商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第69期:硅谷神话(4)

英语听力 2019-07-31 18:10:42 85

Over the next few months, Google\'s fortunes only continued to escalate. The nature of the web meant that search engines themselves, while widely used , were tough to make profitable. Google was performing about 150 million searches a day (or 1, 800 per second) which takes an immense amount of computing power. Google did sell what are known as "click-through" ads (if a search engine query is "tennis shoes," for example, a small Nike ad will appear). These small ads were only words, not images, which cut page-loading time immnsely. 在接下来的几个月中,谷歌资产一路飘升。其实搜索引擎尽管应用广泛,也还是很难获得巨额利润,这是网络本身的特点。而谷歌每天搜索量达1亿5千万次(平均每秒 1,800次),这么大的搜索量需要一个超强的计算系统。谷歌推出一个“点击进入”的广告项目(如输入关键字“网球鞋”点击后就会出现一个耐克鞋广告),这些小广告只有文字,没有图片,大大节省了下载页面的时间。

With Schmidt at the helm, Google is aggressively trying to leverage its reach technology, and advertiser base. The ultimate goal is "To enable you to find anything you are looking for anywhere," Schmidt says. 有施密特掌舵,谷歌在开发新技术、新客户的道路上昂首阔步。施密特说,他们的终极目标就是“让大家在谷歌找到在别处找不到的任何信息”。


Most Friday afternoons, Google employees worldwide can tune in for a O&A with co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page "People ask anything from \'What is our specific direction in this area? \' to \'Why has the soda(in the snack rooms) changed?\'" says Stacy Sullivan, director of human resources and chief culture officer.Google\'s focus on maintaining a "flat organization" where any employee can address company co-founders on a weekly basis. 周五下午,全球各地的谷歌员工都可以向创始人谢尔·盖布林和拉里·佩奇提问。人力资源部主任、首席文化宫丝德西·沙利雯说,“大家的问题多种多样,比如‘在这一地区我们将实行什么特别计划?’或‘(食品供应区的)苏打水怎么换了?’”谷歌力求在与员工对话时创造一个“平台”,使得员工可以每周都有机会与谷歌的共同创办者对话。

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