商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第18期:职业目标 我为你规划(1)

英语听力 2019-08-01 00:10:52 311

10 Questions Make Y our Career Goal Clear 职业目标,我为你规划 Was last year cruel or kind to you, professionally speaking? Even if your career didn\'t take a hit, the tumult of the last few months may have you quaking in your boots over the future. 就职业方面而言,2008年对你来说是好还是不好呢?即使你的职业没有受到损害,过去几个月的波动也许让你对未来“双腿发软”吧。

Career coach Deborah Brown-Volkman reminds fearful workers, "Your career is long! Some people work for 40, 50, or 60 years. Don\'t get stuck in the here and now when what is happening at this moment is just a small span in a long career. Instead, create a vision to help you move forward." 职业生涯教练、德博拉·博朗·沃克曼提醒害怕的人们,“你的职业长着呢!有些人工作40、50或60年。漫漫人生路,今天所发生的情况只是一个小小的插曲,不要因此而被困扰。相反,要设定一个远景来帮助你前进”。


Claim What You Want... 说出自己想要的……

Deciding what you want to do doesn\'t happen overnight, but, according to Brown-Volkman, founder of a members-only coaching group to help people reinvent themselves professionally, the process can be simple. She says, "All of life\'s journeys begin with the phrase, \'I want...\' It\'s a very powerful phrase, and without it, it\'s hard to go very far." The career coach likens your professional journey to a trip, revealing that if you didn\'t decide where you wanted to go on vacation, you\'d likely wind up at a destination you don\'t enjoy. 决定自己想要从事什么不会在一夜之间想出来,然而,在负责职业培训的会员制辅导团体的创建者博朗-沃克曼看来,这一过程可以变得简单些。她说,“一切探索从‘我想……’开始,这句话非常有力,没有它,就很难深入。”职业生涯教练将职业比喻成一次旅程,如果你从来没想过要去哪里度假,那么你很有可能会到达一个你并不喜欢的目的地。

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