英语初级听力 Lesson30(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:36 98
[00:00.00]Lesson Thirty
[00:03.50]Section One:
[00:06.01]Telephone Conversations:
[00:18.44]Woman: Four six hour oh. Can I help you?
[00:22.05]Narrator: Stop.
[00:27.12]Man: His line\'s busy at the moment. Do you want to hold?
[00:30.41]Narrator: Stop.
[00:34.77]Woman: There\'s no reply on that number. I\'ll try Mr. Shaw.
[00:39.05]Narrator: Stop.
[00:48.14]Man: This is Karim Premji speaking. I\'m afraid I\'m out of the office at the moment.
[00:54.36]If you could leave your name and number
[00:56.82]when you hear the tone, I\'ll get back to you as soon as possible.
[01:06.06]Narrator: Stop.
[01:14.29]Section Two:
[01:21.35]Tony:Oh...er...thanks,Hery...Um,do you have a light?
[01:26.02]Tony:Thanks.Lovely day.Pity I\'m on duty.
[01:30.20]Henry:I\'ll stand in for you if you like .I\'ve got nothing else to do.
[01:35.03]Tony:Oh no,I couldn\'t possibly...
[01:35.66]Henry: Go on. Go off and have a good time. Here--you can have the Mini if you like.
[01:40.49]Tony: But... are you sure, Henry?
[01:42.06]Henry: Of course I am. Take Jill up the mountains, or something.
[01:45.51]Tony: That\'s ever so good of you, Henry.
[01:46.76]Oh, you ... er ... you won\'t tell anyone, will you... I mean, I am on duty.
[01:51.73]Henry: Not a word. Bye, Tony--enjoy yourself.
[01:54.57]Tony: Thanks, Henry. I won\'t forget this ...
[01:56.30]Henry: Damned right you won\'t, you poor fool!
[02:08.37]B. Dreams:
[02:11.63]Three people are describing their dreams.
[02:15.58]1. I knew that the brakes of my car needed repairing,
[02:20.93]but I did nothing about it, until one night I dreamt I was driving my car along a familiar road.
[02:27.12]Suddenly I had to brake because I was driving towards a wall.
[02:30.91]However, when I put my foot on the brake nothing happened and I crashed into the wall.
[02:37.02]2. I was walking down an unfamiliar road when I reached a dark and miserable house.
[02:45.62]Grey clouds covered the sky, and so I went inside the house where I found a poor,
[02:51.00]pathetic person, wearing clothes similar to those my wife wore.
[02:55.60]I didn\'t recognize her and felt sorry for her.
[02:58.94]There was nothing else in the dream but when I woke the next morning,
[03:03.07]I felt the misery and unhappiness of it all day.
[03:07.04]3. One day I was sitting in my office, listening to a group of colleagues whispering and talking about me.
[03:16.68]I couldn\'t hear what they were saying but it worried me.
[03:20.46]That night I dreamt exactly the same sequence again,
[03:24.23]except that in my dream I saw something I\'d missed during the day.
[03:29.19]While they were whispering they were all looking down at something.
[03:33.45]The next morning when I woke up I realized exactly why they\'d been whispering and talking about me.
[03:39.17]That day was my birthday.
[03:40.79]Wasn\'t it possible that they\'d been looking down at a birthday card?
[03:44.29]My dream was right. I did get a card from my colleagues, whom I\'d suspected of talking about me.
[03:55.31]C. Faults:
[04:00.48]Woman: The trouble with education in Britain, I think, lies with the teachers.
[04:05.26]I don\'t think teachers get nearly enough training
[04:07.95]in actually how to teach rather than the subject.
[04:11.56]I think they\'re too serious, too academic, they\'re not imaginative enough.
[04:15.43]And that means that there\'s not enough excitement in the classroom for children to get interested in the subject.
[04:21.30]Man: Yes, I agree. I think there\'s too much theoretical teaching given and not enough practical education,
[04:27.00]with the result that pupils are far too busy studying for exams to have time to learn about life itself and how to,
[04:33.61]how to live in the world.
[04:35.38]Woman: Mm. I think all teachers should be at least twenty-five before they start teaching.
[04:40.32]I think they should be forced to live in the outside world,
[04:43.40]rather than go from the classroom to the university and back to the classroom again.
[04:50.56]D. A Japanese Girl:
[04:56.39]I had a working mother when I was a young girl.
[05:00.98]She went back to work when I was ten and my brother was fourteen.
[05:05.63]She taught at a school of dress design, I studied English at university.
