英语初级听力 Lesson36(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:37 76
[00:00.00]Lesson Thirty-Six
[00:04.05]Section One:
[00:06.48]A. Making a Reservation:
[00:10.11]Robert Gordon is phoning to book a hotel room in Paris.
[00:17.74]Receptionist: 45-21-64. Allo?Robert: Is that the Saint-Martine Hotel?
[00:35.47]Receptionist: Oui. Yes, it is. Can I help you?
[00:38.43]Robert: Have you got a double room for the night of 23rd July?
[00:42.37]Receptionist: One moment please. I\'ll just have a look.
[00:45.32]Yes, we have got a double room on that date.Robert: Has it got a double bed or two singles?
[00:53.73]Receptionist: Two singles, monsieur.
[00:55.25]Robert: And is that with or without bath?
[00:57.39]Receptionist: It\'s a room with shower and toilet, monsieur.
[01:00.68]Robert: That sounds fine. Is there a TV?
[01:03.66]Receptionist: Could you repeat that, please?
[01:06.25]Robert: Is there a color television in the room?
[01:08.41]Receptionist: Yes, but of course. And a video, if you choose.Robert: How much will it be for one night?
[01:14.92]Receptionist: About four hundred francs.Robert: And what does that include?
[01:19.15]Receptionist: It includes morning newspaper, continental breakfast and service.
[01:24.53]Robert: Where is the nearest metro?
[01:27.38]Receptionist: Opera, monsieur. It\'s only five minutes from here.
[01:31.01]Robert: And is there an extra charge for children?
[01:33.47]Receptionist: If the child is under sixteen and we put an extra bed in your room,the charge is seventy-five francs. Do you want the room?
[01:42.82]Robert: Yes, for one night--23rd July.
[01:45.93]Receptionist: Oui, monsieur. May I have your name, please?
[01:48.93]Robert: Actually, iris for my wife and two daughters, Mrs. Jean Gordon, Linda and Maggie.
[01:54.39]Receptionist: Yes, monsieur. So you need an extra bed. And what time will they be arriving on July 23rd ...
[02:04.92]B. Vet:
[02:10.38]Interviewer: Now you\'ve been a veterinary doctor for some thirty years; what was it that made you become a vet in the first place?
[02:24.01]Vet: Well, I studied as an ordinary doctor in the beginning but I slowly realised that I liked animals very much.
[02:31.38]I almost prefer animals to people. So I took an extra course in animal medicine.
[02:36.55]It\'s as simple as that really.Interviewer: And you still enjoy working with animals?Vet: Oh, yes, very much so. In fact, more than ever now.
[02:44.75]I\'ve got to know animals much better, you see, and I get on better with them in every way.
[02:49.87]Their owners sometimes get on my nerves,though.
[02:53.32]Interviewer: Oh ... and why is that?
[02:54.94]Vet: Well, some people know very little about animals and keep them in the wrong conditions.
[03:00.30]Interviewer: What sort of conditions?
[03:01.79]Vet: Oh, you know, some people buy a large dog and then try to keep it ina small flat;they don\'t take it out enough to give it proper exercise.
[03:10.28]Other people have a cat and try to keep it in the house all day,
[03:14.06]but a cat needs to get out and be free to come and go as it pleases.
[03:18.61]A lot of people don\'t feed their animals properly.
[03:21.85]It\'s very common to give pets too much food which is very bad for them, especially if they\'re not getting enough exercise.
[03:29.66]Or not to feed them regularly, which is equally bad.
[03:32.53]An animal is a responsibility which is something many people don\'t seem to realise.
[03:38.33]Interviewer: You mean people keep pets for the wrong reasons?Vet: Yes,
[03:41.34]some people want a pet because they\'re lonely, or simply for decoration, or just to show how rich they are.
[03:47.40]Interviewer: And just how do you deal with these people?
[03:50.37]Vet: Well, I try to tell them what the animal needs; what is the right sort of food, the proper exercise.
[03:57.14]I try to teach them that animals are not toys and if they\'re to be healthy, they have to be happy.Interviewer: Yes, I suppose you\'re right.
[04:04.74]In your thirty years as a vet you must have come across some interesting cases?
[04:08.76]Vet: Oh yes, there are lots of interesting cases.
[04:11.82]I was once called to a lioness who was giving birth and having difficulty.
[04:16.47]Now that was really interesting.
[04:21.46]Section Two:A. Monologue:
[04:30.18]Well, now, ladies and gentlemen, that was our last item,
[04:36.17]and all that remains for me to do is to thank our performers sincerely on behalf of us all for the pleasure they have given us this evening.
[04:43.85]And of course I must express thanks to those who\'ve worked behind the scenes.
