商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第74期:环球影城总裁罗恩(4)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:10:57 85

Luck and a Winning Attitude 运气和成功的态度 Meyer\'s messenger job included chauffeuring Paul Kohner, a successful agent who represented stars like John Huston, Billy Wilder, Charles Bronson and Lana Turner. Meyer kept his eyes on the road--and his ears on the conversations in the backseat. "Paul would have meetings in his car and talk about deals. I learned the business, and got to know a lot of people." 梅耶尔做跑腿送信的那份工作也包括为保罗·科赫纳开车,他是一位成功的经纪人,约翰·休斯顿、比利·怀尔德、查尔斯·布朗森和拉娜·特纳都是他代理的明星。梅耶尔专注开车,双耳就留意后座的谈话。“保罗会在他的车里开会,并讨论细节,我学会了生意上的很多东西,也认识了很多人。”

Meyer was lucky to work with a good boss-and he had the brains to make the most of that experience. In nearly six years of driving for Kohner , Meyer became his right-hand man. By that time, though he knew the business, he still had to learn a lot about the process. 梅耶尔很幸运,可以与一个好老板共事,同时他也很聪明,充分利用了那段经历。在为保罗·科赫纳开车近 6年后,梅耶那二尔成了他的得力助手。那时,梅耶尔已经了解了商务上的往来,但他仍要学很多关于过程、细节方面的内容。


He pretended he was an agent and landed a job at ü ber agency William Morris in the TV talent department. After everyone left at night, he would analyze his mentor\'s deals and figure out how to do them. 他佯装成一个代理人并在电视台人才部的超级代理威廉·莫里斯那儿找了份工作。等晚上大家都离开后,他就开始分析他师傅的生意并研究应该怎么做。} By the 1970s, Meyer had built a lot of relation ships in the business. His clients included Sally Struthers and Rob Reiner. Clearly, Meyer was becoming a leader in his industry. 到了 20世纪70年代,梅耶尔的人际关系已经很广。他的客户包括莎莉·史特瑟斯和罗布·赖纳。梅耶尔在他的行业里已经是一位领军人物了。

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