英语初级听力 Lesson20(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:33 85
[00:00.00]Lesson Twenty
[00:11.94]Section One:
[00:14.16]Dialogue 1:
[00:22.33]--Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the cinema; please?
[00:26.67]--No, I\'m sorry I can\'t. I\'m a stranger in these parts.
[00:30.30]But why don\'t you ask that man with a beard? He\'ll be able to tell you,I\'m sure.
[00:34.30]--Which one do you mean?
[00:35.47]--Look, the one over there, by the lamp-post.
[00:37.88]--Ah, yes. I can see him now. Thank you very much.
[00:40.54]--Not at all.
[00:43.65]Dialogue 2:
[00:47.33]--You are not eating your breakfast.
[00:50.16]--I don\'t feel very well.
[00:52.09]---Oh, dear, what\'s the matter?
[00:53.71]--I got a terrible headache.
[00:55.12]--You must go back to bed. You look quite ill.
[00:57.63]--I don\'t want to cause any bother. I\'d rather work it off.
[01:00.81]---Out of the question. You must go to bed and keep warm.
[01:05.54]Dialogue 3:
[01:11.18]--I\'m sorry to bother you. Can you tell me where War and Peace is showing?
[01:16.83]--Yes. At the Empire Cinema.
[01:18.37]--Would you know when it starts?
[01:20.27]--No. I can\'t tell you when it begins. But I know how you can find out.
[01:24.35]--It\'s here in this Entertainment\'s Guide.
[01:26.83]---Can you show me which page is it on?
[01:28.61]--Certainly. But I\'m not;sure whether you want to go early or late.
[01:34.98]Dialogue 4:
[01:38.12]--You are up early this morning.
[01:39.71]--Yes. I\'ve been out and bought a paper.
[01:41.59]--Good. Then you\'ll be able to tell me what the weather\'s like.
[01:44.28]--It\'s raining.
[01:45.56]--Oh, dear, not again.
[01:46.84]--Don\'t worry, it\'s not nearly as wet as it was yesterday.
[01:49.95]--Thank goodness for that.
[01:54.34]Dialogue 5:
[01:57.55]--Good morning. Can I see Mr, Baker, please?
[02:00.42]--Have you an appointment?
[02:02.10]--Yes, at ten o\'clock.
[02:03.53]--What\'s your name, please.
[02:04.94]--Jones, Andrew Jones.
[02:07.16]--Ah, yes. Mr. Baker is expecting you. Will you come this way,please?
[02:11.42]Mr. Baker\'s office is along the corridor.
[02:15.60]Dialogue 6:
[02:19.08]--What does your friend do. for a living?
[02:21.22]She is one of those persons who look after people in a hospital.
[02:24.61]---Oh, I see. She is a nurse, you mean.
[02:27.25]Yes. That\'s the word I was looking for. My vocabulary is rather poor, I\'m afraid".
[02:31.85]Never mind. You explained that very well.
[02:36.08]Dialogue 7:
[02:39.87]--What shall we do this weekend?
[02:42.80]Let\'s go for a swim.
[02:44.39]--Where shall we go for it?
[02:45.69]--Lefts go to Long Beach. We haven\'t been there.for a long time.
[02:49.20]--That\'s a splendid idea. I\'II call for you in a car at eleven o\'clock.Is that alright for you?
[02:54.60]--Yes. That\'ll be perfect. See you tomorrow, then. Goodbye.
[03:01.08]Dialogue 8:
[03:05.42]You have some black, walking shoes in the window. Would you show me a pair in size seven, please?
[03:10.80]--Oh, dear, what a pity! There are none left in size seven. Here is a pair in a slightly different style.
[03:16.88]--Can I try them on?
[03:18.09]--Yes, of course.
[03:19.03]--I like these very much. What do they cost?
[03:21.85]--They cost 4.25 pounds.
[03:24.59]--Good. I\'ll have them, then.
[03:29.76]Dialogue 9:
[03:33.86]--Excuse me, but I must say goodbye now,
[03:36.63]--Can\'t you stay a little longer?
[03:38.33]--No, I\'m sorry, but I really must go. I shall miss my bus if I don\'t hurry.
[03:42.48]--When does your bus go?
