教你如何提高英语听力2 Lesson10(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:43 72
[00:00.00]Unit ten
[00:03.29]Number One
[00:05.93]Listen to each conversation.
[00:09.38]Put a tick next to the main topic of the conversation.
[00:14.00]1. A: So, you\'re married, uh?
[00:18.44]B: Yeah. We got married about six months ago.
[00:21.68]A: Really  B: Yeah.
[00:23.93]A: That\'s kind of neat.B: Yeah, we moved to Chicago,
[00:27.98]which is where my folks live, and got married there.
[00:31.82]How about you? Ave you manrried?
[00:34.98]A: Yeah, I\'m married. We\'ve been marcled about ten years now,
[00:39.21]B: Oh, really?
[00:41.22]A: Or eleven? I can\'t remember. Don\'t tell my wife that. Er, that\'s really nice.
[00:48.85]A: What kind of sports do you like, Anne?
[00:55.48]B: Um, I\'m not much of a sports potson,
[00:59.04]but I kind of like sports where you don\'t need a lot of equipment.
[01:03.43]A: Aha.
[01:05.75]B: You know, like, say, swimming, or jogging, er ... things like that?
[01:10.48]A:   Sports you can do alone?
[01:13.20]Ah, not necessarily. I like to do sports with other people, but ...
[01:18.26]I get bored if I play sports alone.
[01:22.36]I like frisbee, you know,
[01:25.60]there\'s just another person and you\'re out there.
[01:30.04]It\'s really, it\'s like communication.
[01:33.88]It\'s a really interesting sport.
[01:37.04]B: Mmm. I can understand that.
[01:39.97]I also like to play with maybe one other person,
[01:43.92]but I don\'t really care for team sports like baseball, volleyball, basketball.
[01:50.68]A: I don\'t like team sports either, though I like basketball a lot.
[01:55.67]B: Oh, Why?
[01:57.92]A: Er. I don\'t know, It\'s just a sport I\'ve always played.
[02:02.78]A: Alice, what do you do?
[02:07.79]B: Well, I\'m an editor. I do an awful lot of editing of manuscripts, er,
[02:13.83]conecting of grammatical errors, correspondence, that sort of thing.
[02:19.26]What about you?
[02:21.30]A: Oh, I work for a travel agency.
[02:24.64]B: Oh, yes?
[02:26.78]A: I work with, let\'s see now, er ... five or six ... five people.
[02:33.03]Our office isn\'t very big,
[02:36.37]but what\'s really great about it, is that there are a lot of people coming in,
[02:41.91]and it\'s a lot of fun.
[02:44.55]B: Sounds like fun. Do you travel much in your work?
[02:48.86]A: Yes, but not asmuch as I\'d like to.
[02:52.25]B: Aha.
[02:54.26]A: And the discounts aren\'t that great.
[02:57.82]B: Oh, I was just going to ask about the discounts.
[03:01.16]A: Yeah.
[03:04.32]A: So, what are we going to do this summer?
[03:08.00]B: Um, I\'m not sure. What do you think?
[03:12.34]A: Well, I\'ve been thinking about it, but I don\'t know.
[03:16.68]Part of me wants to go. to the beach,
[03:20.31]and part  me just couldn\'t stand the crowds at the beach.
[03:24.15]B: Yeah, but it won\'t be that bad, I mean, once you\'re there it\'s OK.
[03:29.68]A: Yeah, I know, but we have no reservations, you know, same as last year,
[03:35.54]what it\'s like when you get to the beach and every hotel and motel is full.
[03:41.36]I was thinking, let\'s do something different.
[03:45.49]B: Well, I think it\'s worth it just to lie there and relax for a while.
[03:50.64]A: Yeah,  know, but ...
[03:53.56]B: OK. what do you want to do?
[03:56.62]A: I really don\'t know what I want to do,
[04:00.95]but I don\'t think I want to go to the beach.
[04:04.51]I was thinking of going up to that  guy\'s  ....
