商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第40期:改善经济状况 从这些做起(5)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:10:56 94

Exercise at home 在家里锻炼

Some of you will disagree with me on this, which is OK--everyone should do what works for them. But I\'ve saved a lot of money that I used to spend on gyms by just running at the local track or on the roads in my neighborhood, and buying some simple weights and a chin-up bar. 也许你们中有些人并不认同我的这个观点,我完全理解——因为每个人都该采取对他自己而言最有用的方式。但对我而言,仅需将锻炼场所转移到临近公路上,外加添置几件锻炼器械,我就省下一大笔去健身房的开支。

Cut out cable TV 119 不看有线电视节目


I\'m not saying I don\'t watch TV-I watch DVDs, so that I\'m sure that what I\'m watching is something great, rather than the useless stuff you find on TV most of the time. And there\'s a lot of it online for free if you look. Not a huge savings, but it adds up. 我并不是说不看电视——我会看DVD碟,因为我能确定我所播放的都是有意义的东西,而不是电视上常播的那些没劲的节目。如果你留心注意的话,你还能在网上发现各种免费的东西。虽然省不了太多,但是积土成山嘛!

Declutter 简化房间

By getting rid of all the excess stuff in your home, you not only make your life much simpler and more peaceful, but you make it harder to buy stuff that will just clutter things up again. Once you\'ve simplified your home, you won\'t want to go back. 把家里多余的东西都丢掉,你会发现,不仅生活变得更简单更安宁了,你也就不再轻易买只会给家里添乱的东西了。一旦你的家变得简洁明净,你就会竭力保持它的整洁而避免历史重演。

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