
英语听力 2019-08-02 06:11:02 129
E-mail certainly keeps me busy. I never used to write as many letters as I do now. In the good old days before computers, we wrote real letters, with paper and envelopes. I wrote one or two letters a week. But now, with e-mail, my in-box is never empty. There’s always someone mailing me. I would like just one day where I’m free of e-mail. The sad thing is, very few mails I get are interesting. I get loads of spam – junk mail trying to sell me things I don’t want. I also get lots of mail from people asking me to do stuff. Do this, do that, reply ASAP. It’s too much sometimes. The one good thing about e-mail is that you can get things done quickly. I can e-mail a company in another country and they can mail me back in two minutes.
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