商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第11期:爱钱 更爱幸福(1)

英语听力 2019-08-01 00:11:03 93

To Be a Super Financer 爱钱,更爱幸福

Over the past few decades we have seen big jumps in economic growth in countries such as the U.S. and Japan, but only small increases in reported happiness. Surveys of lottery winners and people in the Forbes 100 list have found they are not much happier than the average person. 在过去的十几年,像美国、日本的经济增长迅速,但是幸福感却只有小幅增切。研究表明:中彩票者和福布斯前100位的富豪并不比普通人快乐多少。

So you can be happier, no matter what your income level. 所以无论你的收入有多少,你都可以变得更快乐。


Stop comparing. When people make relative-income comparisons, they frequently look at those who have more-and get upset when their income compares unfavorably, according to a study by Andrew Oswald of England\'s Warwick University. Even if our incomes are rising, we tend to become less happy if the incomes of others are rising even more. Never measure your financial achievements against anything except your own goals. 不要攀比。根据英格兰沃里克大学的安德鲁·奥斯的研究显示·当人们在收入上相互比较的时候,他们所关注的往往是谁拥有更多的收入,当他们的收入比别人少时则显得很沮丧。即便是自己的收入在增加,如果他人增加得更多,我们也不会高兴。不要把金钱上的成就看成是你人生的目标。

Be grateful. Professor Sonia Lyubomirsky of University of California Riverside had subjects write down five things they were thankful for. "Gratitude seems to be incompatible with some negative emotions. It\'s hard to feel envious or greedy or bitter when you\'re grateful," Lyubomirsky explains. One group wrote on a weekly basis; the other group three times a week; and a control group didn\'t write at all. Only the group that did the exercise once a week experienced a significant rise in gratitude. 心怀感激。加州大学河滨分校的索尼娅·柳博米尔斯基教授曾布置过这样一个课题,她要求学生写下五件感激之事。柳博米尔斯基解释了这么做的理由:“感恩的心和消极的情绪是格格不入的。当你心存感激时,嫉妒、贪婪和痛苦的感觉就会远离”。其中一组每周写一次,另外一组一周写三次,对照组则什么也不写。最后,只有一周写一次的那个小组的人的感激心情有显著的上升。

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