英语初级听力 Lesson13(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:38 96
[00:00.00]Lesson Thirteen
[00:06.16]Section One:
[00:07.55]A. Dialogues:
[00:09.61]Dialogue 1:
[00:16.74]--Can I help you, sir?
[00:19.15]--We want a meal.
[00:20.56]--What sort of meal? A hot one or a cold one?
[00:24.08]--A salad, I think.
[00:25.91]--Which one, sir? A ham or a beef salad?
[00:29.05]--What\'s this sort of salad in English?
[00:31.66]--Which one are you looking at, sir?
[00:33.41]--That one over there, next to the bread rolls.
[00:36.36]--That\'s a beef salad, sir.
[00:38.14]--Thank you. Is there any rye bread?
[00:41.12]--No, I\'m sorry. There are plenty of rolls.
[00:46.71]Dialogue 2:
[00:50.47]--Excuse me, sir, where do you come from?
[00:54.31]--We come from Copenhagan.
[00:56.35]--You speak English very well.
[00:58.12]--Thank you.
[00:59.25]--What are you doing at the moment?
[01:01.07]--We\'re visiting London.
[01:02.62]--What do you both do?
[01:04.37]--We are teachers.
[01:05.85]Dialogue 3:
[01:11.26]--Do you like your salad?
[01:14.87]--Yes. It\'s nice and fresh. Is yours good, too?
[01:18.99]--No. Mine is rather tasteless.
[01:21.29]--You need some salt and some olive oil.
[01:27.30]Dialogue 4:
[01:30.17]--Allow me to fetch you a chair.
[01:32.24]--Thank you, but I\'ve just asked the waiter to get me one.
[01:34.82]--Let me get you a drink, then.
[01:36.71]--Thank you again, but look, John\'s bringing me one now.
[01:39.97]--I don\'t seem to be very useful, do I?
[01:42.37]--Don\'t say that. There\'s always another time, you know.
[01:48.20]B. Restaurant English:
[01:52.82]Dialogue 1:
[01:55.93]Man: Three gin and tonics please.
[01:58.96]Waitress: I\'m sorry, sir, but we\'re not allowed to serve drinks before twelve o\'clock midday.
[02:02.54]Would you like me to bring you something else? Some coffee?
[02:08.26]Dialogue 2:
[02:10.53]Man: Waiter, this table-cloth is a disgrace. It\'s covered with soup stains.
[02:15.99]Waiter: Oh, I\'m so sorry, sir. It should have been changed before.
[02:19.49]If you\'ll just wait one moment ...
[02:24.46]Dialogue 3:
[02:26.42]Man: Waiter. I can\'t quite understand how you manage to get ten marks plus twelve marks plus sixty-five marks fifty pennies to
[02:34.38]add up to one hundred and seventy-seven marks fifty pennies.
[02:37.18]Waiter: One moment, I\'ll just check it, sir. You\'re quite right, sir.
[02:42.22]I can\'t understand how such a mistake could have been made. I do apologize, sir.
[02:49.35]Section Two:
[02:51.49]A. Discussing Past Events:
[02:57.16]Interviewer: Now let\'s go back to your first novel, Rag Doll. When did you write that?
[03:02.26]Writer: Rag Doll, yes. I wrote that in 1960, a year after I left school.
[03:06.96]Interviewer: How old were you then?
[03:08.81]Writer: Urn, eighteen? Yes,eighteen, because a year later I went to Indonesia.
[03:12.13]Interviewer: Mm. And of course it was your experience in Indonesia that inspired your film Eastern Moon.
[03:17.64]Writer: Yes, that\'s right, although I didn\'t actually make Eastern Moon until 1978.
[03:21.69]Interviewer: And you worked in television for a time too.
[03:23.76]Writer: Yes, I started making documentaries for television in 1973,when I was thirty.
[03:28.01]That was after I gave up farming.
[03:29.55]Interviewer: Farming?
[03:30.63]Writer: Yes, that\'s right. You see, I stayed in Indonesia for eight years. I met my wife there in 1965,
[03:36.53]and after we came back we bought a farm in the West of England, in 1970. A kind of experiment, really.
[03:41.60]Interviewer: But you gave it up three years later.
[03:42.69]Writer: Well, yes. You see it was very hard work, and I was also very busy working on my second novel, The Cold Earth, which came out in 1975.
[03:41.69]Interviewer: Yes, that was a best--seller, wasn\'t it?
[03:43.71]Writer: Yes, it was, and that\'s why only two years after that I was able to give up television work and concentrate on films and that sort of thing. And after that ...
