英语初级听力 Lesson23(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:30 223
[00:00.00]Lesson Twenty-Three
[00:02.61]Section One:
[00:04.28]A. Dialogue 1:
[00:09.14]Mr. Hanson: Could I have my bill, please?
[00:11.44]Waitress: Yes, sir. One moment, please.
[00:13.58]Mr. Hanson: Could you kindly explain this to me? What is item 6?
[00:17.79]Waitress: Perhaps I could go through it for you. The first item is the cover charge. Number 2 is the beer.
[00:24.89]Then your starter, your main course and the vegetables.
[00:28.26]The main course was 4.50 not 3.50, so item 6 is the difference.
[00:32.60]Mr. Hanson: Oh, I see. But how was I expected to know that?
[00:36.34]Waitress: Yes, sir. They are a bit hard to follow sometimes.
[00:38.82]Number 8 is your dessert and number 9 the cigarettes. Oh, and number 7 is your second beer.
[00:45.01]Mr. Hanson: And what about the service, is that included?
[00:46.97]Waitress: Yes, that\'s marked down here, 10 per cent service.
[00:50.05]Mr. Hanson: Good. Thank you. Now, can you take my credit card?
[00:53.94]Waitress: I\'m afraid we don\'t accept credit cards.
[00:56.97]Mr. Hanson: Oh dear. What about a cheque with a banker\'s card?
[01:00.21]Waitress: Yes, sir. That will be all right.
[01:05.93]B. Dialogue 2:
[01:11.18]Customer: Can you bring me the bill, please?
[01:13.22]Waiter: Certainly, sir.
[01:14.79]Customer: I think there has been a mistake.
[01:17.53]Waiter: I\'m sorry, sir. What seems to be the trouble?
[01:20.90]Customer: I think you have charged me twice for thesame thing.
[01:22.83]Look, the figure of 5.50 appears here and then again here.
[01:27.07]Waiter: I\'ll just go and check it for you, sir.
[01:30.38]Waiter: Yes sir, you are quite right. The cashier made a mistake. I think you will find it correct now.
[01:36.05]Customer: Thank you.
[01:36.86]Waiter: We do apologize about this, sir.
[01:38.38]Customer: That\'s all right. No harm done. Now, can I pay by traveller\'s cheques?
[01:41.93]Waiter: Certainly, sir. We\'ll give you the change in local currency if that\'s all right.
[01:45.56]Customer: You needn\'t worry about that. There won\'t be much change out of twenty-five dollars.
[01:49.17]Waiter: Thank you, sir. That\'s most kind of you.
[01:54.23]C. Corney Restaurant Jokes:
[01:59.64]--Waiter, there\'s a fly in my soup.
[02:02.80]Shh, don\'t do too loud. Everyone will want one.
[02:05.86]--Waiter, there\'s a fly in my soup.
[02:09.54]--There is a spider on the bread. It\'ll catch it.
[02:12.60]--What\'s this fly doing in my soup?
[02:16.46]I think it\'s doing the backstroke, sir.
[02:18.97]--There is a dead fly swimming in my soup!
[02:23.07]--That\'s impossible. A dead fly can\'t swim.
[02:27.07]--There is a dead fly in my soup.
[02:30.67]--Yes, sir. It\'s the hot liquid that kills them.
[02:33.94]--Waiter,there is a fly in my soup.
[02:37.81]--Yes,sir.We give extra meat rations on Fridays.
[02:41.59]--Waiter,there is a fly in my soup.
[02:45.43]--Don\'t worry,sir.There is no extra charge.
[02:53.32]Section Two:
[02:54.97]A. On a London Bus:
[02:59.93]A strange thing happened to Henri yesterday. He was on a bus and wanted to get off.
[03:06.15]So he stood up and rang the bell.
[03:08.73]To make sure the driver heard him he rang it twice, but the bus didn\'t stop, and the conductor came and shouted at him.
[03:17.69]The conductor was so annoyed, and spoke so fast, that Henri didn\'t understand a word.
[03:23.78]The bus stopped at the next bus stop and Henri got off.
[03:28.14]As he got off he heard someone say, "I think he\'s a foreigner.\'
[03:33.29]When Henri got home, he told his landlady about the incident.
[03:38.17]"How many times did you ring the bell?\' she asked.
[03:42.80]"Twice," said Henri.
