英语初级听力 Lesson29(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 12:10:29 77
[00:00.00]Lesson Twenty-Nine
[00:02.35]Section One:
[00:04.47]Airport Announcements:
[00:11.36]1. Special announcement for Mr. Valans.
[00:13.82]Would Mr.Valans, passenger on Pan Am Flight Number 35212 to New York,
[00:20.27]please contact the Pan Am transfer desk immediately.
[00:24.37]Mr. Valans to contact the Pan Am transfer desk immediately, please.
[00:31.58]2. This is a security announcement.
[00:33.93]Passengers are reminded not to leave their baggage unattended at any time.
[00:39.11]Passengers must not leave their baggage unattended.
[00:42.42]Unattended bags will be removed immediately by the police.
[00:46.99]3. Kenya Airways to Rome and Nairobi, Flight Number 155, boarding now Gate Number 10.
[00:55.59]Kenya Airways, Gate Number 10.
[00:59.14]4. Your attention please.
[01:02.09]Olympic Airways Flight Number 563 to Athens boarding now at Gate Number 31.
[01:08.81]Olympic Airways to Athens, Gate Number 31.
[01:14.58]5. Would passenger Aldo Betini, who arrived from Rome, please go to the meeting point.
[01:21.79]Aldo Betini to the meeting point, please.
[01:26.96]6. BA wish to apologise for the delay of their Flight Number 516 to New York.
[01:33.62]This is due to the late positioning of the aircraft to the stand.
[01:48.67]Section Two:
[01:50.52]A. At the Lost Property Office:
[01:55.25]Assistant: Good morning, sir.
[01:58.20]Man: Good morning. I wonder ifyou can help. I\'ve lost my coat.
[02:01.42]Assistant: Where did you lose it, sir?
[02:02.33]Man: Er ... I left it on the ... um ... underground yesterday morning.
[02:06.01]Assistant: Can you describe it?
[02:07.24]Man: Well, it\'s a full-length brown overcoat with a check pattern on it.
[02:10.82]It\'s got a wide belt, and one of those thick furry collars that keep your ears warm.
[02:14.71]It\'s a very nice coat, actually.
[02:16.33]Assistant: Hmm. I\'m afraid we haven\'t got anything like that, sir.Sorry.
[02:20.28]Man: Well, to tell you the truth, I lost another coat last week. On the bus.
[02:23.88]It\'s a three-quarter length coatm it\'s grey, with big black buttons and a black belt.
[02:28.51]Assistant: Sorry, sir. Nothing like that.
[02:31.04]Man: Hmm. And then only this morning I left my white raincoat in a park. It\'s got a silk lining ...
[02:36.84]Assistant: Look, sir. I\'m a busy woman. If you really need a coat so badly,
[02:40.78]there\'s a very good second-hand clothes shop just round the corner...
[02:47.47]B. Questions of Conscience:
[02:52.59]Doctor: Well, how\'s the patient this morning?
[02:56.43]Nurse: He appears to have had a very restless night.
[02:58.68]Doctor: Oh. Was he in very severe pain?
[03:02.47]Nurse: Yes. I\'m afraid he was, doctor.
[03:04.24]Doctor: Hmm. In that case, I think we\'d better increase his dosage of diamorphine.
[03:09.81]Nurse: Yes, doctor. By how much?
[03:11.69]Doctor: Let\'s see. How much is he on at the moment?
[03:16.18]Nurse: Five milligrammes.
[03:17.38]Doctor: Hmm. Increase it to fifty.
[03:20.88]Nurse: Fifty? All at once?
[03:23.99]Doctor: Yes, that\'s what I said, nurse.
[03:26.18]Nurse: But that\'s an increase of forty-five milligrammes.
[03:28.40]Doctor: I\'m quite aware of that. However, when I operated on the patient yesterday,
[03:32.61]I found his abdomen was riddled with carcinoma. I\'m sure you realize what that means.
[03:37.34]Nurse: Yes, I do, doctor. But I still don\'t feel I can accept respon sibility for administering such an increase.
[03:44.31]Doctor: Can\'t you? What exactly do you suggest, then?
[03:48.39]Nurse: That if you\'re convinced it\'s the right thing to do, you ought to administer the injection yourself.
[03:53.38]Doctor: Hmm. I see what you mean. Very well, I will.
[04:04.66]C. Earthquake:
[04:11.38]Woman: What did you do during the earthquake, James?
[04:13.99]James: Stayed in bed.