[04:49.78]And especially our producer.
[04:51.92]But most of all I want to say thank you to all of you for coming here this evening and supporting this event, especially in such weather.
[05:01.40]I think perhaps I should take this opportunity to-renew my sincere apologies to those sitting in the back rows.
[05:09.26]We\'ve made temporary repairs to the roof, but unfortunately the rain tonight was unexpectedly heavy,
[05:16.76]and we\'re grateful to you for your understanding and cheerful good humor.
[05:20.50]I may say that we had hoped that temporary repairs would suffice.
[05:26.32]But we were recently informed by our surveyor that the whole roof will have to be replaced: which is of course a severe blow when you think it\'s only five years since we replaced the roof of the church itself.
[05:37.74]And so we shall be having another concert soon, I hope.
[05:43.25]B. Wrinkles:
[05:49.78]Manager: Good morning, madam. And what can we do for you?
[05:55.63]Woman: What can you do for me?
[05:57.36]Manager: Yes, madam, what can we do for you?Woman: You\'ve already done it, thank you very much.
[06:02.29]And I want something done about what youtve done for me.
[06:05.43]Manager: Is something the matter, madam?Woman: I\'ll say there is; I want to see the manager.
[06:10.49]Mafiager: I\'m the manager, madam. Now ... now what seems, to be therouble?
[06:13.58]Woman: Look at my face!Manager:You face? Ah yes. Oh dear. Well, never mind.What\'s wrong with your face? What exactly am I supposed to be looking at?Woman:My lines,my wrinkles.
[06:29.85]Manager:Well,we can soon put that right,Madam.
[06:33.56]You need a bottle of our New Generation Wrinkle Cream.With this wonderful new cream your lines and wrinkles just...Woman:Shut up!
[06:40.43]Manager:...just disap...I beg your pardon?
[06:43.23]Woman:I said shut up!I was silly enough to listen to you before.I\'ll listen to no more of it.
[06:50.57]Manager:You say you\'ve been here before,madam.I\'m afraid I don\'t recognise you.
[06:55.37]Woman:Of course you don\'t recognise me!Last time I came in here I was a very attractive middle-aged woman.
[07:01.30]Now I look old enough to be even your grandmother.
[07:05.80]Manager: Well, yes ... er ... some of us do age quicker then others.Woman: It\'s not a question of age, my man, it\'s a question of your cream.
[07:16.45]I used it for two small lines under my eyes and I woke up next morning looking like Lady Frankenstein.
[07:23.38]Your advertisement says "Lose ten years overnight. For only five pounds you can look young and attractive again.
[07:31.27]Tried by thousands. Money back guarantee". Well, I want more than my money back.
[07:37.48]I want you to pay for me to have plastic surgery.
[07:40.51]Manager: But, madam, there must be some mistake.Woman: I\'ll say there\'s been a mistake.
[07:45.08]My mistake was believing your advert and buying your silly cream.
[07:49.16]It can do the same for you, too, it said. Well, it\'s certainly done something for me, but now what it did for the lady in the picture.
[07:54.17]Manager: But our product is tested and approved by doctors.
[08:01.25]It was thoroughly tested on thousands of volunteers by experts before it was allowed to be sold on the market.
[08:08.91]This is the first complaint we\'ve had.
[08:11.70]Woman: I told you, I want you to pay for a face lift or ltm taking you to court! So there!
[08:16.80]Manager: Er, do you happen to have a ... a recent photograph, madam?
[08:21.19]Woman: What ... whatever do you want with a photograph? You can see the way I look.
[08:25.08]Manager: I mean a photograph of you just before you used the cream.
[08:30.67]Woman: Do you think I go to the photographers every day? (Pause) Look, just give me the five pounds, will you?
[08:39.31]Manager: Do you have your receipt with you, madam?
[08:41.80]Woman: Er ... just a minute ... let me have a look. (Rummages in bag) Er ... no.
[08:49.89]No, I seem to have lost it?Manager: Then there\'s nothing I can do, madam. Sorry.Woman: (Furious) I\'ll take you to court. I\'ll take you to court.Manager: You can do as you please, madam. Good morning.
[09:05.62]C. Shopping:
[09:10.90]Right, what do you want me to get then?
[09:17.53]Right, er ... well, go to the green grocer\'s first.
[09:22.05]Yeah, the green grocer\'s. Right, OK.
[09:23.91]er,let me see, potatoes, but new potatoes,not mottled ones.I mean they\'re really not very good any more.Urm,three pounds...Hang on.I\'m trying to write this down,New otatoes....Right....three pounds.Yes.
[09:40.36]Spring onions, one bunch.
[09:43.37]One bunch of spring onions.
