商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第41期:改善经济状况 从这些做起(6)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:10:58 73

Lend and borrow 赠送与索取

Give books and clothes and toys you don\'t need anymore to your friends and family. 把你不再需要的书籍、衣服和玩具送给你的朋友和家人,

If you need something, send out an e-mail asking if anyone has it. Chances are, they\'ll give it to you for free if they don\'t use it anymore. 而当你需要什么东西时,就发封邮件询问谁有。你会发现,如果他们正好有而且再也用不着的话,他们会免费送你所需要的东西。

Barter 一物换一物


It\'s a lost art, but lots of people will take your services or goods instead of money, especially if you\'re friends or at least know each other. 这是一项失传的艺术。也许很多人交换的将是你的服务或商品而不是金钱,特别是你的朋友,或者认识的人。

Get into the habit of offering to barter, and you\'ll find yourself saving a lot of money. 你会发现,以货易货的习惯能为你省一大笔钱。

Use online savings 使用在线储蓄

I use Emigrant Direct, but ING Direct is also popular, as are a bunch of other online banks. Not only do you earn twice the interest of a normal bank savings account. 我用的是移民公司的在线储蓄服务,但ING公司(荷兰在线银行)的也很受欢迎,此外还有其他很多在线银行。你不仅可以得到几乎两倍于普通银行存款的利息,

but if you don\'t get the ATM account it\'s not as easy to withdraw money... making it less likely that you\'ll get money out on an impulse. 还可以避免因一时冲动而乱取钱花——因为如果你不开设ATM账户,取钱就很费劲,那么你就不那么轻易花钱了。

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