英语初级听力 Lesson16(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:31 127
[00:00.00]Lesson Sixteen
[00:03.58]Section One:
[00:07.18]Dialogue 1:
[00:11.10]--How shall I do it, sir?
[00:13.64]--Just tidy it up a bit, please.
[00:15.20]--Do you want some spray?
[00:17.24]--No, nothing at all, thank you very much.
[00:21.60]Dialogue 2:
[00:25.26]--Is anybody looking after you?
[00:28.08]--No. I\'m after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.
[00:33.10]--The best I can do is a 35.
[00:36.57]--Could you order me one?
[00:38.01]--I should imagine so, yes. If you leave your address, I\'I1 contact you.
[00:43.76]Dialogue 3:
[00:47.02]--How much is this greetings telegram to Germany, please?
[00:50.63]--I\'ll just make sure. Anything else?
[00:53.21]--Yes. Half a dozen air mail labels and a book of stamps.
[00:56.95]--Seventy-five pence exactly, please.
[01:00.60]Dialogue 4:
[01:04.68]--I keep feeling dizzy, and I\'ve got a headache.
[01:08.15]--How long has this been going on?
[01:10.48]--It came on yesterday.
[01:11.73]--I should say you\'re generally run down.
[01:14.24]--What ought I to do?
[01:16.12]--It\'s nothing serious, but you\'d better stay in bed for a day or two.
[01:21.48]Dialogue 5:
[01:26.02]--Mrs. Hughes, this is Peter Brown.
[01:28.48]--How do you do?
[01:29.36]--How do you do?
[01:30.20]--How do you find things over here?
[01:31.95]--If it wasn\'t for the climate, I\'d like it very much.
[01:34.41]--It won\'t take you long to settle down.
[01:38.32]Dialogue 6:
[01:41.69]--If you\'ll excuse me, I really should be off now.
[01:44.12]--Not yet surely. Have another drink at least.
[01:46.34]--No, thank you all the same.
[01:48.41]--Oh dear! What a pity!
[01:50.42]--Thank you very much indeed for the delicious meal.
[01:52.61]--Thank you for coming.
[01:56.09]Dialogue 7:
[02:05.34]--I\'m afraid I didn\'t quite hear what you said.
[02:07.76]--I said, \'There\'s no rush, I can take you in the car.
[02:11.42]--Won\'t it make you late?
[02:12.78]--No, I\'m going right past your place.
[02:17.17]Dialogue 8:
[02:23.80]--That radio\'s terribly loud. Could you turn it down a fraction?
[02:28.72]--Sorry! Is it disturbing you?
[02:30.83]--Yes, and something else---wouldn\'t it be an idea to buy your own soap?
[02:34.96]--Sorry! I didn\'t realize you felt so strongly about it.
[02:44.75]Section Two:
[02:46.27]A. The Snack Bar:
[02:51.62]Waiter: Can I take your orders, please?
[02:53.11]1st Man: Yes. A Maxi Quarterpounder for me, please. With chips.
[02:56.80]Waiter: Anything else, sir?
[02:57.95]1st Man: A banana long boat, I think.
[03:00.09]Waiter: What would you like to drink with your meal?
[03:02.18]1st Man: Can I have a beer?
[03:03.48]Waiter: I\'m sorry sir, we are not licensed to sell alcohol.
[03:06.20]1st Man: A cold milk then, please.
[03:07.90]Waiter: And for you, sir?
[03:09.91]2nd Man: I\'ll have the cheeseburger with a green salad, please.
[03:12.13]Waiter: And to follow?
[03:13.59]2nd Man: I\'ll decide later.
[03:14.69]Waiter: And to drink?
[03:15.84]2nd Man: Cola, please.
[03:20.70]B. Hotel English:
[03:23.39]Dialogue 1:
[03:25.40]--Can I get breakfast in my room?
[03:28.56]--Certainly, sir. It\'s served in your room from 8 until 10.
[03:31.96]--How do I orderit?
[03:33.34]---Just ask for Room Service on the phone, or I can make a note of it if you like, sir.
[03:37.86]--Yes, Vd like it at 8.30 tomorrow morning--that\'s the continental breakfast.
[03:42.15]--Very good, sir.
[03:45.15]Dialogue 2:
[03:50.09]--I\'ve just spilled some soup on my best dress, and we\'re leaving first thing the day after tomorrow.
[03:56.41]How on earth can I get it cleaned?
