《纯正英语一分钟》第210课:Nobel prize

英语听力 2019-08-01 06:11:07 86

I wonder why the Nobel Prize is so famous. Sure, the people who win it are very clever, but they’re not really superstars. I’ve usually heard of the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize because they’re always in the news. But have you ever heard of the Nobel Laureates for Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, etc? Even though I read a lot, I only sometimes know the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. I like reading about who won the Nobel Prize. It makes me want to be like them. Of course, I can never win such a prize, but I can study more. Some of the Nobel Prize winners of the past are really famous. Einstein and Mother Theresa are perhaps the most famous. I was shocked to learn Gandhi never won the Nobel Peace Prize.

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