
英语听力 2019-08-01 18:11:02 126
Some people love insects and others absolutely hate them. I can’t count how many of my friends are terrified of insects. I have one friend who jumps and screams at the sight of the tiniest bug. He’s over forty years old! My son loves insects. He has many books on them and knows everything about them. He loves going to insect museums and watching nature documentaries on insects. I also love them. I think insects are fascinating. I can watch them for hours. I also love looking at them in zoos and museums. It’s like looking at a tiny miniature world. I think if I was insect-sized, life would be pretty scary. Or even worse, what if one day there were giant insects roaming the streets. That’s the stuff of horror movies. 纯正英语一分钟 一分钟英语 纯正英语 英语一分钟听力 1分钟英语听力 在线英语听力室一分钟 英语听写一分钟大概需要多久 英语听力在线听 成功事例英文