[05:06.60]Then I got a job with an advertising agency as an assistant.
[05:11.65]I studied English so I could get a good job with a good company.
[05:17.31]In 1980 I went abroad with a friend. We spent a month in California.
[05:24.63]Then I worked for a company which sold cassette tapes and books for English conversation.
[05:31.55]I was still single at twenty-five, then my parents started to worry because their daughter wasn\'t married.
[05:40.41]Our neighbors and relations were asking when I would marry and they began to talk about an arranged marriage.
[05:48.22]In Japan they don\'t force youb to marry someone,but they may give you a chance to meet someone.
[05:54.88]I am very interested in jazz and I met my husband in a jazz club.
[06:00.73]My parents didn\'t want their daughter to marry a foreigner.
[06:05.28]They didn\'t want me to come to England,but now I work in London for a Japanese newspaper.
[06:13.79]Section Three:
[06:16.80]A. The Appointment:
[06:22.73]Once upon a time, there was a rich Caliph in Baghdad.
[06:27.06]He was very famous because he was wise and kind.
[06:30.30]One morning he sent his servant, Abdul, to the market to buy some fruit.
[06:34.79]As Abdul was walking through the market, he suddenly felt very cold.
[06:39.68]He knew that somebody was behind him.
[06:41.93]He turned round and saw a tall man, dressed in black.
[06:46.03]He couldn\'t see the man\'s face, only his eyes.
[06:49.74]The man was staring at him, and Abdul began to shiver.
[06:53.73]"Who are you? What do you want?" Abdul asked.
[06:58.25]The man in black didn\'t reply.
[07:00.81]"What\'s your name?" Abdul asked nervously.
[07:05.20]"I ... am ... Death," the stranger replied coldly and turned away.
[07:12.41]Abdul dropped his basket and ran all the way back to the Caliph\'s house.
[07:16.72]He rushed into the Caliph\'s room.
[07:18.47]"Excuse me, master. I have to leave Baghdad immediately,"Abdul said.
[07:21.97]"But why? What\'s happened?" the Caliph asked.
[07:25.47]"I\'ve just met Death in the market,\' Abdul replied.
[07:29.60]"Are you certain?" said the Caliph.
[07:32.26]"Yes, I\'m certain. He was dressed in black, and he stared at me.
[07:37.33]I\'m going to my father\'s house in Samarra. If I go at once, I\'ll be there before sunset.
[07:43.03]The Caliph could see that Abdul was terrified and gave him permission to go to Samarra.
[07:49.14]The Caliph was puzzled. He was fond of Abdul and he was angry because Abdul had been badly frightened by the stranger in the market.
[07:57.24]He decided to go to the market and investigate.
[08:00.19]When he found the man in black, he spoke to him angrily.
[08:04.81]"Why did you frighten my servant?"
[08:07.37]"Who is your servant?" the stranger replied.
[08:10.77]"His name is Abdul,\' answered the Caliph.
[08:14.01]"I didn\'t want to frighten him. I was just surprised to see him in Baghdad.\'
[08:19.55]\'Why were you surprised?" the Caliph asked.
[08:22.86]"l was surprised because I\'ve got an appointment with him ..tonight ... in Samarra?\'
[08:33.83]B: Legal Advice:
[08:40.36]Dennis: You\'ve been seeing Steve again, haven\'t you?
[08:44.52]Cynthia: What are you talking about?
[08:47.47]Dennis: You know as well as I do. One of my friends saw you together in a restaurant yesterday evening.
[08:51.99]Cynthia: Listen, Dennis. Look, I\'m sorry. I was going to tell you. I really was.
[08:58.10]Dennis: Well, why didn\'t you? Why did you lie to me?
[09:01.11]Cynthia: 1 didn\'t lie!How can you say that?
[09:03.22]Dennis: Yes, you did! You told me that your relationship with him was all over.
[09:06.83]Cynthia: But it is, darling! It ended more than a year ago.
[09:09.73]Dennis: Did it? Then why did you go out with him yesterday?
[09:12.91]Cynthia: Because he phoned me and said he had some business to discuss with me. What\'s wrong with that?
[09:18.92]Dennis: Nothing. But ff that\'s true, why did you tell me you were going to have dinner with your mother yesterday evening?
[09:25.16]Cynthia: Because ... because I thought you\'d be terribly jealous if I told you I was going to see Steve. And you are.
[09:33.52]Dennis: I\'m not. I simply can\'t understand why you lied to me.
