英语初级听力 Lesson31(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语听力 2019-08-02 06:11:07 100
[00:00.00]Lesson Thirty-One
[00:07.26]Section One:
[00:09.82]Dialogue 1:
[00:13.11]Passenger: West London Air Terminal, please. I have to be there by 11.10.
[00:18.44]Taxi Driver: I can\'t promoise, but I\'ll do my best.
[00:20.45]Taxi Driver: You\'re just in time. Seventy pence, please.
[00:27.61]Passenger: Thanks a lot. Here\'s eighty pence. You can keep the change.
[00:33.99]Dialogue 2:
[00:39.50]Passenger: Do you think you can get me to Victoria by half past?
[00:43.21]Taxi Driver: We should be OK if the lights are with us.
[00:49.48]Taxi Driver: You\'ve still got five minutes to spare. Seventy pence,please.
[00:53.60]Passenger: Thanks very much indeed. Here\'s\' a pound, give me twenty pence, please.
[01:01.57]Dialogue 3:
[01:06.27]Passenger: Piccadilly, please. I have an appointment at 10.30.
[01:10.69]Taxi Driver: I think we can make it ifwe get a move on.
[01:16.17]Taxi Driver: Here we are, sir. Eighty pence, please.
[01:20.04]Passenger: Many thanks. Let\'s call it a pound.
[01:28.32]Dialogue 4:
[01:30.98]Passenger: Paddington, please. I want to catch the 11.15.
[01:33.73]Taxi Driver: We\'ll be all right if there are no hold-ups.
[01:38.35]Taxi Driver: This is it, sir. Seventy pence, please.
[01:42.66]Passenger:Thank you.Here\'s the fare,and this is for you.
[01:54.63]Section Two:
[01:56.24]A. Probability:
[02:00.19]--No luck then, John?
[02:02.51]--Afraid not, sir. Not yet, anyhow. We\'re still checking on stolen cars.
[02:07.71]--Where do you think he\'ll head for, sir?
[02:09.44]--Well, he definitely won\'t try to leave the country yet.
[02:12.21]He may try to get a passport, and he\'ll certainly need clothes and money.
[02:16.52]He\'ll probably get in touch with Cornfield for those, so I expect he\'ll make for Birmingham.
[02:21.77]--Right. I\'ll put some men on the house.
[02:23.54]--Yes, do that. Mind you, I doubt if he\'ll show up there in person.
[02:27.07]Hammond\'s no fool, you know. I should think he\'ll probably telephone.
[02:31.35]--What about his wife?
[02:32.48]--Mm. I shouldn\'t think he\'ll go anywhere near her---though he might get her to join him after he\'s left the country.
[02:39.22]And when he does leave, he probably won\'t use a major airport, either.
[02:43.71]So you\'d better alert the coastguard, and keep an eye on the privat airfields.
[02:47.00]--Right, sir. I\'d better get his description circulated.
[02:49.72]--Yes. He may change his appearance, of course, but I don\'t expect he\'ll be able to do much about the tattoos...
[02:55.67]And John--becareful. He could be armed. And if I know Hammond, he cer tainly won\'t give himself up without a figh.
[03:05.31]B. Job Hunting:
[03:10.69]A lot of young people today find it difficult to get a job, especially in the first few months after they leave school.
[03:17.98]This is much more of a problem now than it has ever been in the past.
[03:22.11]In some parts of the country sixty or even seventy per cent of youngpeople in the last years of school will be without a job for a whole year after leaving school.
[03:31.59]Our Jobs Information Service has been in touch with thousands of young people over the last two or three years,
[03:38.15]talking to them about their hopes and their fears,
[03:40.63]and we have in fact been able to give a lot of help and advice to young people who have just left school.
[03:46.01]Are you recently out of school and still without a job?
[03:49.15]Or are you still at school and worried about getting a job when you leave?
[03:53.14]We have found that many people don\'t know who to talk to and sometimes don\'t know what questions to ask.
[03:58.73]That is why our experience at Jobs Information Service is so important.
[04:03.07]It will cost you nothing--just a phone call. If you would like to talk to us
[04:07.85]and we are here to talk to you--then please phone 24987 any day between 9.00 and 5.30.
[04:18.46]C. The Movies:
[04:25.22]Man: I want to do something tonight for a change; let\'s go out.
[04:29.35]Brian: All right, let\'s go to the movies.
[04:30.71]Woman: In this heat? Are you joking?
[04:32.85]Brian: We can go to an outdoor movie.
[04:34.29]Do you think I\'d suggest an indoor one in the middle of the summer in San Diego?
