商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第71期:环球影城总裁罗恩(1)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:10:49 93

Ron Meyer: The President of Universal Studios 坚韧、品质、天赋——环球影城总裁罗恩·梅耶尔

Gumption and Guts 进取心和勇气

Ron Meyer was 14 when a friend gave him his first tattoo, a crude design done with ink and a needle. Like many of the guys he hung out with in West Los Angeles, Meyer was a high school dropout, a kid quick with his fists who seemed to get into fights somewhat regularly. 罗恩·梅耶尔第一次纹身时只有14岁,那个纹身是朋友用墨水和针完成的一个粗糙设计。像很多混迹在洛杉矶西部的孩子一样,梅耶尔高中就辍学了,那时的他,还是一个似乎随时都会迅速握紧拳头面对打斗的孩子。


Today, Meyer is the president and COO of Universal Studios. As one of the most successful business leaders in Hollywood, he heads up Universal Pictures and Universal Parks & Resorts He\'s the guy who oversees the production of multimillion-dollar extravaganzas like "King Kong" and "Cinderella Man". 今天,罗恩·梅耶尔是环球影域的总裁和运营总监。作为好莱坞的杰出商业领导人之一,他统领着环球影业公司、环球公园及度假村。他还负责监制了像《金刚》和《铁拳男人》那类百万美元巨制的奇幻大片。

Even though Meyer could easilly afford it, he has no interest in getting his tattoos removed. They symbolize just how far he has come, and they remind him of the choices he made-good and bad-along the way. 尽管梅耶尔能轻易支付清除纹身的费用,但他并没有那么做。这些纹身时时刻刻告诉梅耶尔他走了多远,同时也提醒他这一路走来所做的选择,不管是好的还是不好的。

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