News and Tv新闻和电视-《教你怎么听》Lesson 19

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:10:44 129

Unit nineteen News and Tv

1.Listen to each news item. What is the topic of each news item?Circle your answer;
1.Fifty-two persons are known dead following Thursday\'s earthquake in northern Japan.
Forty-eight others are still missing.
Rescue workers found five more bodies Sunday on the northeast coast of Honshu Island.
The earthquake created huge waves along Japan\'s coast.
The wave drowned many children and workers who had been at the beach on Thursday.
2.American and Japanese negotiators
have agreed on a proposal for balanced trade in modem technology products.
The proposed agreement calls for increased business competition
in selling such goods as computers
and communications equipment.
The Japanese and American governments
must approve the proposal before it can take effect.
The proposed agreement was reached after four days of talks in Tokyo.
3.An American news magazine says Asia will become a major economic power in the 1990s.
It says Asia will become a more important economic power than Europe.
The magazine, Newsweek,
said Asia already has replaced Europe as America\'s major trading partner.
And it said that Hongkong now is the world\'s third leading financial market
behind New York and London.
4.American doctors have successfully
placed a mechanical heart in the body of a 61-year-old man.
The man is reported doing well after doctors removed his diseased heart
and replaced it with an artificial blood pump.
Doctors at the University of Utah Medical Center
said the operation had gone better than expected.
They said the artificial heart is working well.
The artificial device is made from plastic and aluminum
and is connected to a machine outside the man\'s body.
5.The population count in China has ended.
Population counters now still spend a few weeks examining the count to make sure it is correct.
The final count is expected to be announced by the end of August.
5,000,000 census takers have spent the past ten days talking to members of every family in China.
They have collected information on age,
employment,and educational level of every person in China.
China\'s population is believed to be 1,000,000,000 people.
This is about 20% of all the people in the world.

2.Listen to each news item.What type of news is it?
1.American scientists say they believe trees can warn each other of danger
by releasing chemicals into the air.
The theory announced by the National Science Foundation
is the result of studies carried out by scientists in the states of Washington and New Hampshire.
The scientists said they found that when trees are under attack by disease or insects,
nearby trees take the same defensive actions as the trees being attacked.
And they said it appears that the trees being attacked may produce
and send out chemicals to warn the other trees.
2.On the area weather map,
most stations in Southern Michigan are still reporting sunny skies.
It\'s seventy-nine degrees at Detroit,
seventy-three at Chicago is reporting light showers
as cloudiness moves in from the southwest.
3.An early morning fire that started in the kitchen of Chalet Restaurant, 1400 Market Street,
caused extensive damage to the restaurant and to the adjoining Jones and Jones Jewelry Store.
Both the restaurant and jewelry store suffered smoke and water damage.
Fire Chief Bill Howard
estimated the loss in excess of one hundred thousand dollars on the building alone.
Owners had not estimated the loss to contents by news time.
4.Little League baseball Friday night featured games in both the lower and upper divisions.
In the lower division, the Pirates lost to the Tigers by only one mn.
The final score on the game was seven-six.
5. On February 28th, 1972, Chinese and American leaders issued the Shanghai Communique,
which ended decades of hostility between the two countries
and ushered in a new era of Sino-US relations.
Today, the communique remains important as a guideline for the healthy
and stable developement of Sino-US relations.

3.Read each news topic.Then listne tho the news story.Aftere you list ekn,ansser the questions.
1.A car bomb exploded today in Rome, injuring 12 people.
The bomb was planted in a baby carriage outside a busy fruit-market.
It exploded at approximately 5 p, m., after most of the crowds had left the area.
Police say it was fortunate that no one was killed in the blast.
No one has claimed responsibility for setting the bomb,
but Italian officials
suspect that it was planted by the radical group soldiers of New Freedom.
2.Senator Paul Johnson was admitted to hospital today
for emergency tests after he collapsed during a committee meeting.
Preliminary reports from the Washington hospital
where Mr. Johnson was admitted say that the Senator has had trouble with high blood pressure
and they fear that he suffered a stroke during the committee meeting.
3.Fifteen people today were arrested at a football game in New York
for fighting during the tense struggle between the New York Jets and the Atlanta Falcons.
Stadium police have been ordered to make arrests in order to curb the amount of violence
that has been taking place at recent sports contests.

