商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第38期:改善经济状况 从这些做起(3)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:11:01 81

Cook at home 在家就餐

I know, it seems more difficult than eating out. But it doesn\'t have to be hard. Not only is this much cheaper than eating out, it\'s healthier. 我知道你肯定会说这比下馆子麻烦多了。其实,在家做饭并非那么困难。比起外出就餐,自己做饭不但更经济实惠,还更加健康营养。 Exercise 运动

Staying healthy is the best way to avoid costly medical bills later. 保持强健的体魄等于节省昂贵的医疗费。

Use the envelope system 利用信封理财


It\'s the same idea as using cash for spending, but in addition you use envelopes to split your spending cash into categories. My non-bills categories are groceries, gas and miscellaneous spending. Three envelopes, and when they\'re empty, I\'ve spent my allotment. 这与使用现金是一个道理,只不过你需要用信封为你的开支分类。我的非支票支出分类如下:日常食品、天然气和其他杂项支出。当这三个信封一空,我就不再乱花钱了。

Talk with your lover weekly 每周与你的爱人聊聊天

It\'s important that you and your significant other be on the same page. A weekly meeting of just 20 minutes. Communication is the key. 你的爱人是否与你同步是很重要的。建议你们每周开个20分钟的小会。总之,沟通是关键。

The spreadsheet tracker hack 电子记账法

There are expensive programs like MS Money, Quicken, and the like that will do amazing things with your financial information. There are even free ones, on your desktop or online, that can do all kinds of things. 购买诸如微软出品的理财通、Ouicken及其他类似软件是很费钱的,但他们处理各类财务信息的功能也的确是不错的。你甚至可以从你的软件库里或网上,找到具有此类功能的免费安装程序。

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