
英语听力 2019-08-01 18:11:10 84
Guns are bad. Full stop. I’m fed up hearing about people who think they have a right to carry a gun. A gun is a deadly weapon. People who are for guns say people are the deadly ones. That’s stupid. The truth is, that if there were no guns in the world, there’d be more people alive. Students with guns kill other students at school. No guns, no deaths. Guns are used in millions of crimes around the world. Gun crime is out of control in many countries. The societies in which guns are illegal have very little gun crime. The problem is that guns aren’t going away. They are getting easier to buy. Now that many international borders are open, smuggling guns to other countries is easy. Maybe the whole world will return to the Wild West. 纯正英语一分钟 一分钟英语 纯正英语 英语一分钟听力 1分钟英语听力 在线英语听力室一分钟 英语听写一分钟大概需要多久 英语听力在线听 成功事例英文


