商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第24期:投资捷径与陷阱(2)

英语听力 2019-08-01 00:11:06 113

Also, hints of bottoming are starting to surface. Oil prices have begun to rise, indicating some increased demand. China is importing aluminum again. In addition, the stimulus plan will start to kick in later this year, creating jobs and, perhaps, helping soothe some of the enormous fears in the marketplace. 此外,触底的迹象也开始显现。石油价格已开始上升,这表明需求已经有所增加。中国恢复了对铝的进口。此外,剌激计划将在今年晚些时候开始产生作用,创造就业机会,或许还有助于缓解市场上的严重的恐慌情绪。

So, there are definitely brighter times ahead. Until then, here are some strategies to help you keep your head about you: five things that you definitely should do and five things you definitely should not do, as you weigh how to protect and build your assets. 因此,未来的前景肯定是光明的。在此之前,这里有一些策略帮助你保持清醒的头脑:在考虑应如何保护和增加你的资产时应该坚决做到的“五要”和“五不要”。


Let\'s start with the five things you should definitely do: 让我们先从“五要”开始:

Reduce Your Expensive Debt 减少负债

Too many of us overextended ourselves during the past decade with credit cards and other debt. These bills now hang over people like the Sword of Damocles. The first order of business is to reduce this expensive debt, even before saving for retirement or investing in the stock market. 我们很多人在过去的十年里用信用卡或其他负债方式进行了过多的透支。现在这些债务就像达摩克利斯之剑一样悬在人们头上。目前的当务之急就是减少这种高成本负债,并将其排在为退休储蓄或投资股市之前。

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