4.Read th following programmes and listen to the descriptions of different types of TV programmes.What kinds of programd are they?Match them like this.
1 Boxing from the Albert Hall and racing from NewYork.
2 A new production of Shakespeare\'s Richard Ⅲat the Lyric Theatre, london.
3 Cagney and Lacey as the American cops.In this week\'s episode they\'re chasing heroin dealers.
4 Geoff Hamilton is in the garden, telling us what to do at this time of year.
5 This week\'s top twenty, with disc jockey Mike Reid.
6 A laugh a minute as the northern comedian Les Dawson entertains.
7 More adventures from Disneyland with Donald Duck.
8 Superb filming in this programme about the disappearing forests of South America.
Will the world continue to have oxygen?
9 More families try to answer the questions and win fabulous prizes,
with host kesley Crowther.
10 Terry Wogan\'s guests tonight belong to the sporting, theatrical, and business worlds.
11 Tomorrow\'s weather.
12 The Magnificent Seven.
1960 classic western starring Yul Bryneer, Steve McQueen, and Charles Bronson.

5.Two friends are talking about televsion.Put a check in the box tho indicate which programme Nancy watched alnd which programmed Dave watched.Write the name of the programme and channel number.If yo don\'t hear the channel number,write"not mentioned."
Narrator: "Unit 1l-Talking about television."
Two friends are talking about television.
Put a check in the appropriate box to indicate which programms Dave watched
and which programmes Nancy watched.
Write the name of the programme and the channel number under each picture.
If you don\'t hear the channel number, write "not mentioned."
Nancy: Hi, Dave.
Dave: Hey, Nancy.
Nancy: Hey, how was your weekend?
Dave: It was good. It was good. Worked hard. It was good. How about yours?
Nancy: Oh, it was pretty good, Hey....did you watch the game yesterday?
Dave: Uh ... no,I was working in the yard most of the day.......
Nancy: Aw, too bad! You missed a good one.
Dave.. Oh yeah? Who won?
Nancy: Michigan won.
Dave: Great!
Nancy: Ah!It was tied in the fourth quarter,
and then Michigan went out for a pass and ran forty yards to score a touchdown!
Oh! The crowd just went wild!
Dave:Sounds like a good game. You know I.I I wanted to catch the end of it myself but ...
uh ...I came in, Maria\'s watching a movie on Channel 5,
so I sat down and watched that with her.
You know Maria. She can\'t stand football.
Nancy: I know.Well, anyway, what movie was it??
Dave: Bride of Frankenstein. Nancy: Oh no!
Dave: Did you ever see it?
Nancy: Uh-uh. Oh, is that the movie with Elsa Lanehester,where her hair sticks straight out??
Dave: That\'s it!Yeah
Nancy: Oh! Yes,I think I have seen...uh... parts of it on late-night TV. How was it??
Dave: You know,it was good.I really liked it. It was really funny. Yeah,
Nancy: Huh. Have to see it sometime. Later on I watched "Dallas" on Channel 2.
Dave: "Dallas"?
Nancy: Have you ever watched that show?
Dave: No. You know, I read about that thing all the time in the magazines.
Isn\'t that some kind of soap opera that takes place in Texas?
Nancy: That\'s fight. It\'s about a...a family that owns an oil company.
Someone\'s always getting into trouble.Boy,I really like it, though.
Dave: Really?? Nancy: Mm-hmm.
Dave: It always sounded kind of boring to me.
Nancy: No! I especially like watching the guy who plays J.R.
He is really mean and nasty. Ugh!
Dave: Well, I got to tell you, Nancy,
I...I really don\'t care for that kind of show most of the time.
Nancy: Oh, you don\'t know what you\'re missing!
Dave: We watched the news on channel 7,and then turned off the tube ...
uh...You know,I can only take so much TV, and then...
Nancy: Oh-ho,not me! I can\'t live without it.
Oh, by the way, you know that "Johnny Carson\'s Anniversary Special" is on tonight?
Dave: Oh, it is! That\'s right!
Nancy: You want to see it? Why don\'t you and Maria come over for dinner and watch it with me?
Dave: What time\'s it on?
Nancy: Think it\'s on at nine. We could eat about seven-thirty.
Dave: Well, great. I\'ll call Maria and...uh...see if that\'s OK with her.
Nancy: Good! Great!Well, better get back to work.
Dave: Yeah. Me too.
Nancy: OK. rll talk to you later,then,all right?
Dave: Thanks, Nancy.

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