英语初级听力 Lesson25(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:40 65
[00:00.00]Lesson Twenty-Five
[00:02.43]Section One:
[00:04.86]A. Numbers:
[00:08.23]1. At the third stroke, the time sponsored by Accurist will be twelve one and fifty seconds.
[00:19.59]2. The code for Didcot has been changed. Please dial 05938 and then the number.
[00:30.82]3. In the train crash in India, three hundred and twenty-five peopie are feared dead.
[00:36.10]4. The 3.45 at Ascot was won by Golden Dove, ridden by Willie Carson.
[00:43.39]5. Well, urn, for a trip like that, we are speaking in the region of,er, two thousand eight hundred pounds a head.
[00:55.33]6. Er, Celtic three, Manchester City nil; Queen\'s Park Rangers two, Motherwell United one.
[01:03.22]7. In New York, the Dow Jones Index fell by point four to a Iow of two oh six four point eight.
[01:08.83]While in London, the FT Index rose eight points to one seven nine four point three.
[01:14.32]8. That\'ll be sixty-eight p, please.
[01:22.00]9. The, er, latest figures show an increased profit of seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six pounds.
[01:29.81]10. And how can we continue like this with unemployement running at three million, two hundred and fifty thousand. It really is unaccept...
[01:38.30]11. Yes, we can give you a special rate of, er, five point six eight per cent.
[01:52.07]12. We\'ll have to adjust all our figures by an eighth.
[01:56.48]13. Well, that\'s your choice. Eleven pounds forty-five for this one fourteen pounds, or fifteen pounds ninety-nine.
[02:08.18]14. So, it\'s two thousand three hundred and ninety--eight plus two thousand four hundred and eighty-nine plus two thousand four hundred and sixty three.
[02:20.49]I\'Il just total that up for you.
[02:23.80]B. Dialogues:
[02:27.04]Dialogue 1:
[02:31.09]Woman: So, you\'ll take the cream at three pounds five,
[02:35.72]the pills are four pounds thirty and then, urn, this if fifty-five p. That\'s seven pounds ninety-five.
[02:48.10]Man: Sorry. I think perhaps it\'s seven pounds ninety.
[02:56.07]Dialogue 2:
[03:01.66]Woman: Is ten pounds all right?
[03:03.80]Man: Yeah, that\'s fine. It comes to six pounds thirty-five. Your change.
[03:08.34]Woman: Thanks.
[03:09.18]Man: Can I help you, sir?
[03:10.01]Woman: Oh, just a minute, I think you\'ve given ...
[03:11.97]Man: Oh, I am sorry. Of course. Here you are.
[03:17.20]Section Two:
[03:23.73]Well,we met at a party in London.
[03:26.34]You see,I\'d just moved to London because of my job and I didn\'t really know anybody,
[03:30.36]and one of the people at work had invited me to this party and so there I was.
[03:34.96]But it was one of those boring parties, you know everybody was just sitting in small groups talking to people they knew already,
[03:39.92]and I was feeling really bored with the whole thing.
[03:42.17]And then I noticed this rather attractive girl sitting at the edge of one of the groups,
[03:47.06]and she was looking bored too, just about as bored as I was.
[03:49.80]And so we started, um, we started looking at each other,and then I went across and we started talking.
[03:55.49]And as it turned out she\'d only just arrived in London herself so we had quite a bit in common--and well that\'s how it all started really.
[04:04.11]B. Married Life:
[04:09.65]Wharfs the matter with you, then? You look miserable.It\'s us.
[04:14.48]--What do you mean "us"?
[04:16.05]Well, we used to talk to each other before we were married.Remember?
[04:20.75]Whatdo you mean? We\'re talking now, aren\'t we?
[04:23.42]---Oh, yes, but we used to do so much together.
[04:26.81]We still go to the cinema together, don\'t we?
[04:28.96]--Yes, but we used to go out for walks together. Remember?
[04:33.29]--Oh, I can remember. It\'s getting wet in the rain.
[04:35.67]--And we used to do silly things, like running bare foot through the park.
[04:40.08]Yes. I remember. I used to catch terrible colds. Honestly, you are being totally ridiculous.
[04:45.41]But we never used to argue. You used to think I was wonderful.
[04:49.36]Once... (sound of the door opening) Where are you going?
[04:52.28]Back to live with my parents. That\'s something else we used to do before we were married. Remember?
[04:59.89]C. Superstitions:
[05:05.32]Not long ago I was invited out to dinner by a girl called Sally.
[05:09.39]I had only met Sally twice, and she was very, very beautiful.
[05:14.23]I was flattered. "She likes me," I thought. But I was in for a disappointment.
[05:21.10]"I\'m so sorry we asked you at such short notice," she said when I arrived, "
[05:26.64]but we suddenly realised there were going to be thirteen people at the table, so we just had to find somebody else."
[05:33.48]A superstition. Thirteen. The unlucky number. Recently I came upon a little group of worried people,
[05:42.78]gathered round a man lying on the pavement beside a busy London road.
[05:46.83]They were waiting for an ambulance, because the man had been knocked down by a passing taxi.
[05:52.50]Apparently he had stepped off the pavement and into the street, to avoid walking under a ladder.
[05:59.00]They say this superstition goes back to the days when the gallows were built on a platform.
[06:05.14]To get up on to the platform you had to climb a ladder.
[06:08.93]To pass under the shadow of that ladder was very unlucky ...
[06:13.32]Other superstitions are not so easily explained. To see a black cat in England is lucky.