[03:45.38]"Well, that\'s the signal for the driver to go on," his landlady explained.
[03:51.39]"Only the conductor is allowed to ring the bell twice.That\'s why he got so annoyed.
[03:58.92]Henri nodded. "I see," he said.
[04:06.73]B. At the Travel Agency:
[04:11.61]C: Good morning.
[04:12.71]A & B: Good morning.
[04:13.96]C: Can I help you?
[04:14.88]A: Yes, we\'re thinking of going on holiday somewhere, but we\'re not sure where.
[04:19.08]C: I see. What sort of holiday did you have in mind?
[04:22.24]A: Lots of something.
[04:23.84]C: Mm. (looking puzzled) So you\'d like somewhere warm?
[04:26.63]B: Not too warm.
[04:28.41]A: Yes, as sunny as possible.
[04:28.75]C: And are you interested in the night-life at all?
[04:32.64]A: Yes. It\'d be nice if there were some good discos and clubs we could go to.
[04:37.45]B: Oh, no! Surely that\'s what we\'re trying to get away from!
[04:40.61]A: What do you mean? We never go out at all, so how could we get away from it?
[04:44.60]B: Well, what\'s the point of going somewhere where there are lots of people just like here?
[04:48.55]C: (interrupting) Could I just ask what sort of price you want to pay?
[04:51.27]B: As oheap as.possible.
[04:52.99]A: What do you mean? We want a top hotel.
[04:54.82]B: But we can\'t afford it.
[04:56.52]A: Of course, we can. We\'ve been saving up all year.
[04:59.96]C: Just a minute, please. I think I can make a suggestion.
[05:03.70]Why don\'t you try the South of France?
[05:06.08]Then one of you can go to the beach and the other can walk in the mountains.
[05:09.52]A: That sounds like a good idea. And there are some good hotels there.
[05:13.36]B: No--there are too many English people there!
[05:16.63]A: Well, then at least we\'d have someone to talk to.
[05:18.69]B: But, there\'s no point in going abroad to meet English  people there!
[05:21.62]C: (interrupting again) Excuse me.
[05:23.27]A & B: Yes?
[05:25.43]C: Well, my wife and I have the same trouble as you.
[05:29.35]I like hot, lively places and she prefers a bit of peace and quiet and we always disagree about how much to spend.
[05:36.80]We usually split up and go to different places, but this year I\'ve got a better idea.
[05:42.15]A & B: What\'s that?
[05:43.38]C: Well, I could go on holiday with you (indicates one of them)and you could go with my wife.
[05:48.94]A: That\'s an interesting idea.
[05:51.32]B: I\'m not so sure ...
[05:53.54]C: Look, why don\'t you come round now and meet my wife and we can see what we can arrange ...
[06:02.37]C. At the Customs:
[06:13.26]Man: (whispering) Don\'t worry. Everything will be all right.
[06:16.37]Woman: I hope you know what you\'re doing!
[06:17.57]C.O.: Good morning, sir, madam. Just returning from a holiday,are you?
[06:21.78]Woman: That\'s right.
[06:23.29]C.O.: And how long have you been abroad?
[06:23.62]Woman: Two weeks.
[06:24.43]Man: Yes, not very long. Not long enough to buy anything anyway.(laughing)
[06:29.03]C.O.: I see. Have you got anything to declare?
[06:31.66]Man: I\'m sorry, I don\'t really know what you mean.
[06:34.33]Woman: Harry!
[06:35.01]C.O.: Come on, sir. I\'m sure you know what I mean.
[06:37.05]Have you got anything to declare?
[06:38.85]Man: Well ... yes. I would like to declare that I love my wife.
[06:43.47]Woman: Oh, Harry. You\'ve never said that before.
[06:46.11]Man: Well, it\'s true! It\'s just that I\'ve never been able to tell you before.
[06:49.35]Woman: And I love you too!
[06:50.76]C.O.: (clearing throat) I\'m sorry to interrupt, but I must ask you whether you have any goods to declare.
[06:56.79]Man: Ah, well I do have a record-player, a fridge and something for my wife\'s birthday that I\'d rather not tell you about.
[07:04.89]Woman: Harry! And I thought you\'d forgotten again!
[07:07.19]Man: Of course not, dear!
[07:08.50]C.O.: (annoyed) What I want to know, sir, is whether you have any goods in that bag that I should know about.
