商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第67期:硅谷神话(2)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:10:45 73

Sun quickly emerged as an industry leader. Schmidt began there as a software manager, and in 1991, he was named head of Sun Technology Enterprises, an arm of the company charged with exploring future directions in new technologies. He returned to Sun proper in 1994 as its chief technology officer, and as such Schmidt has been credited with helping make the Java programming language ubiquitous to the web in the late 1990s. 太阳计算机系统公司很快发展成为该行业的引领者。在那里,施密特最初任软件制造经理。1991年,他成为公司分支企业——主攻新技术开发的太阳科技企业的领导。 1994年,他回到太阳公司,任技术总监。同时,他参与了流行于20世纪90年代末期的Java语言的设计。


Schmidt left Sun to take a job at Novell in 1997.Hired as its new chief executive officer, Schmidt faced a formidable task: to reverse the declining fortunes of this software manufacturer. 施密特1997年离开太阳,加盟诺勒。作为首席执行官,施密特面临着严峻的挑战.他必须扭转这个软件制造公司的亏损局面。

When Schmidt arrived at Novell in March of 1997, its stock price was sinking, but he felt that the core leadership and vision was still there. "I\'ve done my due diligence and concluded there\'s tremendous technology inside the company and we need to get it out as fast as we can," he said. "This is the opportunity of a lifetime for me." Schmidt liked to sell Novell software himself personally to CEOs around the world, and during his first year on the job logged more than 250, 000 air miles. By mid-1998, Novell\'s fortunes had improved after Schmidt helped it renew focus on its core business. 1997年3月施密特加盟时,诺勒的股票价格一路走低,但施密特认为核心领导阶层依然可以为企业带来活力。“我努力做好我的分内工作,其实公司在技术上是很有实力的,我们只需尽快将这种实力展现出来就可以了”,他说,“对我而言,这是个千载难逢的机会。”施密特喜欢亲自将诺勒的软件向全球的首席执行官们推广,并在上任的第一年就飞往全球各地,总航程达25万英里 1998年中期,施密特通过帮助诺勒恢复其核心业务而使其资产扭亏为盈。

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