[09:37.57]Cynthia: I\'ve already told you. But you just won\'t believe me.
[09:40.21]Dennis: That all you did was discuss business together? Of course, I can\'t believe that!
[09:44.50]Cynthia: Well, that\'s exactly what we did! And it isn\'t true that I lied to you about my mother.
[09:48.86]When I told you that, I intended to see her. But then Steve rang and said he needed my advice about something.
[09:56.85]Dennis: About what?
[09:57.82]Cynthia: A legal matter.
[10:00.51]Dennis: A legal matter? Why should he ask your advice about a legal matter? You aren\'t a lawyer.
[10:05.84]Cynthia: No, but you arei And that\'s what he wanted to talk to me about.
[10:08.63]You\'ve been recommended to him. But before he contacted you, he just wanted to know if I thought you\'d be willing to help him.
[10:15.24]I said I didn\'t know.
[10:17.04]Dennis: Help your ex-boyfriend? Give him legal advice? I\'m not going to do that.
[10:23.13]Cynthia: That\'s what I thought you\'d say. I knew it.
[10:28.02]C. At the Police Station:
[10:40.21]Policeman: Good morning, madam. Can I help you?
[10:42.12]Mrs. Trott: Oh, I do hope so, constable. Something dreadful has happened.
[10:45.15]Policeman: Well, sit down and tell me all about it and we\'ll see what can be done.
[10:49.54]Mrs. Trot: I\'ve lost my Harold. I think he\'s left me.
[10:52.26]Policeman: Oh, it\'s a missing person case, is it? Let me just fill in this form, madam. Here we are.
[10:57.22]Now, the name is Harold. Right?
[10:59.34]Mrs. Trott: That\'s right; little Harold.
[11:01.03]Policeman: I\'ll just put \'Harold\' on the form, madam. What is his second name?
[11:05.66]Mrs. Trott: Well, the Same as mine, I suppose. Trott. Yes, yes,Harold Trott.
[11:13.23]Policeman: Address?
[11:14.64]Mrs. Trott: 15 Bermard Street, W12.\'
[11:17.39]Policeman: 15 Bermard Street, W12. And when did you last see Harold, Mrs. Trott?
[11:21.59]Mrs. Trott: Early this morning. In the park.
[11:22.61]Policeman: And had there been any quarrel? Any argument?
[11:24.91]Anything which would account for his leaving?
[11:26.87]Mrs.Trott: Well, held been a very naughty boy so I hit him with a stick and he tried to bite me and I\'m afraid he got very angry and just ran away.
[11:34.73]My little Harold.
[11:36.87]Policeman: Yes, madam. I can see that this is very upsetting for you, but I\'ll have to ask you a few more questions.
[11:42.59]Now, what time exactly did you go to the park with Harold?
[11:47.24]Mrs. Trott: Oh, eight o\'clock. On the dot every day.
[11:50.33]We go for a nice stroll in the park each morning, you see.
[11:53.88]Policeman: Eight o\'clock.
[11:54.95]Mrs. Trott: Yes, I take him out to do his ... er ... to do his job.
[11:58.90]Policeman: Sorry, madam?
[12:00.20]Mrs. Trott: His job, you know.
[12:02.21]Policeman: Oh. Ah. Er ... yes. Er ... How old is Harold, madam?
[12:10.21]Mrs. Trott: He must be six and a half now.
[12:12.71]Policeman: And you have to take him into the park to do his...
[12:16.37]Mrs. Trott: Yes. He loves it.
[12:17.73]Policeman: What\'s his height?
[12:21.07]Mrs. Trott: Oh, I don\'t think he could be more than eleven inches tall.
[12:25.25]Policeman: Eleven ... er ... we are talking about a little boy, are we not, madam?
[12:31.18]Mrs. Trott: A boy? A little boy? Good heavens, no! It\'s my Harold, my little Harold.
[12:36.90]Policeman: (sighs) Dog or cat, madam?
[12:40.95]Mrs. Trott: Dog, of course. You couldn\'t call a cat Harold, could you?
[12:45.29]Policeman: Of course not, madam. What breed?
[12:47.59]Mrs. Trott: Poodle. From a very good family.
[12:50.93]He\'s a dark brown with lovely velvet fur and has two little white rings on his front feet and a dear little spot on his forehead.
[13:00.13]Oh, constable, youql do everything you can to find him for me, won\'t you?
[13:04.18]And he\'ll be wandering around all lost and doesn\'t know how to look after himself. lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


