
英语听力 2019-08-01 18:11:05 109
I think humour is one of the best things in life. Without it, nothing in life would be funny. It’s strange how we start laughing from such a young age. I wonder what makes tiny babies laugh. What do they find funny. Babies laugh and smile all the time. This means we are born to laugh and make other people laugh. Our sense of humour develops as we grow up. Some people become very good at telling jokes. I always find it difficult to remember jokes. I don’t understand jokes from other countries. I love comedy shows from England, but I can’t see what’s funny when I watch American comedies. I guess humour is different, even with people who speak the same language. Anyway, I think I have a good sense of humour and I like a good laugh.
humour sardonic humour slapstick humour nonverbal humour gallows humour aqueous


