商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第33期:如何快速变成有钱人(1)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:11:00 82

Many of us would like to have money in savings. Frankly, a dollar spent now seems to provide a lot more pleasure than a dollar saved, how can you make sure you\'re motivated enough to put money aside on a regular basis? 大部分人都希望手里有所积蓄。坦率地讲,花钱要比存钱爽多了,那么该怎样做才能保证你有足够的意志力把钱按期存起来呢?

Here are five things that could work for you... 下面是你可以参考的五个办法。

1, Save Little And often 存小钱,常存钱


Do you tell yourself that it\'s not worth saving if you don\'t have at least $100 (or $500 , or $1000) to put into a savings account? This is a bit like telling yourself that it\'s not worth getting some exercise unless you have a whole day clear to job. 你是不是告诉自己,至少有100(500或1000)块钱才值得存入银行?这就有点像对自己说,只有一整天都在跑步才会对身体有好处。

How about saving just a dollar or two each day? Most of us can cut a couple of dollars of unnecessary spending every day (how about skipping that latte, carpooling, ditching your daily newspaper) It\'s a tiny amount that you\'ll barely notice on a daily basis, but over the course of a year, you\'ll have saved several hundred dollars. 何不试试每天只存一两块钱呢?大多数人每天都能剩出几块钱来,(例如不喝咖啡,和别人合伙打车,少买点报纸)你可能很容易就忽略这些小钱,但在一年以后,你就可以节省数百元钱。

华尔街 英语 商务英语 商务英语课程 商务英语口语 华尔街英语怎么说 商务英语怎么学 商务英语学什么 商务英语一对一 商务英语主要学什么


