商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第65期:隔夜快递之父(6)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:10:59 97

Smith says success in business boils down to three things. "You have got to have a viable product or service and a compelling strategy. Then you need an efficient management system. Assuming you have those things, leading a team is the single most important issue in running an organization today." For Fred Smith, there is a bred-in-the-bone satisfaction that comes from getting people to do the best job they can do every day. 史密斯说商业上的成功主要靠3件事:“你需要一个有生命力的产品或服务,一项令人信服的战略;之后,就是要建立一个高效的管理系统。如果具备了上述三点,那么现在运作一个机构最重要的就是领导团队。”对于弗里德·史密斯来说,能让人们每天各尽所能地工作给了他发自肺腑的满足感。


Although Smith avoids the media and the trappings of public life, he is said to be a gregarious and accessible employer. He reportedly visits FedEx\'s Memphis site at night from time to time and addresses sorters by name, and for years he extended an offer to any courier with 10 years of service to come to Memphis for an "anniversary breakfast." That embodies Fred Smith\'s philosophy: People, Service, Profit (P-S-Pl. Smith says, "The P-S-P philosophy is like an unbroken circle or chain. There are no clearly definable points of entry or exit. The People link is supported by Profit, which is supported by Service, which is supported by People. Each link upholds the others and is, in turn, supported by them." In articulating this philosophy and in personally involving himself in its implementation in every company policy and action, Frederick Smith truly demonstrates the new brand of leadership that success in the future will demand. 尽管史密斯经常回避媒体,远离公众视线,但人们依然认为他是一个合群、亲切的雇主。据说,他经常晚上回到设在孟菲斯的联邦快递公司,而且称名道姓地和邮件整理员打招呼。几年来,他向所有 10年工龄以上的快递员发出邀请,去孟菲斯参加“周年庆早餐”。这一点体现了弗里德·史密斯的哲学:人、服务、利润( P-S-P)。他说,“P-S-P哲学就像一个坚不可摧的圆圈或锁链,其中没有确定的人口和出口。人以利润为动力,而获得利润需要提供服务,服务则依赖于人的付出。他们环环相扣,相互支撑。”无论是对这一理念的阐述,还是身体力行地投入到各项公司的政策执行中来,弗里德·史密斯都很好地证明了企业未来的成功需要这种新型的领导方式。

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