[04:07.85]the guy you know with a house in the mountains,
[04:11.69]and if he wouldn\'t mind as visiting, just relaxing and it\'ll be cool,
[04:17.44]we could walk around and go fishing ...
[04:21.17]OK. I\'ll give him a call and see if anybody\'s going to be up there.
[04:26.32]You\'re coming by car, right?
[04:30.45]B: Yes.A: Ah, it\'s easy. Er, just take 17th Street to Miller, and turn left.
[04:38.28]B: 17th Street to Miller?
[04:41.34]A: Right. Turn left and go up to the bridge. Ah!
[04:46.04]But before you get to the bridge, erm,
[04:49.78]there\'s a small street called Farmer, turn right there.
[04:55.03]B: So first left, and then right?
[04:58.48]A: Right! Before you get to the bridge, turn right.
[05:02.52]6. A: Now the number of taxi medallions I notice,
[05:08.27]is about thirty-five thousand,
[05:11.51]I used to be a taxi driver, that\'s why I ...
[05:15.14]B: Er, what\'s a medallion?
[05:17.96]A: The medallion is the little thing on the hood of the taxi, you know,
[05:22.69]that licenses the car as a taxi.
[05:26.03]The number of medallions is fixed,
[05:29.59]so that limits the total  number of taxis that can be ...
[05:33.74]When somebody gives up his taxi business,
[05:37.42]he sells his medallion for  a tremendous amount of money,
[05:41.47]like eighty to a hundred thousand dollars.
[05:44.53]B: Really?
[05:46.78]A: Yeah, because without one of those, you can\'t operate a taxi.
[05:51.01]7.  A: Hey, did you go?
[05:55.87]B: Yeah. It was so nice!
[05:58.58]A: Oh, you\'re so lucky!
[06:01.51]I wanted to go, but I couldn\'t get any tickets. How was the concert?
[06:06.52]B: Oh, it was fantastic! We had seats, kind of, over to the side,
[06:11.88]but they were up on the second balcony and you could see everything  and hear everything.
[06:17.23]Then later we got to go down on the floor when they weren\'t checking tickets.
[06:22.59]A: Ah, how lucky! I really wanted to go.
[06:26.64]8.A: Well, I don\'t really have many close friends
[06:31.65]and I just have one or two friends that I see a lot.
[06:35.49]I don\'t really care to deal with people that much. How about, you?
[06:40.51]B: Um, oh yeah. I do too a bit. Well, it depends if you include all the people,
[06:47.85]like the people that I come into contact with at work.
[06:51.87]A: Ah, in your job you meet a lotof people, right?
[06:55.97]B: Yeah, that\'s true, but I don\'t really consider them my friends.
[07:00.70]They\'re just acqaintances, I guess.
[07:03.76]A: I guess yeah, but when I see people like that, I don\'t even remember their names.
[07:09.69]B: Well, I have to remember them because of my job,
[07:13.82]but ... If you consider close friends,
[07:17.26]I guess I only have about maybe two or three that I see all the time.
[07:22.91]Number Two
[07:26.75]Listen to the conversations and  write down the topics being discussed,
[07:32.39]and the figures,date or amount that you hear.
[07:36.54]1  A: Helen. You look great! You\'re much slimmer than the last time I saw you,
[07:42.60]B: Well yes, Actually I\'ve been on a diet and I\'ve been doing a keep-fit class too.
[07:47.85]A: Good for you! How much weight have you lost?
[07:52.29]B: Have a guess.A: I\'ve no idea.B: 13 pounds.
[07:57.44]A: 13! That\'s amazing. Well done.
[08:01.78]A: Um, yes. It\'s in pretty good condition really.
[08:07.13]I only use it to go to work and back.
[08:10.29]B: Yes, but the body\'s rather rusty,
[08:13.64]Look at these bits here. It needs a lot of work.
[08:17.48]A: Hmm. But it\'s got a new battery and um, three new tyres.
[08:22.83]Oh, and it\'s just had a service.
[08:25.76]The engine\'s almost perfect.
[08:29.10]B: Al1 right  I\'ll give you £ 650.