[04:38.33]Man: Vd rather go out for a meal.
[04:39.75]Woman: Yes, that sounds a better idea. The outdoor movies are so uncomfortable.
[04:43.98]Brian: Why don\'t we do both at the same time? We could pick up some take-away food and eat it in the movie.
[04:48.78]Man: That sounds like fun. What a good idea.
[04:50.90]Woman: But they neve show any good films in the summer. At least not any of the new ones.
[04:54.77]All you get is the old classics.
[04:56.31]Brian: And what\'s wrong with them?
[04:57.64]Woman: Oh nothing, it\'s just that we\'ve seen them all half a dozen times.
[05:01.09]Brian: But that\'s why they\'re classics. They\'re worth seeing again and again.
[05:04.61]Man: You\'ve got a point there, Brian.
[05:06.10]My main objection to outdoor movies is that you can never hear properly. You hear all the traffic from outside.
[05:12.01]Brian: Well, we can find a foreign film with subtitles, then you don\'t need to hear the sound.
[05:16.97]Woman: Supposing it\'s a musical.
[05:19.14]Brian: Oh trust you to say that!
[05:20.78]I think it would be fun to sit watching an old film and eating a meal at the same time.
[05:25.04]Woman: Last time I went to an outdoor movie, I bought a bar of chocolate to eat as I went in.
[05:29.53]It was a horror film and I was so shocked I just sat there holding my bar of chocolate until the interval
[05:34.16]when I found it had melted in my hand and run all down my dress. That was an expensive evening out.
[05:39.75]Man: Well, we won\'t go and see a horror film, darling, and take-away meals don\'t melt
[05:53.59]D. Radio Program:
[06:02.27]Presenter: Good evening and welcome to "Interesting Persona-lities."
[06:06.52]Tonight we\'ve got a real treat in store for you. We have here in the studio Mrs. Annie Jarman of Bristol.
[06:13.21]Mrs. Jarman: Hello. That\'s me.
[06:14.26]Presenter: Say hello to the listeners, Mrs. Jarman.
[06:16.50]Mrs. Jarman: I just did, Hello again.
[06:17.99]Presenter: Now Mrs. Jarman is eighty-four years old.
[06:20.37]Mrs. Jarman: Nearly eighty-four.
[06:21.88]Presenter: Sorry, nearly eighty-four years old and she holds...
[06:24.42]Mrs.Jarman: Not quite.
[06:25.33]Presenter: Yes, I explained. Now Mrs. Jarman holds the English record...
[06:28.60]Mrs. Jarman: Eighty-three years, ten months and fifteen days.
[06:32.18]Presenter: Good, well, now that we\'ve got that out of the way.
[06:34.21]Mrs. Jarman holds the English record for having failed her driving test the most times.
[06:39.96]Mrs. Jarman: I\'m still trying.
[06:41.08]Presenter: Quite. Now precisely how many times have you failed your driving test Mrs. Jarman?
[06:46.62]Mrs. Jarman: Well, the last attempt last Wednesday brought it up to fifty-seven times.
[06:51.77]Presenter: Over how long a period?
[06:53.73]Mrs. Jarman: Twenty-eight years.
[06:55.58]Presenter:What do you think is the cause of this record, number of failures?
[06:59.03]Mrs. Jarman: Bad driving.
[07:01.54]Presenter: Yes, quite. Well, it would be. But in what way do you drive badly?
[07:06.08]Mrs. Jarman: Every way.
[07:07.81]Presenter: Every way?
[07:08.64]Mrs. Jarman: Yes. I hit things. That\'s the really big problem, but I\'m working on that.
[07:14.16]Also I can\'t drive round corners. Each time I come to a corner I just drive straight on.
[07:20.58]Presenter: Ah, yes, that would be a problem.
[07:22.36]Mrs. Jarman: It causes havoc at roundabouts.
[07:24.19]Presenter: I can imagine. And how many examiners have you had in all this time?
[07:27.69]Mrs. Jarman: Fifty-seven. None of them would examine me twice.
[07:31.53]Several left the job, said it was too dangerous.
[07:34.61]One of them got out of the car at the end of the test, walked away and was never seen again.
[07:38.71]Presenter: Oh dear. But why do you drive so badly?
[07:41.48]Mrs. Jarman: I blame the examiners. It\'s all their fault. They don\'t do their job properly.
[07:45.63]Presenter: Really? In what way?
[07:46.76]Mrs. Jarman: They distract my attention. They keep talking to me.
[07:49.84]Turn left, turn right, park here.