[04:15.35]Woman: What do you mean? Didn\'t you try to get outside?
[04:16.99]James: No. I\'d got terrible flu, so I just stayed in bed.
[04:20.21]Woman: So what happened?
[04:21.02]James: Well, I must have slept through the first earthquake although nobody believes me.
[04:26.03]They said it was so noisy. Then I woke up about four in the morning.
[04:29.53]Still feeling terrible with the flu.
[04:32.01]Eyes running, nose running. You know how you feel when you\'ve got the flu.
[04:36.30]Woman: Don\'t I just. I\'ve been lucky so far this year, though.
[04:39.17]James: So I decided to get up and make a cup of tea.
[04:42.91]I\'d just got into the kitchen when I started to feel all unsteady on my feet.
[04:47.84]Then I got this roaring noise in my ears. I still thought it was the flu, you see.
[04:52.78]Woman: So what happened then?
[04:53.80]James: Well, I slowly realised that it wasn\'t me feeling dizzy and the noises weren\'t in my head.
[04:59.18]I heard the people upstairs screaming.
[05:01.43]The wooden floor started moving up and down, the doors and windows started rattling and banging,
[05:06.26]all the kitchen cupboards were thrown open and cups and saucers came crashing to the floor,
[05:10.65]the kitchen dock fell from the wall ...
[05:12.56]Woman: Well what did you do?
[05:13.52]James: What could I do? I just stood there and watched.
[05:16.32]Woman: Why didn\'t you try to get out?
[05:17.75]James: Oh, I couldn\'t be bothered. I was feeling so terrible with the flu.
[05:21.65]I just went back to my bedroom.
[05:23.94]Some books had fallen from the bookcase and that little porcelain vase had rolled to the floor but fortunately didn\'t break.
[05:30.76]I even had to look for my transistor radio under the bed.
[05:34.11]I picked it up and switched it on and they were telling people to go and sleep in the parks.
[05:37.55]Woman: So why didn\'t you?
[05:39.12]James: I told you, I was feeling too ill. And the nearest park is a long walk from my flat.
[05:44.74]And I didn\'t want to be with a lot of people.
[05:48.08]So I just stayed in bed and hoped for the best.
[05:50.75]I didn\'t really think the house was going to fall down around me.
[05:54.04]Though several did, I\' found out later.
[05:56.18]Woman: Yes. I was sitting in a cafe when the first one started and the whole place started to shake.
[06:01.51]People were running and screaming and pushing to get out ...
[06:16.92]Section Three:
[06:18.93]A.Who Needs Friends Like This?
[06:23.76]Martin,Robert and Jean are being interviewed on the subject of friendship.
[06:29.77]Interviewer:How important are friends to you,Martin?
[06:33.48]Martin: I\'ve never had a lot of friends.
[06:38.03]I\'ve never regarded them as particularly important.
[06:42.18]Perhaps that\'s because I eome from a big family.
[06:46.80]Two brothers and three sisters. And lots of cousins.
[06:50.70]And that\'s what\'s really important to me.
[06:55.53]My family. The different members of my family.
[06:59.24]If you really need help, you get it from your family, don\'t you?
[07:04.62]Well, at least that\'s what I\'ve always found.
[07:07.76]Interviewer: What about you, Jean?
[07:09.66]Jean: To me friendship ... having friends ... people I know I can really count on ...
[07:16.17]to me that\'s the most important thing in life.
[07:18.86]It\'s more important even than love.
[07:19.07]If you love someone, you can always fall out of love again,
[07:24.58]and that can lead to a lot of hurt feelings, bitterness, and so on. But a good friend is a friend for life.
[07:30.40]Interviewer: And what exactly do you mean by a friend?
[07:33.96]Jean: Well, I\'ve already said, someone you know you can count on.
[07:37.46]I suppose what I really mean is ... let\'s see, how am I going to put this ...
[07:42.94]it\'s someone who will help you if you need help, who\'ll listen to you when you talk about your problems ..someone you can trust.
[07:49.55]Interviewer: What do you mean by a friend, Robert?
[07:51.77]Robert: Someone who likes the same things that you do,
[07:55.11]who you can argue with and not lose your temper, even if you don\'t always agree about things.
[08:00.63]I mean someone who you don\'t have to talk to all the time but can be silent with, perhaps.
[08:05.46]That\'s important, too.
[08:07.68]You can just sit together and not say very much sometimes Just relax,
[08:10.58]I don\'t like people who talk all the time.
