21.80]Carolyn:Oh, you have eaten...?
[13:24.23]Mary:No, I...well not to West Mrica, but I have been to Egypt,
[13:30.27]which was very exciting
[13:32.70]and while we were there we saw the Pyramids,which were absolutely breath-taking,
[13:38.23]they really were wonderful.
[13:41.05]Robin:And how did you travel.
[13:43.59]Mary:Well, we travelled mostly by road,
[13:46.83]but in fact we did have, on one occasion,a camel ride which I was rather,
[13:52.08]frightened by, to tell the troth and --er--I found it much too bumpy and unsafe.
[13:58.22]Robin:Ever been on a camel, Bart?
[14:01.46]Bart:No, I\'ve never been on a camel. I\'ve ... I\'ve only been on horses, which are very tame.
[14:08.67]Carolyn:I\'ve been on a camel.It\'s a very unexciting ride,I think.
[14:13.52]Bart:What about you, Robin?
[14:15.85]Robin:No, I\'ve never been anywhere very exotic.
[14:20.81]I went to Germany on one occasion and visited the wine festival.
[14:26.17]Bart:That sounds great and I hear the food is really good there as well.
[14:31.81]Robin:Yes, very good indeed, yes.Have you ever tried--er--sauerkraut, for example?
[14:39.36]Mary:No, I haven\'t, but did you eat it while you were there.
[14:43.20]Robin:Sauerkraut with sausage. Yes,it\'s very, very good.
[14:48.16]Bart:Sounds fantastic, yeah,
[14:51.40]Robin:Yes, and with the German wine it\'s excellent. 英语听力材料 mp3 八下英语听力mp3下载 英语听力音频 英语听力mp3在线听短文 初三英语听力训练mp3 初一英语听力训练mp3 英语听力在线听 英语听力