[07:52.29]By the time I\'ve turned round to ask them what they said we\'re half way through a field or slowly sinking into a pond surrounded by ducks.
[08:00.03]They should keep quiet and let me concentrate.
[08:03.11]Presenter: But they have to tell you where to go, Mrs. Jarman.
[08:05.17]Mrs. Jarman: Then they should give me time to stop each time before speaking to me.
[08:08.57]Why do you think they have those notices on the buses, \'Do not speak to the driver\', eh?
[08:14.39]I\'m surprised there aren\'t more accidents.
[08:16.22]Presenter: How long do your tests usually\'last, Mrs. Jarman?
[08:19.25]Mrs. Jarman: Two or three minutes. Not longer. They\'ve usually jumped out by then. Except the last one.
[08:25.47]Presenter: And how long did that last?
[08:27.27]Mrs. Jarman: Four hours and twenty-five minutes, exactly, from beginning to end.
[08:30.46]Presenter: Four hours and twenty-five minutes?
[08:32.31]Mrs. Jarman: Yes. You see, I\'d got on the motorway and as I told you I can\'t turn right or left
[08:36.83]so we didn\'t stop until I hit a post box just outside London.
[08:40.88]Presenter: And was the examiner still with you?
[08:42.63]Mrs. Jarman: Oh, yes, he\'d fainted much earlier on.
[08:44.64]Presenter: Well, there we are. That\'s the end of "Interesting Personalities" for this week.
[08:48.59]Thank you Mrs. Jarman for coming along and telling us about your experiences with cars.
[08:53.08]Mrs. Jarman: Can I just say a word?
[08:54.28]Presenter: Er ... yes. Go ahead.
[08:55.77]Mrs. Jarman: I\'d just like to say if there are any driving instructors in the Bristol area listening in,
[09:01.23]well, I\'d like to say thank you very much and my offer to pay double still hods good if any of them will come back.Thank you.
[09:08.26]Presenter:Thank you,Mrs.Jarman,and good night.
[09:10.66]Mrs.Jarman:I won\'t give up.
[09:22.08]Section Three:
[09:23.57]A. A Little Crime:
[09:27.59]A psychiatrist who has studied the legend of Bonnie and Clyde compares the characters of the two.
[09:34.20]Interviewer: So in your book why do you focus more on Bonnie than you have on Clyde?
[09:39.45]Shivel: Bonnie had something which Clyde completely lacked.
[09:43.47]Style. And she was also far more intelligent than he was.
[09:47.94]Without her, there never would have a legend.
[09:50.99]He was just a rather stupid hoodlum who got into difficult situations almost by accident and then started shooting wildly.
[09:58.91]She was a much warmer,more generous person.
[10:02.28]Interviewer: But she could be very ruthless, couldn\'t she?I mean what about that policeman she shot in Grapevine,Texas?
[10:06.75]Didn\'t she laugh about it?
[10:07.66]Shivel: Well, first of all, we don\'t know if that\'s what actually happened.
[10:10.77]A farmer says he saw her shoot the second policeman and then laugh. That\'s the only evidence we have that.
[10:19.21]She actually did that. But even if the story is true,
[10:21.87]the whole incident illustrates this warmer, almost motherly, side to her character.
[10:27.25]Interviewer: Motherly? How does the incident of shooting a policeman illustrate that she was motherly?
[10:31.46]Shivel: Well ... uh ,.. just let me finish.
[10:33.16]You see, the day before the shooting, Bonnie and Clyde were driving about with a pet rabbit in; the car.
[10:38.46]Bonnie\'s petrabbit. Clyde started complaining because the rabbit stank.
[10:42.61]So they stopped and washed the rabbit in a stream. The rabbit almost died because of the shock of the very cold water.
[10:49.20]Bonnie got very worried, and wrapped the rabbit in a blanket and held it.Close to her as they drove on.
[10:54.58]Then,the next morning, when the rabbit still wasn\'t any better, she made Clyde stop and build a fire.
[11:00.87]She was sitting in front of that to get the rabbit warm when the two policemen fire, trying drove up and got out.
[11:07.66]Probably the policemen had no idea who was there.
[11:10.98]They just wanted to see who was burning a fire and A moment later, as we know, they were both dead.
[11:17.41]All bewhy.cause of that pet rabbit which Bonnie wanted to mother.
[11:21.80]And uh ... perhaps ... in a strange way, Clyde was something like a pet rabbit, too.
[11:29.06]She was attracted to him because he was weaker than she was and needed someone to mother him,
[11:35.12]It\'s strange,you know, but strong, intelligent women are often attracted to such men ,..