[07:12.26]Man: Well, let\'s have a look. (opens bag) We\'ve got some bars of soap, a tube of toothpaste,clothes, a jar of cream ...
[07:22.68]C.O.: (angry) I only want to know if you have anything liable for tax, like cigarettes, perfumes or bottles of anything.
[07:28.25]Man: Well, we do have a bottle of shampoo.
[07:30.18]C.O.: Okay. I\'ve had enough. You can go.
[07:34.18]Man: You mean that\'s it?
[07:35.46]C.O.: Please go away!
[07:36.50]Woman: Come on, Harry. He just told us we could go.
[07:44.94]C.O.: Just a minute. May I see that jewellery, please?
[07:49.12]Man: Oh, my God! You great clumsy idiot!
[07:52.28]Woman: I\'m sorry. I didn\'t mean to.
[07:53.90]Man: You never do anything right. I don\'t know why I married you in the first place!
[07:57.61]Woman: But Harry! You just said you loved me.
[07:59.64]Man: Not any more.
[07:58.64]C.O.: And now what have you got to declare, sir?
[08:06.69]D. The Smuggler:
[08:12.15]Sam Lewis was a customs officer. He used to work in a small border town.
[08:18.37]It wasn\'t a busy town and there wasn\'t much work.
[08:21.19]The road was usually very qu. iet and there weren\'t many travellers.
[08:25.32]It wasn\'t a very interesting job, but Sam liked an easy life.
[08:30.07]About once a week, he used to meet an old man. His name was Draper.
[08:33.96]He always used to arrive at the border early in the morning in a big truck.
[08:40.05]The truck was always empty. After a while Sam became suspicious.
[08:45.27]He often used to search the truck, but he never found anything.
[08:49.27]One day he asked Draper about his job. Draper laughed and said, "I\'m a smuggler.\'
[08:56.19]Last year Sam retired. He spent his savings on an expensive holiday.
[09:02.41]He flew to Bermuda, and stayed in a luxury hotel.
[09:05.57]One day, he was sitting by the pool and opposite him he saw Draper drinking champagne.
[09:12.36]Sam walked over to him.
[09:14.92]Sam: Hello, there!
[09:16.70]Draper: Hi!
[09:17.35]Sam: Do you remember me?
[09:18.97]Draper: Yes ... of course I do. You\'re a customs officer.
[09:22.42]Sam: I used to be, but Vm not any more. I retired last month. I often used to search your truck ...
[09:28.98]Draper: ... but you never found anything!
[09:30.52]Sam: No, I didn\'t. Can I ask you something?
[09:33.99]Draper: Of course, you can.
[09:35.30]Sam: Were you a smuggler?
[09:37.00]Draper: Of course I was.
[09:38.38]Sam: But ... the truck was always empty. What were you smuggling?
[09:42.87]Draper: Trucks!
[09:45.67]E. Missing Children:
[09:53.17]The first thing they do is to put out an APB and this goes to all the police stations in the country.
[09:59.17]Next we contact the hospitals. Often the person we are looking for has been in an accident.
[10:03.75]Then we might try parents, friends or relatives they might be with.
[10:07.59]We try to follow their movements and to find the last person they saw or were with.
[10:11.69]Then we try the media. We put photographs in local or national papers--especially papers they might read.
[10:18.58]There are other things we can do: put posters in places they might be, go on television.
[10:23.60]Here in America there is a magazine in which there are photographs of missing children.
[10:27.39]This is often the last hope. Of course, with nearly two million missing children every year, we can\'t do all these things for everyone.
[10:34.99]We haven\'t got the time, the money or the staff.
[10:40.94]Section Three:
[10:46.35]Are you a morning person or an evening person? That\'s the question.
[10:56.59]When do you work best? For me the answer is easy. I work best in the morning.
[11:09.44]All my creative work is done before lunchtime. I get up at about eight, and then have breakfast.
[11:31.88]I listen to the radio a bit, and read the papers. And then I start.
[11:44.00]Usually I work from nine or nine-thirty until twelve but after that I\'m useless.
[11:51.06]On a good day I write fifteen hundred words or more, sometimes two thousand words, in the morning.
[12:07.93]Then after lunch I go for a walk, or read. In the evening I like to relax, go to the pub or go out and meet people. lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


