商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第42期:改善经济状况 从这些做起(7)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:11:00 90

Try frugal gift-giving 送礼从简

Giving people gifts is one of the most wonderful traditions, as it shows generosity and caring. Until it becomes commercialized. Then it\'s just really really expensive. Instead, try giving the gift of spending time with someone. Try giving them something you baked or made yourself. Try giving them services they\'d appreciate. It doesn\'t have to cost a lot to be generous. 送礼是我们的优良传统之一,因为它表达了你对他人的慷慨和关爱之情。但随着送礼商业化,礼物贵得越来越离谱了。那么,就换种方式吧·尝试多陪陪他入,这也是一种礼物;或者送给他们你亲手烘倍或制作的东西;要不然还可以试着提供他们会喜欢的服务。总之,你不需要通过花钱来显示自己有多么大方。


Teach your kids about advertising, saving, earning, and gift-giving 教育你的孩子,让他们明白什么是广告、储蓄、收入、和送礼

If you have kids, educating them about money will save you a lot of money in the long run. If they know about how advertising influences them in tricky ways, they\'ll be less likely to demand (OK, beg and plead for) the latest fad toys. If they know about saving and earning money, they\'ll respect the money that you earn, and that you are trying to save. If they know that gift-giving doesn\'t have to be about spending a lot of money, they won\'t necessarily want expensive stuff. 如果你有孩子,你要告诉他们,从长远的角度看,钱能生财。如果他们能看透广告是如何狡猾地诱使他们买东西的话,他们也许就不太会要求你买(应该是苦苦央求你买)最新流行的玩具。如果他们了解什么是存钱和挣钱,他们就会懂得你挣钱的辛苦和努力存钱的苦心。如果他们明白送礼并不一定要花很多钱,他们就不再只要昂贵的礼物了。

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