[08:33.23]A: Oh no. It\'s worth a lot more.
[08:36.96]B: 650 in cash. Take it or leave it.
[08:41.30]A: Urn, I\'m sorry. I\'d rather wait for a better offer.
[08:45.35]B: OK. It\'s up to you.
[08:48.46]A: Look. There\'s a machine over here.
[08:53.47]B: Oh good. I\'ll get some money out and we can have a drink. Er ...
[08:59.01]A: What\'s up?
[09:01.05]B: I can never remember my cash-card number.
[09:04.99]A: Oh no.
[09:07.03]B: Oh yes, Hang on. Let me think.
[09:11.08]I should have written it down. I think it\'s 8976.
[09:16.80]A: Fingers crossed!
[09:19.05]B: OK. 8.. 9.. 7.. 6. Great ! It worked.
[09:25.86]A : Lucky for us.
[09:28.19]A: OK: Tony.I\'11 see you next month to talk about the new contract.
[09:34.51]B: Ah Stuart! Before you go let me give you our new fax number.
[09:39.03]A: Oh good. That\'ll be useful. Just let me find a pen ... Right. Fire away.
[09:46.24]B: The, er, code is 440865 for Britain and Oxford.
[09:53.79]A: 44..0..8..6..5.
[09:59.43]B: And the fax number of the office is 593381. That\'s it.
[10:06.25]5  A: Ah, Julia. Your cheque\'s ready.
[10:10.95]B: Oh, Great. I\'m broke as usual.
[10:13.88]A: We\'ll deposit it for you if you like,
[10:17.51]B: OK.A: What\'s your bank account number?
[10:20.85]B: 60911718.
[10:25.82]A: 6091 ... 1718.
[10:31.25]B: That\'s right.
[10:33.50]A: Good morning. I\'ve come to pick up some foreign currency for a holiday.
[10:39.03]B: What currency did you order?
[10:41.85]A: Mexican pesos. My name\'s Paul Allen.
[10:46.48]B: Ah yes. Mr Allen. Here we are 410000 pesos.
[10:52.33]A: Cor! What\'s the exchange rate?
[10:56.27]B:4100 to the pound.
[10:59.62]A:Right.Thank you very much.
[11:02.78]7.A:More coffee?
[11:05.70]B:Please darling,Well,Dace and Jane are in South America now.
[11:11.63]A:Lucky things.I bet it\'s hot.
[11:14.56]B:Let\'s look in the paper.
[11:17.28]A:Here we are.Buenos Aires,83 degrees Fahrenheit!
[11:22.81]8.A:Ok,It\'s my turn.Three.One...two...three...
[11:30.83]B:History,Here we are.Ready
[11:34.39]A:More or less.
[11:37.21]B:Right.When was the Battle or Waterloo?1805,1815or 1825?
[11:51.76]B:Correct.Well done!
[11:54.68]Number Three
[11:58.32]Listen and write down what they are talking about.
[12:03.04]Then circle the statement that summarizes what the speaker says.
[12:08.53]1.Since I got my promotion to the head of the sales section,
[12:12.45]I\'ve been making a lot more money.
[12:15.69]In fact,my salary this year is almost double what I made last year.
[12:20.60]]2.A lot of people are moving out of the city,it seems,
[12:25.74]because the residents\'figures are going down,
[12:29.48]but the number of businesses opening up increasing.
[12:34.00]So there are more jobs in the city now,
[12:37.34]3.The number of traffic accidents at this corner
[12:41.47]has really decreased since they put that new traffic signal over there
[12:46.20]and repainted the crosswalk markings.
[12:49.36]So far there hasn\'t been a single accident,
[12:53.30]and the kids are a lot safer walking to school.
[12:56.83]Number Four
[12:59.99]Listen and write down the topic being discussed in each of the extracts.
[13:06.91]1.A:This is very nice,What a lovely lawn!
[13:11.54]B:Yes.We\'re very lucky.
[13:14.36]We\'re got some good-sized flower beds
[13:17.81]but it\'s a lot of work to keep them free of weeds.
