英语初级听力 Lesson11(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:31 64
[00:00.00]Lesson Eleven
[00:04.10]Section One:
[00:08.33]Dialogue 1:
[00:10.53]What are you going to do after this Lesson?
[00:13.92]I\'m probaby going to have a cup of tea.What about you?
[00:17.19]Oh,I\'m going to the post office.
[00:18.83]I see.
[00:20.56]Dialogue 2:
[00:23.75]Can you come and see me at nine o\'clock?
[00:28.08]I\'m afraid not.You see.I\'m meeting Mr.Green at nine.
[00:33.28]Dialogue 3:
[00:36.21]I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow.How do you feel about it.
[00:40.91]Oh,I\'m really worried about it.
[00:43.08]I\'m not surprised.So would I be.
[00:48.20]Dialogue 4:
[00:51.15]What are you plans for tomorrow,Brenda?
[00:54.23]Well,first,I\'m going to do the washing up.
[00:57.81]Poor you!While you\'re doing the washing up,I\'ll be having breakfast in bed.
[01:02.82]It\'s alright for some people.
[01:07.71]Dialogue 5:
[01:09.56]I\'d like to withedraw fifty pounds from deposit account.
[01:13.06]Certainly.Would you please sign this form?
[01:15.36]Oh,yes,There you are.
[01:17.98]How would yo like the money?
[01:19.78]In fives,please/
[01:21.14]Fine.Here you are,
[01:28.63]Dialogue 6:
[01:32.26]How are you,Brenda?
[01:34.28]Fine,apart from the backache.
[01:37.52]Oh,dear,I\'m sorry to hear that.
[01:39.24]Yes,My back\'s killing me.
[01:41.80]Oh,I hope you\'ll soon feel better.
[01:47.81]B.Restaurant English:
[01:53.58]Dialogue 1:
[01:55.75]Man:Waitress!This meat is like old leather!It\'s enough to break every tooth in you head.
[02:01.21]Waitress:Perhaps you\'d like to change your order,sir.The sirloin is very tender.
[02:07.09]Dialogue 2:
[02:10.72]Woman:John.look what that waiter\'s gone and done!Spilt soup all over my new dress!
[02:16.59]Waiter:I\'m teribly sorry,madam.Perhaps if I could sponge it with a little warm water...
[02:19.81]Man:Leave it alone man.you\'ll only make it worse.
[02:22.65]Woman:I want to speak to the Manager!
[02:24.07]Waiter:Very good,madam.
[02:25.03]Manager:I do apologize for this unfortunate accident,madam.
[02:29.42]If you would like to have the dress cheaned and send the bill to us,we will be happy to take care of it.
[02:33.29]Woman:Oh no,it doesn\'t matter.Forget it.It probably won\'t stain very much.
[02:40.37]Dialogue 3:
[02:43.74]Man:Waiter,this just won\'t do.This wine\'s got a most peculiar flavor.
[02:49.30]Waiter:Yes,sir.I\'ll take it back.Perhaps you would like to choose another wine instead,sir?
[02:57.27]Section Two:
[03:00.98]A.Telephone Conversation:
[03:05.97]Hello.Who\'s that?
[03:08.03]It\'s me
[03:08.94]Who\'s me?
[03:10.22]Why,me,of course.
[03:12.26]Yes,I know.It\'s you.But who are you?
[03:13.83]I\'ve told you who I am.I am ME.
[03:17.43]I know you are you,but I still don\'t know who you are.
[03:20.78]Anyway,I don\'t want to talk to you whoever you are.I really wanted Mrs.Jones.
[03:25.90]Who do you want?
[03:29.68]Mrs.Jones?Who\'s Mrs.Jones?
[03:32.14]Why,Mrs.Jones lives where you are,doesn\'t she?
[03:35.46]There is no Mrs.Jones here.What number do you want?
[03:39.59]I want Bournemouth,650283.
[03:44.81]This is Bournemouth,650823.
[03:48.70]Oh,dear,I am sorry.I must have dialed the wrong number.
[03:52.20]It\'s quite alright.
[03:53.06]I\'ll try dialing again.Sorry to have troubled you.
[03:55.81]It\'s quite alright.Goodbye.
[04:02.47]B.Discussion:Remembering with regret.
[04:07.35]Two old men are talking about the days gone by.Listen.
[04:14.77]The beer\'s just like water.They don\'t make it as strong as they used to.
[04:20.86]No.Things aren\'t what they used to be,are they?
[04:24.83]The pubs aren\'t ay good nowadays.
[04:27.05]No,But they used to be good when we were young.
[04:31.52]The trouble is that the young people don\'t work hard.
[04:35.51]No,but they used to work hard when we were young.
[04:46.67]Ten years ago,I loved watching television and listening to pop records.I hated classical music.
[04:52.83]But I playing tennis.Five years ago I still liked playing tennis,but I loved classical music.
[04:59.52]Now I prefer classical music.I like playing squash.But I hate television.
[05:08.32]D.Music or Money?
[05:12.82]Mr.Davies is talking to his son Martin.
[05:18.90]Mr.Davies:(quietly)Why aren\'t you doing your homewoek?
[05:21.20]Martin:I\'ll do it later,Dad.I must get these chords right firsh.
[05:25.04]Our group\'s playing in a concert on Saturday/
[05:27.68]Mr.Davies:(laughs)Oh,is it?You\'ll be making records next,will you?
[05:30.63]Martin:We hope so.The man from "Dream Discs" is coming to the concert.So I\'d better play well.
[05:35.52]Mr.Davies:You\'d better get on with your homework!You can practise all day Saturday.
[05:39.51]Martin:Oh,Dad.You don\'t understand at all.This concert could change my life.
[05:44.69]Mr.Davies:It certainly coluld!You\'ve got exams next month.Important ones.
[05:49.83]If you don\'t get a good certificate,you won\'t get a decent job.
[05:54.17]Martin:(rudely)I don\'t need a certificate to play theguitar.
[05:56.57]And I don\'t want a boring old job in a bank either.
[05:59.92]Mr.Davies:(angrily)Oh,don\'t you?Whose boring old job paid for his house?And for that guitar?
[06:06.39]Martin:(sighs)Yours,I know.But I\'d rather be happy than rich.
[06:13.97]Sectioin Three:Dictations
[06:17.36]Dictation 1:
[06:20.24]Letter Dictation.Write your address,your phone number and the date.
[06:39.93]The letter is to Winnipeg Advanced Educatiion College.
[06:44.72]Wimmipeg,W-I-double N-I-P-E-G,Advanced Education College,Hillside Drive,Winnipeg.
[07:13.97]Dear Sir or Madam.Please send me details of your courses in Computer Programming.
[07:42.68]New line.Thanking you in advance Yours faithfully,and then sign your name.
[08:05.38]Dictation 2:
[08:08.75]Write your address,your phone number and the date.To Seaview Hotel.
[08:29.07]Sea View,S-E-A-V-I-E-W Hotel,Harbour Road,Cork,Ireland.
[08:55.56]Dear Sir or Madam.I would like to book a double room with bathe
[09:17.35]for two weeks from the firsh to the fourteenth of August inclusive. lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


