商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第77期:电子商务教父(2)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:10:56 58

Started up in Seattle, Washington, Amazon.com had its first base of operation in the Bezos\'s garage, which was converted into a workspace initially housing three Sun workstations. Amazon grew to be an international enterprise and eventually expanded to include sites in Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan. 亚马逊成立于美国华盛顿州西雅图,最初的业务是在贝佐斯家的车库里开展的,这个车库最初包括3个Sun工作站,后来被改装成工作间。渐渐地,亚马逊成长为一个跨国公司,业务扩展到加拿大、英国、法国和日本。

Coworkers and chroniclers of the Amazon story characterized Bezos as a visionary" and as a man who on the surface was easygoing but kept his employees on demanding schedules. 同事和亚马逊传奇的撰写者把贝佐斯描述为一个有远见的人,表面上随和,但对雇员那且的工作要求极高。

Bezos demanded quick turnaround time for Project completion. 贝佐斯通常会要求项目快速完成。


He scheduled weekly management meetings which often ran as long as four hours, with managers reporting on new products and pricing and taking on questions from the CEO. 他每周召开管理会议,经常长达4个小时:听取经理人报告新的产品和华E价格安排,和CEO讨论公司问题。

Bezos promoted innovative efforts among his employees through the Just Do It program, which rewarded those who came up with and executed ideas that helped the company--without first obtaining permission from their bosses. 贝佐斯推行“想到就做”的项目以鼓励员工创新,奖励那些想出和执行新点子来帮助公司的人,并且这些想法无需事先获得上级许可。

Bezos was committed to hiring the best employees, always looking for intelligent and innovative individuals. 贝佐斯致力于雇用最好的员工,并一直在寻找有才能、有创新能力的人才。

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