商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第29期:投资捷径与陷阱(7)

英语听力 2019-08-01 00:11:00 99

In short, don\'t double down on an asset that has had such a tremendous run. You are likely coming to the game too late, since most of the gains have already been made. That can skew your portfolio too sharply in a single direction, making you vulnerable to a decline in previously hot asset groups. 简而言之,不要在已经出现这种巨大涨幅的资产上“双倍下注”。你参与这场游戏的时间可能太迟了,因为大多数的涨幅都已经过了。这可能使你的投资组合向一个方向大幅变化,让你容易受到此前热门资产类别下跌的冲击。

Look at it this way. In the past few years, the temptation to chase returns led people to buy too many houses, invest too heavily in a soaring stock market and aggressively bid up oil. All of it ended badly. 这么说吧,过去几年里,追逐回报的诱惑令人们买了太多的房子,在大幅飘升的股市上投入重金,大肆推高油价。这样的结果都很糟。


Don\'t Abandon Diversification 不要放弃分散投资

There\'s a great desire now to stay safe by holding only cash or only Treasury papers. This kind of behavior is really just the same as chasing performance. 现在人们只持有现金或美国国债以保安全的想法非常强烈。这类行为其实与追逐表现的做法毫无二致。

Don\'t Stop Saving for Retirement 不要停止为退休攒钱

In times of turmoil, we tend to focus on what\'s right in front of us: the current bills, the savings account and what the day will bring. But we are all still going to want to retire at some point, so that means remaining disciplined about saving for retirement. 在动荡时期,我们往往会只看眼前:当期的账单、储蓄账户、今天会发生什么事。不过,我们仍都会希望在某个时候退休,所以这就意味着要坚持为退休攒钱的做法。

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