商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第28期:投资捷径与陷阱(6)

英语听力 2019-08-01 00:10:54 70

So, what should you definitely not do? 你绝对不该做的又是什么呢?

Don\'t Bury Your Money in the Backyard 不要把钱埋在后院里


With things the way they are, it\'s tempting to simply opt out altogether. Fear of financial-system failure, the uncertain nature of the stock market and just a sense of foreboding have people thinking that it\'s smarter to keep their money in the backyard, a mattress or an empty can.But it really isn\'t. The bank-insurance system works for holdings under $250, 000. I know because my bank once failed , and the transfer of assets was seamless. So, at least keep your cash in certificates of deposit earning some sort of return. An overabundance of fear and caution can cost you money; don \'t let that happen to you. 考虑到现在的形势,人们可能很容易会想干脆什么也不投了。对金融体系失灵的担心,股市不确定的本性,甚至只是一种不祥之感,这些都会让人们认为把钱放在后院、床垫或空罐子里要更明智一些。不过这却是大错特错了。银行保险体系对低于25万美元的资产是能起作用的。我知道这点,因为我工作的银行倒闭了,而资产却实现了“无缝”转移。因此,至少把现金放到定存单中还能获得一些收益。过于小心谨慎或担心害怕会让你的金钱受到损失,不要让这点发生在你的身上。

Don\'t Chase Returns 不要追逐回报 This is a great temptation in any market, but especially so today. Bonds had a great run last year, but some analysts believe they may just be the next bubble waiting to burst 这在任何市场上都有很大的诱惑力,但在眼下就更为明显。债券去年大幅上扬,但一些分析师认为这可能是下一个等待破灭的泡沫。

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