[03:43.82]--At ten o\'clock. Good gracious, it\'s already 10,15. I\'ll have to ask you to drive me home.
[03:50.11]--That\'s alright, but I hope to see you again soon.
[03:52.91]--That\'s most kind of you.
[03:58.29]Section Two:
[03:59.96]A. Preferences:
[04:03.41]Woman: Which do you prefer: driving a car yourself or being a passenger?
[04:07.64]Man: Well--that depends. I enjoy driving, especially on long empty roads where I can go nice and fast.
[04:13.13]But I\'m not very fond of sitting in traffic jams waiting for lights to change, and things like that.
[04:18.46]I suppose I don\'t mind being a passenger, but only if I\'m sure that the other person really can drive properly.
[04:22.95]Woman: So you don\'t really like being in other people\'s cars, then?
[04:26.11]Man: Well, as I say, it\'s all right with a good driver. Then I can relax, sit back and enjoy the scenery.
[04:31.23]But yes, you\'re right--on the whole I certainly prefer driving to being a passenger.
[04:37.86]B. Telephone Call:
[04:42.62]--Hello Allen. This is Collin speaking.
[04:48.26]--Fine. How about you?
[04:50.85]--Good. And how\'s Bob feeling after his holiday?
[04:54.37]--I see. I\'ve got quitea lot to tell you.
[04:59.31]--I\'ve just got engaged!
[05:00.96]--Yes! No. We haven\'t fixed the date yet,
[05:05.48]--What\'s she like?
[05:06.96]--Lovely girl! We met on a bus, believe it or not.
[05:11.09]--Yes.We just happened to be sitting together and got into the conversation.
[05:14.23]And we made a date for the same evening, and discovered we\'ve got a lot in common, you know, same interests and, we laugh at the same things.
[05:20.91]--No. You don\'t know her. Hmm. At least she doesn\'t know you or Bob.
[05:27.29]---Oh, about three weeks now.
[05:29.72]--Well, yes. It was quite a sudden decision, but I feel really happy.
[05:34.29]I\'d like you both to meet her. Now, how about a meal together one evening soon?
[05:39.17]--Would you ask Bob to ring me?
[05:41.24]--Oh, I must go now. My boss has just come into the office. Bye.
[05:44.29]--Oh, thanks. Bye.
[05:50.88]C. Old Arthur:
[05:54.85]Everyone knows him as Old Arthur.
[05:57.64]He lives in a little hut in the middle of a small wood, about a\'mile from the village.
[06:03.18]He visits the village store twice a week to buy food and paraffin,
[06:03.18]and occasionally he collects letters and his pension from the post office.
[06:07.67]A few weeks ago, a reporter from the local newspaper interviewed him. This is what he said:
[06:14.31]I get up every morning with the birds.
[06:17.70]There is a stream near my hut and I fetch water from there.
[06:22.04]It\'s good, clear, flesh water, better than you get in the city.
[06:26.72]Occasionally, in the winter, I have to break the ice.
[06:30.64]I cook simple food \'on my old paraffin stove; mostly stews and things like that.
[06:38.03]Sometimes I go to the pub and have a drink, but I don\'t see many people.
[06:43.17]I don\'t feel lonely. I know this wood very well, you see.
[06:47.82]I know all the little birds and animals that live here and they know me.
[06:53.52]I don\'t have much money, but I don\'t need much. I think I\'m a lucky man.
[07:01.88]D. The Man Who Missed the Plane
[07:06.87]James wrote a play for television, about an immigrant family who came to England from Pakistan,
[07:15.49]and the problems they had settling down in England.
[07:18.52]The play was surprisingly successful, and it was bought by an American TV company.
[07:24.79]James was invited to go to New York to help with theproduction.
[07:29.78]He lived in Dulwich, which is an hour\'s journey away from Heathrow.
[07:35.08]The flight was due to leave at 8.30 a.m., so he had to be at the airport about 7.30 in the morning.
[07:42.47]He ordered a mini--cab for 6.30, set his alarm for 5,45, and went to sleep.
[07:49.24]Unfortunately he forgot to wind the clock, and it stopped shortly after midnight.
[07:55.66]Also the driver of the mini-cab had to work very late that night and overslept.