[13:21.54]A:I can imagine.Oh,you\'ve got a nice shed too.
[13:25.75]That must be useful.
[13:28.18]B:Oh,yes.Over here there\'s a vegetable patch.
[13:32.12]I\'ve got potatoes,cabbages and onions.
[13:36.07]At the back next to the fence there are blackcurrants and rhubarb.
[13:41.21]Here we\'ve got some raspberry hushes.
[13:44.74]2.A:Damn.It\'s done it again!
[13:49.05]B:What happened?
[13:51.09]A:Oh,I put my 40p in and pressed the button for hot chocolate.B:And?
[13:56.73]A:Look!A cup of cold water.This thing is always going wrong.
[14:01.98]3.A:Ah!This is new.
[14:06.32]B:That\'s right.Just bought it actually.
[14:09.55]A:How good are these things?
[14:11.98]B:I think they\'re great.
[14:14.52]You can put some food in and it\'s cooked in no time at all.
[14:19.04]A:It seems to be easy to use.
[14:22.20]B:Yes. There\'s a timer and you use very little electricity so it\'s cheap too.
[14:29.02]4A:Hmm. It looks really complicated to me.
[14:33.80]B:Well it isn\'t. Anyone can use it. Believe me!
[14:37.74]A: What do I do then?
[14:40.17]B: First you switch it on here, OK. ?
[14:44.11]Then you load the disc here,
[14:47.67]press, the space bar and the programme is ready to use for word-processing,
[14:53.52]or you can load the games disc and just play games on it.A: Great.
[14:59.63]5.A: How do I look? B: Not bad. Do they fit all right?
[15:04.49]A: Er, they\'re a bit tight round here.
[15:08.43]B: I really like the colour. Suits you.
[15:11.88]A: Hmm. The trouble is they\'ll shrink when they\'re washed and then I\'ll never get into them.
[15:17.53]B: Pity, as they\'re reduced in the sale.
[15:20.87]A: Oh never mind. Let\'s try somewhere else.
[15:24.81]6.A: I\'ve got one of these.
[15:28.16]B: They\'re good, aren\'t they? Really compact.
[15:32.18]A: And very powerful -- 24 watts per speaker.
[15:36.31]B: Yes. I like having the double cassette-player
[15:41.04]A: You know what the best thing was?
[15:43.46]B: No.
[15:45.50]A: Interest-free credit !
[15:48.14]7.A: What do you think of this one?
[15:51.88]B: It\'s really not my cup of tea. Too modem and abstract.
[15:57.13]A: But look at the colours and forms. Very imaginative.
[16:02.27]B: Hmm, maybe. I prefer landscape or portraits myself.
[16:07.81]A: Oh, you\'re so traditional!
[16:11.05]8.A: I didn\'t think much of that.
[16:14.79]B: No. It wasn\'t too hot. Pity, because they\'re a good group.
[16:19.64]A: I couldn\'t hear the lead singer at all.
[16:22.70]B: Me neither. The guitars and\' drums were too loud.
[16:26.83]A: Still, it got better near the end.
[16:29.75]B: I reckon they sound much better on their records.
[16:33.88]9.A: How did you get on?
[16:36.94]B: Don\'t ask !
[16:39.26]A: You lost. Well, he\'s a good player.
[16:42.81]B: You\'re telling me. His service is incredible.
[16:46.65]A: So is his backhand. What was the score?
[16:53.16]A:Oh dear.Come on.I\'ll buy you a drink.
[16:57.21]10.A:John.Welcome back!Cor,what a tan!
[17:02.96]B:I was really lucky with the weather.
[17:06.01]A:Good hotel?
[17:08.05]B:Not too bad,The food was average,but we were right on the beach.
[17:13.20]A:Hmm,We should have gone abroad too instead of camping in Wales.
[17:17.71]B:Do you want to see some photos? A:Oh,yes! 英语听力材料 mp3 八下英语听力mp3下载 英语听力音频 英语听力mp3在线听短文 初三英语听力训练mp3 初一英语听力训练mp3 英语听力在线听 英语听力