[03:55.46]B. Telephone Conversation:
[04:06.95]Shop Assistant: Harling\'s Hardware.
[04:09.10]Customer: Hello. I\'d like to buy a new fridge. I can\'t afford a very expensive one, and it mustn\'t be more than 140 em high.
[04:17.80]Shop Assistant: Right. I think I have one here. Wait a moment.
[04:25.63]Yes, here we are. It\'s 50 cm wide and 130 cm high.
[04:32.29]Customer: Oh. And how much is it?
[04:34.59]Shop Assistant: It\'s one hundred and twenty-nine pounds, very cheap.
[04:39.19]Customer: I\'ll come over and have a look at it.
[04:45.30]C. Conversation at Perfect Partners Ltd, a Dating Agency:
[04:55.91]A: Good morning. Can I help you?
[04:58.10]B: Yes. I\'d like to find my perfect partner.
[05:00.06]A: I see. Well, if you could just answer a few questions?
[05:03.72]B: Certainly.
[05:04.84]A: First of all, what age would you like your partner to be?
[05:08.03]B: About twenty. Not more than twenty-five, anyway.
[05:11.95]A: Okay. And what sort of build?
[05:14.30]B: What do you mean?
[05:15.94]A: Well, would you like someone who is very slim or would you prefer someone rather more plump?
[05:22.00]B: Ah, I see what you mean. I don\'t think I mind, actually.
[05:25.58]A: And what about height?
[05:27.54]B: Oh, not too tall.
[05:28.64]A: So, medium-height?
[05:30.70]B: Yes, and long hair.
[05:32.71]A: Any particular color?
[05:34.18]B: No. As long as it\'s long, it doesn\'t matter what color.
[05:36.61]A: Good. Now, is there anything else at all?
[05:39.98]B: Well, obviously I\'d like someone good-looking.
[05:43.87]A: Well, we\'ll see what we can do. Would you like to fill in this form in the next room and I\'ll call you soon.
[05:50.63]C: Hello. Is this the Perfect Partners office?
[05:54.37]A: That\'s right.
[05:55.13]C: I\'m interested in meeting someone new.
[05:56.83]A: Well, you\'ve certainly come to the right place.
[05:58.55]What sort of person are you looking for?
[06:01.14]C: Oh, someone tall, dark and handsome.
[06:04.11]A: I see. And what sort of age?
[06:06.12]C: Oh, mid-twenties, I suppose.
[06:08.01]A: Well, I might have just the person for you. Could I just ask how old you are?
[06:13.44]C: Twenty-four.
[06:14.59]A: Good. Could you just wait here a minute?(C puzzled)(A goes and fetches B)
[06:19.81]A: This doesntt usually happen, but I think I\'ve found just the person for you.
[06:23.50]B: Oh, no!
[06:25.72]C: Not you!
[06:26.79]B: What are you doing here?
[06:28.07]C: I think I should be asking you that.
[06:29.90]B: Well, I just wanted to... (interrupted by A)
[06:32.90]A: Excuse me, but what\'s going on?
[06:35.20]C: That\'s my husband.
[06:36.24]B: And that\'s my wife.
[06:37.26]A: But you\'re just fight for each other, from what you told me.(Pause)
[06:40.76]B: Yes... I see what you mean.
[06:43.38]C: I suppose it\'s true. You are what I\'m looking for.
[06:46.85]B: Oh, darling. Why did we ever leave each other?
[06:50.38]C: I don\'t know, but it\'s not too late, is it?
[06:53.62]B: No. (they embrace)
[06:55.08]A: Excuse me.
[06:56.83]B & C: (surprised) Sorry?
[06:58.40]A: That\'ll be twenty-five pounds please!
[07:04.95]Section Three:
[07:11.17]47 Riverside Road, London SE1 4LP.
[07:15.98]10th May, 1989
[07:19.66]Dear Chris,
[07:20.42]Thanks for your letter.
[07:21.62]I\'m sorry I haven\'t answered it sooner but writing is difficult at the moment.
[07:25.35]I fell off my bike last week and broke my ann.
[07:27.94]It isn\'t anything very serious and VU be OK in a few weeks.
[07:31.49]Your holiday sounds fantastic. I\'m sure you\'ll enjoy it.
[07:34.58]Someone at work went to Jamaica last year and had a wonderful time.
[07:38.08]When are you going exactly? I hope you\'ll have good weather.
[07:41.24]There isn\'t really much more news from here. I\'ll write a longer letter in a few weeks.
[07:45.68]Send me a postcard and give my regards to everyone. lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


