英语初级听力 Lesson18(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:35 89
[00:00.00]Lesson Eighteen
[00:06.01]Section One:
[00:09.93]Dialogue 1:
[00:15.02]---No, thanks. Not before lunch.
[00:16.80]--Please have one. It\'s a new brand.
[00:18.96]--I honesfiy don\'t feel like one at the moment, thanks.
[00:24.63]Dialogue 2:
[00:28.45]--I believe you take in foreign students.
[00:30.54]--Yes, if you don\'t mind sharing.
[00:32.42]--How much is it?
[00:33.46]--Nine pounds per week including heating.
[00:35.13]--Do you think I could have a look at it, please?
[00:37.09]--We\'re having it decorated at the moment. Will Friday do?
[00:43.96]Dialogue 3:
[00:48.43]--I wonder whether the dentist could fit me in early tomorrow?
[00:51.83]--I\'m afraid there\'s nothing before midday.
[00:54.36]--How about 12.45?
[00:55.85]--Sorry, but that\'s taken, too.
[01:00.79]Dialogue 4:
[01:03.74]--I was wondering whether you needed any part-timers.
[01:06.87]--What were you thinking of?.
[01:08.62]--A hotel job of some sort.
[01:10.43]--Have you ever done anything similar?
[01:12.57]--Not so far, no.
[01:14.08]--There\'s nothing at present, but look back in a week.
[01:19.44]Dialogue 5:
[01:22.89]--How do you want it, sir?
[01:25.26]--Just a trim, please.
[01:26.83]---Would you like it washed?
[01:28.32]--No, thank you. Just leave it as it is.
[01:33.78]Dialogue 6:
[01:36.78]--Are you being served?
[01:39.03]--No. What have you got in the way of brown suede jackets, size forty-two?
[01:44.54]--Sorry, but we\'re sold right out.
[01:47.00]--Are you likely to be getting any more in?
[01:49.48]--I should think so, yes. If you leave your phone number, I\'I1 ring you.
[01:57.19]Dialogue 7:
[02:03.32]--Eastbourne 54655.
[02:06.07]--Hello. John here. Can I speak to Mary, please?
[02:09.18]--Hold the line, please.
[02:11.16]--Sorry, but she\'s out.
[02:13.41]--Would you tell her I rang?
[02:14.84]--I\'d be glad to.
[02:17.85]Dialogue 8:
[02:27.62]--Hello. David Black speaking. May I have a word with June?
[02:30.88]--I\'l1 just see if she\'s in.
[02:32.03]--Right you are.
[02:33.00]--I\'m afraid she\'s not here.
[02:35.56]--Could you take a message?
[02:36.71]--Yes, of course.
[02:40.63]Section Two:
[02:44.65]A. Interview:
[02:47.29]Johnson: Good evening, Miss Malinen. Won\'t you sit down?
[02:50.92]Elina: Good evening. Thank you.
[02:52.56]Johnson: Now, I notice you left the Hotel Scandinavia in 1980.
[02:56.93]What are you now doing in England?
[02:59.12]Elina: I\'m spending a few months brushing up my English and getting to know the country better.
[03:04.37]Johnson: And you want to work in England too. Why?
[03:07.64]Elina: I\'m keen on getting some experience abroad, and I like England and English people.
[03:12.55]Johnson: Good. Now I see from the information you sent me that you\'ve worked in your last employment for nearly four years.
[03:19.21]Was that a large restaurant?
[03:21.30]Elina: Medium-size for. Finland, about forty tables.
[03:25.01]Johnson: I see. Well, you\'d find it rather different here.
[03:28.67]Ours is much smaller, we have only ten tables.
[03:31.28]Elina: That must be very cosy.
[03:33.24]Johnson: We try to create a warm, intimate atmosphere.
[03:36.24]Now, as to the job, you would be expected to look after five tables normally, though we get in extra staff for peak periods.
[03:43.66]Elina: I see.
[03:44.91]Johnson: I\'m the Restaurant Manager and Head Waiter, so you\'d be working directly under me.
[03:48.94]You\'d be responsible for bringing in the dishes from the kitchen, serving the drinks,
[03:52.99]and if necessary looking after the bills. So you\'d be kept pretty busy.