[11:41.47]weaker than they are ... men who are like children, or pet rabbits.
[11:48.94]B. Psychiatrist:
[11:59.91]Psychiatrist: Goodbye Mr. er ... um ... er ... Just keep taking those tablets and you\'ll be all right in no time.
[12:05.97]Next please. Good morning, Mrs. er ... your first visit, is it?
[12:11.90]Mrs. Parkinson: Yes, doctor.
[12:12.94]Psychiatrist: I see. Well, let me just fill in this form. Name?
[12:17.36]Mrs. Parkinson: Parkinson. Enid Parkinson. (Crunch) Mrs.
[12:20.75]Psychiatrist: So you\'re married, Mrs. Parkinson.
[12:23.13]Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Yes.
[12:23.76]Psychiatrist: I see. Now, your date of birth, please.
[12:26.16]Mrs. Parkinson: Wednesday the twelfth of June..
[12:27.91]Psychiatrist: No, not your birthday, Mrs. Parkinson. Your date of birth.
[12:32.20]Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Twelfth of June 1946.
[12:34.39]But not a word to my husband, mind, he thinks it was 1956.
[12:38.15]Psychiatrist: 1946. Right. Now, what seems to be the trouble?
[12:42.93]Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Well, it\'s nothing very much, doctor.It\'s just that (crunch) I can\'t stop (crunch)eating these crisps (crunch).
[12:49.93]Psychiatrist: Yes, I had noticed that you seemed to be getting through rather a lot of them.
[12:53.49]Er..do you mind picking up those two empty bags off the floor, please?
[12:57.30]Thank you. Now, when did this problem start?
[13:00.88]Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) About six. months ago. My husband and I won a huge box of crisps in a talent competition.
[13:08.58]And we\'ve not been able (crunch) to stop eating them over since. It\'s costing us a fortune. (Crunch)
[13:14.25]Psychiatrist: I see. Now, what do you think about when you\'ve eating these crisps?
[13:19.32]Mrs. Parkinson: More (crunch) crisps.
[13:20.71]Psychiatrist: I see. And what do the crisps remind you off?.
[13:25.09]Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Potatoes. (Crunch) Potato crisps.(Crunch) All nice, crisp and golden brown with plenty of salt on them.
[13:32.38]Psychiatrist: I see. But don\'t they remind you of anything else?
[13:35.88]Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Cheese. Cheese crisps. Cheddar crisps.Roquefort crisps. Edam crisps.
[13:40.11]Oh, I\'d definitely say they remind me of cheese.
[13:42.65]Psychiatrist: Yes, they certainly seem to do that.
[13:44.92]Does anything else come to mind when you\'re eating these vast amounts of crisps?
[13:50.33]Mrs. Parkinson: Not much, apart from crisps, doctor.
[13:52.78](Crunch) If I\'m really on form I can work up an appetite for, oh, paprika crisps, or shrimp crisps or even ham and bacon crisps.
[13:59.16]Psychiatrist: And have you made any effort to stop eating these crisps?
[14:02.87]Mrs. Parkinson: Oh, no. I wouldn\'t want to (crunch) eat anything else. I like my crisps.
[14:07.52]Psychiatrist: But if you don\'t want to stop eating them, why come to a psychiatrist?
[14:12.51]Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Well, it\'s the noise, doctor. (Crunch)My husband complains he cantt hear the telly.
[14:17.91]And the neighbors bang on the walls late at night. (Crunch) Say they can\'t sleep.
[14:22.20]I\'ve offered them a whole box so that ... so that they can do the same, but (crunch) they say they\'d rather sleep.
[14:28.02]Psychiatrist: I should have thought earplugs would have been a more sensible thing to offer them.
[14:32.70]Mrs. Parkinson: Earplugs! That\'s it! The problem\'s solved.(Crunch) Thank you. Thank you very much, doctor.
[14:37.53]Psychiatrist: Er ... Mrs ... um ...
[14:38.18]Mrs. Parkinson: Parkinson.
[14:39.57]Psychiatrist: Parkinson, yes. Er... could I have a crisp?
[14:43.04]Mrs. Parkinson: Certainly, (crunch) doctor. Here, have a couple of bags.
[14:46.54]Psychiatrist: Oh, thank you, Mrs. Parkinson. lrc字幕 lrc字幕是什么意思 lrc歌词字幕下载 lrc字幕文件如何使用 绿野仙踪lrc字幕 歌词字幕 lrc字幕编辑器 pr歌词字幕 手机怎么调歌词字幕


