商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第19期:职业目标 我为你规划(2)

英语听力 2019-08-01 00:10:58 92

...Or What You Don\'t Want 或者不想要的 It\'s hard to say what you want when you\'re not sure of it. She points out, "The reason certain people can\'t answer that question is that it\'s too overwhelming. But most folks can say what they DON\'T want. They can say, "\' don\'t want to work for a large company,\' or \'I don\'t want a lengthy commute.\' The flip side of what you don\'t want is what you do want".



Fight the Fear... 克服恐惧心

If creating a vision is so simple, why don\'t more people do it? Brown-Volkman reveals, "People are lost and afraid now, and they\'re scared to say what they want because they\'re afraid of not getting it. When it comes to vision, sometimes people won\'t even say what they want unless they know they will get there or how to get there. But you have to create what you want first and then live into it. It\'s like a declaration. It takes courage-and a bit of faith." 如果说设定一个远景是一件容易的事情,那为什么没有更多人去做呢?博朗·沃克曼说,“人们现在迷茫了、害怕了,他们害怕说自己想要什么,因为担心自己得不到。说到远景,有时候,甚至人们除非一定能实现,否则都不愿意说出想要什么。但是你首先要创建一个你想要的,然后融于其中。这就像一次宣言。这需要勇气一一外加一点点信念。”

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