[03:56.83]Elina: I\'m used to that. In my last position we were busy most of the time, especially in summer.
[04:02.21]Johnson: Good. Now, is there anything you\'d like to ask about the job?
[04:05.71]Elina: Well, the usual question--what sort of salary were you thinking of paying?
[04:11.12]Johnson: We pay our waiters forty pounds a week, and you would get your evening meal free.
[04:15.76]Elina: I see.
[04:16.99]Johnson: Now, you may have wondered why I asked you here so late in the day. The fact is, I would like to see you in action, so to speak.
[04:24.99]Would you be willing to act as a waitress here this evening for half-an-hour or so? Our first customer will be coming in, let me see,
[04:32.01]in about ten minutes\' time.
[04:34.36]Elina: Well, I\'m free this evening otherwise.
[04:36.79]Johnson: Good. And in return perhaps you will have dinner with us? Now, let me show you the kitchen first. This way, please...
[04:46.41]B. Discussion:(sound of kettle whistling)
[04:51.29]Tom: Well, what\'s the forecast? Are we going to have more snow?
[04:54.90]And ... is your mother awake?
[04:57.17]Helen: Hang on, Dad. The first answer is \'yes\' and the second is \'no\'. Let\'s have a cup of tea.
[05:03.41]Tom: That\'s a good idea  ....  Where\'s Jean? Where\'s your mother?
[05:06.63]Jean, how about some breakfast?
[05:09.21]Helen: Shh. Mother\'s still asleep, as I\'ve told you.
[05:12.58]Tom: And what about the twins? Where are Peter and Paul?
[05:15.30]Helen: They were sick all night. That\'s why Mum is so tired today.
[05:19.16]And ... they\'re having a birthday party tomorrow. Remember?
[05:23.00]Tom: Another birthday? Helen, look at the clock. It\'s 8.45. Let\'s go. We\'re going to be late.
[05:31.62]C. Past Mistakes:
[05:35.73]--Me, officer? You\'re joking!
[05:39.57]--Come off it, Mulligan. For a start, you spent three days watching the house.
[05:42.91]You shouldn\'t have done that, you know.
[05:44.95]The neighbors got suspicious and phoned the police ...rebut I was only looking, officer.
[05:48.97]--... and on the day of the robbery, you really shouldn\'t have used your own car.
[05:52.13]We got your number. And if you\'d worn a mask, you wouldn\'t have been recognized.
[05:55.89]--I didn\'t go inside!
[05:57.12]--Ah, there\'s another thing. You should\'ve worn gloves, Mulligan.
[05:59.99]If you had, you wouldn\'t have left your fingerprints all over the house.
[06:02.61]We found your fingerprints on the jewels, too.
[06:04.77]--You mean.., you\'ve found the jewels?
[06:07.88]---Oh yes. Where you ... er ... \'hid\' them. Under your mattress.
[06:11.80]--My God! You know everything! I\'ll tell you something, officer
[06:17.39]--you shouldn\'t have joined the police force. If you\'d taken up burglary, you\'d have made a fortune!
[06:16.39]D. Monologue:
[06:20.26]Why do people play football? It\'s a stupid game, and dangerous too.
[06:27.05]Twenty-two men fight for two hours to kick a ball into a net.
[06:31.31]They get more black eyes than goals. On dry, hard pitches they break their bones.
[06:36.79]On muddy ones they sprain their muscles. Footballers must be mad. And why do people watch football?
[06:44.29]They must be mad too. They certainly shout and scream like madmen.
[06:49.67]In fact I\'m afraid to go out when there\'s a football match..The crowds are so dangerous.
[06:55.34]I\'d rather stay at home and watch TV. But what happens when I switch on?
[07:00.41]They\'ve showing a football match. So I turn on the radio. What do I hear? \'
[07:06.31]The latest football scores\'. And what do I see when I open a newspaper?
[07:11.64]Photos of footballers, interviews with footballers, reports of football matches.
[07:18.09]Footballers are the heroes of the twentieth century.
[07:21.98]They\'re rich and famous. Why? Because they can kick a ball around. lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


