商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第30期:投资捷径与陷阱(8)

英语听力 2019-08-01 00:11:02 135

Don\'t Ignore Common Sense 不要忽视常识 Much heartbreak in the recent past has stemmed from an ignorance of common sense. Fraudsters promising overabundant returns snookered many investors. Some people viewed housing and the stock markets as never-can-lose gambits. Others spent far more than they had.最近令人心碎的事大部分源于对常识的忽视。骗子承诺的过于丰厚的回报涯骗了很多投资者。有些人认为房市和股市是只赚不赔的买卖,有些人则入不敷出。

Personal finance, at its heart, boils down to common sense. You have to eliminate your high-cost debt and get on a budget. You must save for retirement. And you need to make sure that you own a home you can afford and enjoy, as opposed to seeing it as a get-rich-quick scheme. 个人理财归根到底是常识的问题。你必须消除高成本负债,进行预算。你必须为退休攒钱。你还要确保自己拥有一座负担得起、又可以享受的房子,而不是把房子看成是一个一夜暴富的工具。


In short: Be prudent, save money, invest wisely. Getting back to these very basics will help all of us rebuild our portfolios and set sail for a better day. 简而言之要谨慎、攒钱、明智地投资。回归这些基本点将帮助我们所有的人重建投资组合,迎接更美好的生活。

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