[09:46.92]And ... a pound Of bananas.
[09:50.39]And a pound of bananas. Right.
[09:52.54]And then, could you go to the supermarket as well?
[09:57.55]Yes, yes.
[09:58.94]Mm, let me see. A packet of sugar cubes.A packet of sugar cubes.
[10:03.82]Yeah. Cubes, mind you, not the other stuff.Right.Coffee, instant coffee, but yeah, get Nescafe, Nescafe gold blend.Nescafe?
[10:14.66]Yeah. I don\'t really like other kinds.OK. Nescafe ... what did you say?Gold blend.
[10:13.66]Gold blend. Yeah.You know one of those eightounce jars.
[10:17.76]Eight ounces. Yes, yes.Cooking oil.Cooking oil.
[10:23.27]Sunflower ... you see, I need it for ...What is it? What\'s that?Sunflower.Sunflower?
[10:27.72]I need it for a special recipe.Never heard of that.Sunflower cooking oil.Yeah.Right.Wine.
[10:35.24]Any special kind?
[10:36.26]Any dry white.
[10:38.22]Dry white wine. Yeah.And some bread.
[10:43.60]Some bread. Any, again, any particular kind?No, any kind.Any kind?Any kind, yeah.
[10:47.54]OK. Yeah. Anything else?
[10:49.71]No, I don\'t think. Oh yes, hang on. I forget apples. Golden delicious, urm, from the green grocer\'s
[10:55.46]Golden delicious apples. How many?
[10:58.20]Two pounds.
[10:59.85]Two pounds.Yes.
[11:01.18]Hi, l\'m back.Ah, good. Right, well, let\'s see what you\'ve got then.
[11:09.51]Right, let\'s see what we have got here. Three pounds of potatoes.
[11:12.46]Oh look. These\'re old potatoes. I did say new potatoes.These, these are no good.
[11:19.67]Oh, ltm sorry. It doesn\'t make much difference.Yes, it does.
[11:22.70]l\'m sorry. Well, actually,I couldn\'t,I didn\'t see any new potatoes.Mm, alright. What are these, onions?Onions, yes.
[11:31.04]But these are not spring onions.Oh, they are nice, nice big ones, though, aren\'t they?
[11:35.16]Yeah, but not spring onions.Oh, sorry. I didn\'t, I didn\'t really know what spring onions were.Well, you know, there\'s long ones ...Oh, they have all sorts. ...thin ones.Right. Some bananas.
[11:45.90]That, yeah, they are fine. Great.Good. Two pounds of apples.
[11:51.25]Cooking apples? I did say golden delicious. These are for cooking. I wanted some for eating. You know, for ...oh well ...Oh well, I didn\'t know. I thought they would do. They look nice.Mm, no.
[12:04.47]Right. A bottle of wine. Riesling, OK?Yeah, fine, great. That\'s fine. And sugar cubes here.Great.Yes, yes.OK.
[12:16.67]Right. Now they didn\'t have any Nescafe Gold Blend, so I got Maxwell House. That\'s all they had.Alright, all right. Never mind.Yeah. And oil.But not Sunflower oil.
[12:32.21]I couldn\'t see that. I got this. I think it\'s good stuff, good quality.Yes, it is good, but it\'s olive oil and that\'s not what my recipe wanted. I need Sunflower oil.
[12:43.47]Well, I don\'t think you\'ll find it. And a loaf of bread.That\'s fine. All right. Well, I suppose I\'ll have to go out myself again then.Well, sorry, but I don\'t think it\'s my fault.Mm.
[12:58.83]Section Three:
[13:03.72]A. Success and Failure:
[13:07.98]Hugh is on the telephone. Listen to his conversation with Herr Kohler.
[13:16.23]Secretary: I have a call for you on line one, Mr. Gibbs. It\'s Mandred Kohler in Dusseldort.
[13:22.21]Hugh: Oh, yes. Put him through. Hello, Herr Kohler. How are you?
[13:29.61]Kohler: Very well, thank you. And you?
[13:32.06]Hugh: Just fine.
[13:33.31]Kohler: Glad to hear it ... uh ... l\'ll come straight to the point, if you don\'t mind. I\'m sure you know  why  I\'m phoning.
[13:41.07]Hugh: Yes, of course. About the ...Kohler: Exactly. Are you in a position to give us a definite assurance that the goods will be delivered on time?
[13:48.88]Hugh: Well, um ... you can count on us to do our very best, however ...Kohler: Hmm. Excuse me, Mr. Gibbs but I\'m afraid that really isn\'t good enough ... I beg your pardon,
[13:59.33]I don\'t mean your best isn\'t good enough, but will you meet the deadline or won\'t you?
