商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第57期:马云谈创业(5)

英语听力 2019-08-01 00:10:56 95

We\'re in China today because I believe in one thing: global vision, local win. We designed the business model ourselves. Our focus is on helping small and medium-size companies make money. We never copied a model from the U.S., like a lot of Chinese Internet entrepreneurs did. We focused on product quality. It has to be "click and get it." If I can\'t get it, then it\'s rubbish. 如今,我们的“根据地”仍然在中国。这是因为我始终秉承“全球的眼光,当地制胜”这一战略。我们创造了属于自己的商业模式。我们专注于帮助中小企业盈利,从来不像有些中国的因特网企业家那样去复制美国企业的模式。我们注重产品的质量,一切都应该是到这一点,那么我们的商业模式就是垃圾。


I call Alibaba "1001 mistakes." We expanded too fast, and then in the dotcom bubble, we had to have layoffs. By 2002, we had only enough cash to survive for 18 months. We had a lot of free members using our site, and we didn\'t know how we\'d make money. So we developed a product for China exporters to meet buyers in the U.S. online. This model saved us. Each year we improved. Today, Alibaba is very Profitable. 我把阿里巴巴叫做“一千零一个错误”。我们的规模发展得太快,于是在网络泡沫时代,我们不得不去面对发展停滞的状态。到了2002年,我们所拥有的资金仅够公司维持18个月的时间。那时有许多客户还在无偿地使用我们的网页,可我们就是不知道如何从中赚到钱。于是我们为中国的出口商开发了一个产品,使得他们能够在网上接触到美国的购买商。这个商业模式挽救了我们。公司的状况每年都有改善。如今,阿里巴巴是很赢利的。

The lessons I learned from the dark days at Alibaba are that you\'ve got to make your team have value, innovation, and vision. Also, if you don\'t give up, you still have a chance. 阿里巴巴所经历的“冬天”使我学到,你必须使你的团队拥有价值、创新能力和远见。此外,如果你不放弃,你仍然会有机会的。

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