《纯正英语一分钟》第120课:Hate crime

英语听力 2019-08-01 18:11:15 94
Hate crime is becoming a big problem in many societies. You’d think that in the twenty-first century we’d all respect each other. With all the communications we have and with globalization, we should know enough about each other to understand we are all the same. We should at least be able to respect our differences. I blame the media for a lot of hate crime. They are very good at highlighting particular groups of people and casting them in a negative light. Just look at what’s happened since the 9/11 attacks in New York. Hate has increased in the world and the media seems to fuel this. I’m glad I live in a country that has laws against hate crime. They don’t always work, but at least it’s better than in most countries. 纯正英语一分钟 一分钟英语 纯正英语 英语一分钟听力 1分钟英语听力 在线英语听力室一分钟 英语听写一分钟大概需要多久 英语听力在线听 成功事例英文


