商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第6期:投资父子兵分享投资秘诀(1)

英语听力 2019-08-01 06:10:43 102

Five Father-Son Teams Share Investing Secrets 投资父子兵分享投资秘诀

It\'s a cliche, but it happens to be true: You can\'t learn everything from books. 这显然是陈词滥调,不过确实是真的。书上是学不到这一切的。

As important as a degree from a business school can be to the education of a young money manager or advisor, there\'s nothing quite like the lessons imparted by an older, 一个商学院学位对一个年轻的资金经理或咨询师的成长很重要,同样,一个年长睿智、

wiser, more experienced professional. 经验丰富的职业老手传授的经验也是无可取代的。

商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第6期:投资父子兵分享投资秘诀(1)

And who better to learn from than dear old dad? 谈到学习对象,还有谁会比亲爱的老爸更好呢?

"Steve first became interested in investing when he was about eight years old and he found out that you could put money in a bank and it would earn interest," 罗纳德·罗杰和他的儿子斯蒂文·罗杰共同运营着 R.W. Rogé & Co.和 Rogé Partners fund。罗纳德谈到自己的儿子时说,

says Ronald Rogé of his son Steven, who together run R.W. Rogé & Co.and .the Rogé Partners fund. “斯蒂文大约在八岁的时候,就发现把钱放到银行就可以得到利息,那是他第一次表现出对投资的兴趣。”

"In other words, he discovered that you could make money without working," the elder Rogé says with a chuckle. 罗纳德笑着说,”换句话说,他发现不干活也能挣钱。”

Later Steven was curious about mutual funds. 斯蒂文后来又对共同基金产生了兴趣。

He collected baseball cards at the time, so his father explained that a mutual fund was kind of like a pack of eards-a basket of individual stocks, 他当时在收集篮球卡,因此罗纳德就向他解释说,一只共同基金有点像是一叠篮球卡 一篮子个股,

some of which ware potentially more valuable than others. By the time Steven was 12, he was hooked. 一些股票可能会比其他股票更值钱。当斯蒂文12岁的时候,他开始痴迷于此了。

That\'s a common theme among the father-son teams SmartMoney spoke with ahead of Father\'s Day weekend. When talk at the family dinner table centers around stocks, 《财智》杂志在父亲节周末之前做了一个关于父子团队组合的报道,这是其中的一个共同主题。当股票、债券、

bonds, mutual funds and the market, well, an interest in Investing tends to get kindled at a very young age. 共同基金和市场成为家庭餐桌谈话中心的时候,小孩子自然会很小就有了对投资的兴趣。

Even more important is. that those relationships create an appreciation for history, for experience, for risk and for unconventional thinking一things that can\'t necessarily be learned in an MBA program. 更为重要的是,这些关系能引发对历史、经验、凤险以及非常规思维的重视一一这可是你在MBA课程中不一定能学到的东西。

After all, when your dad\'s been in the busjness along time, you stand to benefit from his decades on the front lines of the securities markets. 毕竟,如果你的爸爸长期从事这项业务,那他在证券市场前沿数十年的经历肯定会让你受益匪浅。

Here, then, is a look at five father-and-son investing teams-and some of the generational wisdom that has stood them in good stead. 下面我们就看看五对父子投资组合的情况------其中一些家传密技的参考价值会很高。

And lest we forget, daughters can benefit, too. Abigail Johnson helps run the company her family founded, mutual fund giant Fidelity. 当然,女儿们也会从中受益。阿比加尔·约翰逊就在协助运营着她家人创立的共同基金巨头富达基金。

Learn the investing secrets of Steven and Ronald Rogé and four other father-son investing teams. 那就我们分享学习罗杰父子以及其他四对父子投资组合的投资秘诀吧。

Bryan and Bob Auer | Auer Growth Fund 奥尔父子组合|奥尔增长基金

Bryan, 73, had been managing his own investments quite successfully for a long time when his son Bob, 48, took a job as a broker at Dean Witter Reynolds in 1986. 现年48岁的鲍伯·奥尔在添惠证券投资谋到了一份经纪人的工作,而现在73岁的布莱恩·奥尔当时就已经相当成功地管理他自己的投资很长时间了。

Bryan opened accounts with his son but wasn\'t interested in the firm\'s research or recommendations. 布莱恩和儿子合开了投资账户,但对公司的研究或推荐股票并不感兴趣。

Rather, he had his own stock-picking system-one the duo continues to employ at Auer Growth fund to this day: Cull through thousands of stocks looking for 25% earnings growth, 他有自己的选股心得,其中的一条规律目前仍在奥尔成长基金沿用:在数千只股票中搜寻那些收益增长25%,

at least 20% sales growth and a forward price/earnings multiple of less than 12. "Once a stock stops having those characteristics or doubles in price, 至少是20%的销售增长,未来市盈率不超过12倍的公司股票。

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