[08:13.43]Interviewer: Are you very good at keeping in touch with your friends if you don\'t see them regularly?
[08:17.27]Robert: No, not always. I\'ve lived in lots of places,
[08:21.60]and, to be honest, once I move away, I often do drift out of touch with my friends.
[08:26.59]And I\'m not a very good letter writer, either. Never have been.
[08:31.53]But I know that if I saw those friends again, if I ever moved back to the same place,
[08:36.07]or for some other reason we got back into close contact again,
[08:39.37]I\'m sure the friendship would be just as strong as it was before.
[08:43.47]Jean: Several of my friends have moved away, got married, things like that.
[08:48.64]One of my friends has had a baby recently,
[08:51.30]and I\'II admit I don\'t see her or hear from her as much as I used to ...
[08:54.88]She lives in another neighborhood and when I phone her, she always seems busy.
[08:58.10]But that\'s an exception. I write a lot of letters to my friends and get a lot of letters from them.
[09:03.97]I have a friend I went to school with and ten years ago she emigrated to Canada,
[09:07.89]but she still writes to me every month, and I write to her just as often.
[09:14.76]B. A Day OffWork:
[09:23.67]Bill Walker works for an import--export company.
[09:28.24]Last Wednesday morning Bill rang his office at nine o\'clock.
[09:31.77]His boss, Mr. Thompson, answered the phone.
[09:37.02]Mr. Thompson: Hello, Thompson here ...
[09:39.81]Bill: Hello..This is Bill Walker.
[09:42.71]Mr. Thompson: Oh, hello, Bill.
[09:43.68]Bill: Vm afraid I can\'t come to work today, Mr. Thompson.
[09:46.27]Mr. Thompson: Oh, what\'s the problem?
[09:47.78]Bill: I\'ve got a very sore throat.
[09:49.79]Mr. Thompson: Yes, you sound ill on\'the phone.
[09:51.96]Bill: Yes, I\'ll stay in bed today, but I\'ll be able to come tomorrow.
[09:56.14]Mr. Thompson: That\'s all right, Bill. Stay in bed until you feel well enough to work.
[09:59.64]Bill: Thank you, Mr. Thompson ... Goodbye.
[10:01.83]Mr. Thompson: Goodbye, Bill.
[10:07.32]Mr. Thompson liked Bill very much.
[10:10.32]At 12.30 he got into his car, drove to a shop and bought some fruit for him.
[10:14.48]He went to Bill\'s flat and rang the doorbell.
[10:16.83]Bill\'s wife, Susan, answered the door.
[10:25.76]Susan: Oh, Mr. Thompson! Hello ... how are you?
[10:31.59]Mr. Thompson: Fine, thanks, Susan. I\'ve just come to see Bill.
[10:34.04]How is he.
[10:35.11]Susan: He doesn\'t look very well. I wanted him to see the doctor.
[10:39.84]Mr. Thompson: I\'I1 go in and see him ... Hello, Bill!
[10:44.13]Bill: Oh., hello ... hello, Mr. Thompson ... er ... er...
[10:48.86]Mr. Thompson: I\'ve brought some fruit for you, Bill.
[10:50.45]Bill: Thank you very much, Mi. Thompson.
[10:51.96]Mr. Thompson: Well  ....  I had to pass your house anyway. How\'s your throat?
[10:55.12]Bill: It seems a little better. I\'I1 be OK tomorrow.
[10:58.02]Mr. Thompson: Well, donn\'t come in until you feel better.
[11:00.43]Bill: All right ... but I\'m sure I\'ll be able to come in tomorrow.
[11:03.77]Mr. Thompson: Goodbye, Bill.
[11:04.45]Bill: Goodbye, Mr. Thompson.
[11:06.36]At three o\'clock in the afternoon, Mr.Thompson locked his office door,
[11:10.09]and switched on his portable television.
[11:12.29]He wanted to watch an important international football match.
[11:15.63]It was England against Brazil, Both teams were playing welt,
[11:20.12]but neither team could score a goal. The crowd were cheering and booing.
[11:24.23]It was very exciting.
[11:25.58]Then at 3.20, England scored from a penalty.
[11:29.55]Mr. Thompson jumped out of his chair.
[11:32.01]He was very excited. He was smiling happily when suddenly the cameraman focussed on the crowd.
[11:38.31]Mr. Thompson\'s smile disappeared and he looked very angry.
[11:42.69]Bill Walker\'s-face, in clos--up, was there on the screen. lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