[14:04.90]Hugh: I ... I was coming to that, Herr Kohler. I must be frank with you.We\'ve run into a few problems.
[14:11.90]Kohler: Problems? What kind of problems?
[14:14.82]Hugh: Technical problems. Nothing very serious. There\'s no need to worry.
[14:19.13]Kohler: I hope not, Mr. Gibbs, for your sake as well as ours.
[14:22.45]I\'m sure you\'re aware that there\'s a penalty in your contract with us for late delivery and we\'ll ...Hugh: Yes, Herr Kohler, I\'m perfectly aware of that.
[14:33.03]But do you need the whole order by the 24th?
[14:36.95]Kohler:\'We would certainly prefer the whole order to be delivered by then, yes.Hugh: Yes, but do you need the whole order then?
[14:44.79]Kohler: What exactly are you suggesting?
[14:47.79]Hugh: You can count on us to get half of the order to you by then.
[14:50.98]Kohler: Hmm ... and how long before the other half is delivered?Hugh: Another week at the most!
[14:57.46]Kohler: Hmm ... you\'re sure that\'s all?Hugh:. Yes, absolutely! You can depend on us to get half the order to you by the 24th and the other half within a week.
[15:07.54]Kohler: Hmm ... yes, that should be alt right ... but there must be no, further delays! Hugh: There won\'t be! You can count on that.
[15:17.33]Kohler: Very well, Mr. Gibbs.Hugh: Thank you! You\'ve been very understanding.Kohler: Goodbye, Mr. Gibbs.Hugh: Goodby, Herr Kohler.
[15:25.48]And thank you again!Phew!Well  ....  that\'s at least one problem out of the way!
[15:34.03]B. EIvis Presley:
[15:42.02]When Elvis Presley died on 16th August, 1977, radio and television\' programs all over the world were interrupted to give the news of-his death.
[15:55.16]President Carter was asked to declare a day of national mourning.
[15:59.18]Carter said: "Elvis Presle changed the face of American popular culture....He was unique and irreplaceable.\'
[16:07.75]Eighty thousand people attended his funeral.
[16:11.09]The streets were jammed with cars, and Elvis Presley films were shown on television,
[16:16.11]and his records were played on the radio all day.
[16:18.77]In the year after his death, one hundred million Presley LPs were sold.
[16:24.16]Elvis Presley was born on January 8th, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi.
[16:31.91]His twin brother, Jesse Garon, died at birth.
[16:35.52]His parents were very poor and Elvis never had music Lessons,
[16:40.04]but he was surrounded by music from an early age.
[16:42.86]His parents were very religious, and Elvis regularly sang at church services.
[16:48.74]In 1948, when he was thirteen, his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee.
[16:53.75]He left school in 1953 and got a job as a truck driver.
[16:58.14]In the summer of 1953 Elvis paid four dollars and recorded two songs for his mother\'s birthday at Sam Phillips\' Sun Records studio.
[17:08.56]Sam Phillips heard Elvis and asked him to record "That\'s All Right" in July 1954.
[17:16.56]Twenty thousand copies were sold, mainly in and around Memphis.
[17:21.96]He made five more records for Sun, and in July 1955 he met Colonel Tom Parker, who became his manager in November.
[17:30.82]Parker sold Elvigs contract to RCA Records.
[17:35.23]Sun Records got thirty-five thousand dollars and Elvis got five thousand dollars.
[17:41.40]With the money he bought a pink Cadillac for his mother.
[17:44.40]On January 10th, 1956, Elvis recorded "Heartbreak Hotel",
[17:49.71]and a million copies were sold. In the next fourteen months he made another fourteen records,
[17:56.21]and they were all big hits. In 1956 he also made his first film in Hollywood.
[18:02.92]In March, 1958, Elvis had to join the army.
[18:08.44]He wanted to be an ordinary soldier.
[18:11.23]When his hair was cut thousands of women cried.
[18:15.31]He spent the next two years in Germany, where he met Priscilla Beaulieu, who became his wife eight years later on May 1st, 1967.
[18:24.34]In 1960 he loft the army and went to Hollywood where he made several films during the next few years.
[18:30.90]By 1968 many people had become tired of Elvis. He hadn\'t performed live since 1960.
[18:39.70]But he recorded a new LP "From Elvis in Memphis" and appeared in a special television program.
[18:47.54]He became popular again, and went to Las Vegas, where he was paid seven hundred fifty thousand dollars for four weeks.
[18:56.08]In 1972 his wife left him, and they were divorced in October, 1973.
[19:03.40]He died from a heart attack.
[19:06.72]He had been working too hard, and eating and drinking too much for several years.
[19:12.04]He left all his money to his only daughter, lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


