商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第48期:星巴克 从咖啡店到咖啡帝国(2)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:11:02 81

During his youth Schultz was ashamed of his family "working poor" status. He escaped the hot Brooklyn summer one year to attend camp, but would not return when he discovered that it was funded with government money for low-income families. When he began dating, he feared that his girlfriends\' fathers would ask where he lived. He turned to sports as an escape: competitive by nature, he marshaled that drive into succeeding on his high school\'s football , baseball, and basketball teams. He was awarded an athletic scholarship to Northern Michigan University, and earned a degree in business administration in 1975, which made him the first person in his family to graduate from college. 少年时的舒尔茨羞于自己贫穷的家庭背景。有一年,他从布鲁克林炙热的夏天中“逃”了出来,参加了一个夏令营。但当他得知这是一个由政府出资为低收入家庭举办的夏令营时,舒尔茨说什么也不肯再返回营中了。约会的时候,他特别害怕女朋友的父亲会问到他住在哪里。为了逃避这一切,舒尔茨将精力转向了体育项目。这个极具运动天赋的年轻人在高中的足球、棒球和篮球校队中都表现得极为出色。后来舒尔茨被北密歇根大学录取,并且获得了体育奖学金。1975年,他获得了工商管理学学士学位,由此也成为家里第一位大学生。


Career Details 事业发展细节

The inspiration for his phenomenal coffee business was a 1983 visit to Milan, Italy. Schultz perceived a new American way of life in the city\'s 1, 700 coffee bars, and he sought to recreate such forums for people to start their days or visit with friends. Schultz later described the coffee bar as "an extension of people\'s front porch" in the New York Times. 舒尔茨在咖啡业之所以能够取得惊人成就,灵感来源于他在1983年对意大利米兰市的一次访问。米兰市的1,700家咖啡吧使得舒尔茨感知到美国人应该有的一种新的生活方式。他寻求建立这样一个平台,用来供人们开启新的一天或是与朋友相见。舒尔茨之后在〈纽约时报〉中将这种咖啡吧称做人们“家居前廊的扩展”。

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