[06:21.02]But if you see a black cat in India, it is considered very unlucky.
[06:21.09]There too, if you are about to set out on a long journey, and someone sneezes, you shouldn\'t go.
[06:28.25]Break a mirror--you will have seven years\' bad luck.
[06:33.55]Find a four-leafed clover, you will have good luck. Just crazy superstitions, of course.
[06:40.63]I have an African friend.
[06:43.59]One day he said to me: "If ever an African says to you that he is not superstitious, that man is a liar."
[06:52.10]Perhaps that is true of all of us.
[06:57.06]D. Ghost:
[07:03.07]This is Lethbridge\'s description of a ghost near Hole House.
[07:10.86]One of the first incidents happened near to our home in Devon.
[07:14.59]One Sunday morning my wife and I were standing on the hill and looking at Hole Mill, which belongs to Mrs.N.
[07:23.13]I sat down and admired the view. After a time I heard a motorbicycle start up and I saw the paperman riding off and,
[07:31.65]as I watched, I saw Mrs.N come out from behind the Mill.
[07:36.56]She was dressed in a blue sweater and had on dark blue tartan trousers and a scarf over her head.
[07:44.35]She looked up, saw me and waved.
[07:47.79]I waved back. At this moment a second figure appeared behind Mrs.N and perhaps a meter from her.
[07:56.83]She stood looking up at me. Mrs. N went back behind the Mill and the other woman followed.
[08:04.43]I did not know her. She looked about sixty-five to seventy years old, was taller than Mrs. N and rather thin.
[08:14.00]Her face appeared to be tanned and she had a pointer chin.
[08:18.80]She was dressed in a dark tweed coat and skirt and had  i something which looked like a light grey cardigan beneath her coat.
[08:28.91]Her skirt was long. She had a flat-crowned and wide-brim-med round hat on her head.
[08:37.66]The hat was black and had white flow- I ers around it.
[08:41.50]She was, in fact, dressed as my aunts used to dress before the First World War.
[08:46.75]She didn\'t look like the sort of person who was likely to be staying at Hole Mill today.
[08:52.55]Later we were leaning over a gate, admiring some calves, when we saw Mrs. N alone.
[09:00.57]\'Oh,\' said my wife, disappointed. \'We were expecting to see two of you.\' \'
[09:05.38]How is that?\' asked Mrs. N. \'I have only seen you and the paperman all morning.\'
[09:15.36]E. A Strange Story:
[09:19.30]A journalist has a strange story to tell.
[09:23.87]I\'ve never been a superstitious person ... never believed in ghosts or things like that.
[09:30.98]But, two years ago, something happened which changed my attitude.
[09:34.09]I still can\'t explain it ... somehow I don\'t think I ever will be able to.
[09:37.85]I was living in Frankfurt ... in Germany ... where I was a financial journalist.
[09:42.63]A very good friend ... one of my closest friends... we\'d been at university together ... was coming over from England by car to see me.
[09:51.75]He was supposed to get there around six in the evening... Saturday evening.
[09:55.48]I was at home in my flat all that afternoon. At about three in the afternoon, the phone rang.
[10:02.04]But ... but when I answered it, there was nobody there ... on the other end, I mean. Nobody.
[10:08.59]The phone rang again just a few minutes later. Again, nobody was there ... I couldn\'t understand it.
[10:15.62]Just a few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I was in the kitchen, making some coffee.
[10:23.48]I remember I was just pouring the boiling water through the filter when I heard the knock.
[10:26.59]I opened the door and there was my friend ... Roger, that was his name.
[10:30.33]Roger. He looked a bit ...strange ... pale ... and I said something like "Roger, how did you get here so early?"
[10:42.63]He didn\'t answer ... he just smiled slightly ... he was a bit like that.
[10:48.01]He didn\'t say very much ... I mean, even when I\'d known him before, he often came into my flat without saying very much.
[10:53.50]And ... well ... anyway, I said "Come in" and went back to the kitchen to finish pouring the coffee.
[10:57.81]I spoke to him from the kitchen,
[11:01.52]but he didn\'t answer ... didn\'t say a word ... and I thought that was a bit ... strange ... even for Roger.
[11:06.98]So I looked round the door, into the next room, where I thought he was sitting... and ... and he wasn\'t there.
[11:16.30]The door was still open.
[11:19.33]I thought for a moment that he\'d gone down to the car to get his luggage ...
[11:25.81]and then I began to wonder where his girlfriend was. She was coming with him, you see, from England.
[11:30.96]Well, then the phone rang again. This time there was somebody there.
[11:38.09]It was Roger\'s girlfriend, and she sounded ...hysterical ... At first I couldn\'t understand her.
[11:46.45]She was still in Belgium, several hundred kilometers away ...
[11:51.20]and she told me that she was in a hospital ... she and Roger had been involved in a car crash,
[11:58.26]and ... and  Roger had just died ... on the operating table ... just a few minutes before.
[12:15.31]Section Three:
[12:17.74]2. Dictation.
[12:22.42]It was early afternoon, and the beach was almost empty. It was getting hot now.
[12:35.82]Most of the tourists were still finishing their lunch back at the hotel,
[12:45.36]or taking their afternoon siesta in the airlconditioned comfort of their rooms.
[12:56.56]One or two Englishmen were still lying stretched out on the sand, determined to go home with a good suntan,
[13:14.17]and a few local children were splashing around in the clear shallow water.
[13:24.77]There was a large yacht moving slowly across the bay.
[13:34.65]The girl was on board. She was standing at the back of the boat, getting ready to dive. lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