[08:01.72]James woke with that awful feeling that something was wrong.
[08:05.88]He looked at his alarm clock. It stood there silently, ,with the hands pointing to ten past twelve.
[08:13.11]He turned on the radio and discovered that it was, in fact, ten to nine.
[08:18.65]He swore quietly and switched on the electric kettle.
[08:22.88]He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot when therfine o\'clock pips sounded on the radio.
[08:29.23]The announcer began to read the news: " ... roports are coming in of a crash near Heathrow Airport.
[08:36.44]A Boeing 707 bound:for New York crashed shortly after taking off this morning.
[08:42.24]Flight number 2234  .... "James turned pale.
[08:47.60]"My flight," he said out loud. "If I hadn\'t overslept, I\'d have been on that plane.
[08:58.46]E. Dangerous Illusions:
[09:03.45]Interviewer: Do you mind if I ask you why you\'ve never got marfled?
[09:08.52]Dennis: Uh ... welt, that isn\'t easy to answer.
[09:12.12]Interviewer: Is it that you\'ve never met the right woman? Is that it?
[09:19.39]Dennis: I don\'t know.
[09:21.40]Several times I have met a woman who seemed \'right\', as you say.
[09:27.54]But for some reason it\'s never worked out.
[09:31.09]interviewer: No? Why not?
[09:34.12]Dennis: Hmm. I\'m not really sure.
[09:39.27]Interviewer: Well, could you perhaps describe what happened with one of these women?
[09:45.20]Dennis: Uh... yes, there was Cynthia, for example.
[09:49.58]Interviewer: And what kind of woman was she?
[09:52.22]Dennis: Intelligent. Beautiful. She came from the right social background, as well. I felt I really loved her. But then something happened.
[10:07.35]Interviewer: What?
[10:09.28]Dennis: I found out that she was still seeing an old boyfriend of hers.
[10:14.03]Interviewer: Was that so bad? I mean, why did you.., why did you feel that...
[10:19.62]Dennis: She had told me that her relationship was all over, which.. uh ... which was a lie.
[10:28.45]Inte/viewer: Are you saying that it was because she had lied to you that you decided to break off the relationship?
[10:34.38]Dennis: Yes, yes, exactly ... Obviously, when I found out that she had lied to me, I simply couldn\'t ... uh ... well, I simply couldn\'t trust her any more.
[10:47.52]And of course that meant that we couldn\'t possibly get married,
[10:52.88]Interviewer: Uh, huh. I see. At least, I think I do.
[10:56.95]But ... you said there were several women who seemed \'right.\'
[11:04.45]Dennis: Yes.
[11:05.60]Interviewer: Well  ....  what happened the other times?
[11:08.42]Dennis: Well, once I met someone who I think I loved very deeply
[11:08.71]but.., unfortunately she didn\'t share my religious views.
[11:21.46]Interviewer: Your religious views?
[11:23.18]Dennis: Yes, I expect the woman I finally marry to agree with me on such ... such basic things as that.
[11:30.08]Interviewer: I see.
[11:31.25]Dennis: Does that sound old-fashioned?
[11:33.76]Interviewer: Uh ... no. Not necessarily. What was her name, by the way?
[11:39.87]Dennis: Sarah.
[11:41.10]Interviewer: Do you think you\'ll ever meet someone who meets ...
[11:48.75]uh... how shall I say it ... who meets all your.., requirements?
[11:51.42]Dennis: I don\'t know. How can I?
[11:56.67]But I do feel it\'s important not to ... not to just drift into ... a relationship, simply because I might be lonely.
[12:08.40]Interviewer: Are you lonely?
[12:10.46]Dennis: Sometimes. Aren\'t we all? But I know that I can live alone, if necessary.
[12:17.10]And I think I would far prefer to do that ...
[12:22.06]to live alone ... rather than to marry somebody who isn\'t really ... uh ... well,
[12:26.76]really what I\'m looking for.., what I really want.
[12:39.90]Section three
[12:44.21]Every color has a meaning, And as you choose a color, you might like to remember that it\'s saying something.
[12:59.86]We\'ve said that red is lovable. Green, on the other hand, stands for hope; it is tranquil. lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