[03:58.45]--If you hand it in for dry cleaning before 9 tomorrow morning,it\'ll be returned to you the same day.
[04:03.07]I can get you Room Service and arrange it now if you like, madam.
[04:06.33]--Oh, could you really? That would be wonderful.
[04:11.25]Dialogue 3:
[04:16.26]--I\'ll be needing an early call tomorrow-can you fix that for me?
[04:20.36]There\'s an automatic waking device in the panel at the head of your bed.
[04:24.25]You just set it to the time you want.
[04:28.25]Dialogue 4:
[04:31.83]--I thought you had TV in all your rooms here.
[04:35.25]--l\'m afraid not, sir, but we can install one in your room.
[04:38.54]--Will that be extra?
[04:39.69]--Yes, sir. Our charge for a color TV is four Finnish marks per day.
[04:43.56]--Well, I\'ll have to ask my wife what she thinks.
[04:45.91]--Very good, sir, and if you decide to rent one, would you please call Room Service?
[04:52.21]Dialogue 5:
[04:57.09]--(Sarcastically) Are you free to answer my question at last?
[05:00.85]--Yes, of course, madam--as you see, we\'ve been rather busy today.
[05:03.83]--So it seems. I tried to find a maid this morning, but there wasn\'t anyone there.
[05:08.69]--When you want Room Service, madam, just lift the phone in your room and ask for Room Service.
[05:13.47]----Oh, that\'s how you do it--and how was I supposed to know?
[05:22.32]C. Parties.
[05:32.41]Mrs. Phillips: How nice to see you, Mrs. Adams. Do come in. I\'ll take your coat. Henry ... Henry ... Mr. and Mrs. Adams are here.
[05:43.43]Mrs. Adams: It\'s very kind of you to invite us. Is it a special occasion?
[05:47.61]Mr. Phillips: Good evening, Mrs. Adams. Good evening, sir.What would you like to drink?
[05:51.14]Mr. Adams: My wife is driving tonight so I\'ll need something strong.
[05:55.11]Mr. Phillips: Follow me. Everyone\'s in the sitting room.
[05:59.71]Mr. Phillips: Ladies and, gentlemen, I\'d like to tell you the reason for this party. Of course, we\'re always delighted to see all of you
[06:11.62]but ... what I want to say is ... Helen has just won a prize.
[06:15.35]She entered a competition and we\'re going to Bermuda on a free holiday.
[06:22.20]Mr. Phillips: Now I\'d like to ask my wife to tell you about her success. Helen?
[06:27.66]Mrs. Phillips: Well, all I can say is: what a surprise! I had no idea I was going to win. I didn\'t even know I was going to enter the competition.
[06:37.53]Henry did all the work, didn\'t you, Henry?
[06:40.59]He told me how to fill in the form, how to answer the questions and how to write one sentence about Fluorex Toothpaste.
[06:48.19]The strange thing is ... we\'ve never used it.
[06:59.40]D. Discussion:
[07:03.05]James and Patrick were alone in the office.
[07:05.03]Patrick: You\'re not looking very cheerful. Wharfs the matter with you?
[07:08.90]James: Oh, nothing special. I\'m just a bit fed up.
[07:12.77]Patrick: With the job?
[07:13.94]James: With everything, with catching the same train every morning,
[07:17.91]sitting in the same office all day, watching the same television programs...
[07:22.12]Patrick: You need a holiday.
[07:23.74]James: It wasn\'t always like this, you know.
[07:25.64]Patrick: How do you mean?
[07:27.08]James: Well, our great-great-grandfathers had more fun, didn\'t they?
[07:30.74]I mean, they hunted for their food and grew their own vegetables and did things for themselves.
[07:36.14]We do the same sort of job for years and years. There\'s no variety in our lives.
[07:41.11]Patrick: You need a holiday. That\'s what\'s the matter with you.
[07:47.56]Section Three:
[07:59.99]1.What was the worst problem you encountered in your present job?
[08:04.75]2. How did you handle it?
[08:07.15]3. Why do you want to leave your present job?
[08:10.08]4. What are you most proud of having done in your present job?
[08:14.28]5. Why do you think you are qualified for this job?
[08:18.44]6. What sort of boss would you most like to work for?
[08:22.51]7. Supposing a member of your staff was frequently away from work, claiming to be ill, what action would you take?
[08:30.82]8. If you were working as a part of the team, what unspoken rules of behavior would you observe? lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


