商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第43期:改善经济状况 从这些做起(8)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:11:03 104

Find happiness in life, not spending 发现生活中的幸福,而不是通过花钱来营造幸福的幻觉

Many times people buy stuff because they think (subconsciously perhaps) that it will bring them happiness. 人们之所以买东西,常常是因为他们认为(也许是潜意识认为)这样能带给他们幸福。

They just HAVE to have the latest gadget or shoes or cars. 因此,他们不得不购买最新款的小玩意、鞋或车

It\'s so fun! And yet, you buy that stuff, and you\'re only happy for a day or two at most. 还自认为,这多么有意思啊!其实,即使你买了某样东西,你最多也就高兴上一两天。


Instead, learn to love life. Find joy in nature! In the people around you! In doing something you love! In exercise and meditation! 实际上,你只需要学会热爱生活。从大自然中寻找乐趣!通过与身边的人交往而收获快乐!去做你热衷的事来获得成就感!在健身和冥想中提升幸福感!

There\'s so much in life to make us happy, there\'s no need to find it in spending. 生活中有如此多值得我们高兴的事情,我们没必要靠花钱来买幸福。

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