Like and dislike喜欢和不喜欢-《教你怎么听》Lesson 6

英语听力 2019-07-31 12:11:01 122

UNIT SIX Like and dislike
Number 1 Listen to the tape and do the following exercises.
A. A: How about sports? What kind of sports do you like?
B: Oh, I like swimming and tennis. How about you?
A: I like tennis too. I also like to play golf. Have you played golf?
B: No, I have never played.
B. A: Which restaurant shall we eat tonight?
B:How about the Revenna,the Italian restaurant?That\'a a good place.
A: No, I don\'t like Italian food very much. How about the West Lake House, the Chinese restamant.
B: No, I don\'t like Chinese food very much.
A: And then how about Kyoto House, the Japanese restaurant?
B: No, I don\'t want to eat Japanese food tonight.
A: How about French food?
B: Yes.
A: Why don\'t we go to the Seine? It\'s a good French restaurant.
B: OK. Good. Let\'s go there.
C. A: Do you want to see a film tonight?
B: Sure. let\'s go see Mysterious Road.
A: No, I don\'t like to see mystery movies.
B: How about the Last Adventure ?
A: No. I have already seen it.
B: Have you seen Superman ? It sounds like a science fiction film.
A: Oh, I don\'t like science fiction films.
B: Then what kind of film shall we go and see?
A: How about comedy?
B: Comedy? How about Street Friends? That\'s a good comedy.
A: OK. Yes. Let\'s go see that.

Number 2 Listen to each conversation.Does the second speaker "like it",like it a ittle "or
1. A: How do you Nike your new car?
B: Oh, it\'s fantastic, the best car I have ever had.
A: Do you like Indian food?
B: No. It makes me ill.
3. A: How\'s the coffee?
B: Mm. not so bad.
4. A: What do you think of this picture?
B: Oh, it\'s OK. A little too bright.
5. A: Do you like my new hair style?
B: Yes, that looks very good on you.
6. A: Are you enjoying the concert?
B: Actually I can\'t stand this kind of music.
7. A: What do you think of,her, children?
B: I hate it when children act in that way.
8. A: Do you like this ice cream.
B: Oh, yes. I love it.
9. A: How was your holiday?
B: Just wonderful.It was a great place.
10. A: Do you like living in this country?
B: Yes. Yes and no. So-so.

Number 3 Listen to the tape and write as much information in the table as you can.
Bart: So Mary, do you really like living in London?
Mary: Yes, for most of the time I ... I really love it,
Bart, there are so many things to see and do there and they\'re very easy to get to.
I mean, I love the theatre, for example,
and there\'s ample opportunity to see whatever the best things are that are going on there.
Of course, it\'s not cheap and so one can\'t really go all that often.
Bart:So you don\'t ... you don\'t really go very often to the ...
Mary:Well, not a lot, but there\'s the cinema too.
Sometimes I\'m able to take in a film, and there are lots of other good things, just about elf.
Sometimes I feet I really love \'the bustle and the feeling and atmophere of London,
and especially the river, Which I 1ove, very much.
There are good trips, by the way, that you can take on the river.
Bart: Do you ... do you like driving in \'London.?
Mary: Oh no, I hate it. In fact I don\'t do it at all if I can possibly avoid it.
Everyonehere is so aggressive behind the wheel of a car, that\'s really bad, especially at times.
In fact rush-hour, of course, is just awful.
I loathe the rush-hour--er--in any form of transport but the tube,
you\'re standing shoulder to shoulder and everyone\'s packed together.
In the mornings you feel exhausted before you arrive at work.
Bart: So you like the things that London offers but you don\'t like getting there?
Mary: That\'s right. There are some things that I just don\'t like about London.
I don\'t like the noise particularly, that really gets on your nerves sometimes.
So there are lots of things that you\'ll be able to do and see here.
Bart: Yeah, I\'m looking forward to it.
Mary: How about ... how about the zoo--do you like animals?
Bart: No, I don\'t really like going to the zoo. I don\'t mind it,
but I don\'t really like it because I don\'t like seeing the animals all caged in
and they can\'t walk around or run around as they should be able to.
Mary: I hate the lion-house for that reason, too.
Bart: And I hate dealing with crowds of people, I really do.
I like cities, butI hate dealing with crowds of people.
Mary: Well, the crowds of people, the rush-hour and the other thing I dislike,
which is the dirt here and the noise, are one of the reasons why l really like to get out of London,at the weekends,
so that I can get away for peace and quiet and relax and\' build up my reserves for next week.

Number 4 Listen to some foreign students talking about what they like or don\'t like about Britain.
First, listen to the example.
For me, coming from Spain, there\'s one big advantage to living in Britain
and hat s the postal service--it\'s really efficient.
Do you know, I got, a letter from Edinburgh yesterday.
I,looked at the postmark and then I looked at the date on my watch,
and Iwas amazed -- it,was posted the daybefore and it had only taken one day to reach me!
The boy was Spanish, and he thought one of the best things in Britain was the postal, serviee.
Now listen to six other people, and fill \'in the table in your book.
As you can probably hear.
I come from Genmany NOW one thing I\'ve noticed is perhaps a small detail about the British way of life\' but I love it,
and that is the way you have your milk, delivered, every day,to your doorstep -- it\'s marvellous!
I don\'t tike the beer here at all.
It\'s warm! At home in Denmark, the beer\'s always cold,the way it should be.
But to get it here, you\'have to ask for \'lager\', not \'bee\'. That\'s strange.
I\'m sorry but I find the weather really depressing.
It\'s the middle of July and it seems like winter--day afterday it\'s greyand cloudy.
The only change is when it rains-- and that happens ,every time you don\'t\' take your umbrella !
I brought summer clothes, but I\'ve had to buy two thick sweaters hem.
And when I get letters from my family in Greece,, they\'re complaining,that it\'s too hot !
The French, have a very good reputation for their ,food and the British a terrible reputation.
Now, I\'m not going to say that the food is the best thing about Britain!
But I have to ,admit that I just love English desserts-- the puddings and trifles are delicious.
I find most young people here are aggressive, not nearly as friendly as old people.
If I\'m lost, I never ask a young person to help me.
I can\'t understand what\'s the matter with them.
Perhaps they don\'t like foreign people in their town. We\'re not like that at all in Portugal.
The traffic is much more disciplined in Britain than in Turkey.
People drive more ,slowly, and they respect traffic lights and other drivers.
The cars actualty stop for you at zebra crossings! Unbelievable!

Number 5 Listen to two people talking about places they know,and make notes.
Every year for the last few years we\'ve visited our friends in a small tiny little village in the middle of France
and they bought a cowshed and it was literally a cowsshed with,
not fit to live in and they have gradually made it better an renovated it
and it\'s in a beautiful position-it\'s on the top of a hill
and for miles around you can see this beautiful countryside,
and I think only one other house so you do neet a car,
and you take the car the tiny little village where there are about four or five shops
and a very nice restaurant where you can go and have a five course meal
for very little miney an also near is a very big lake
beautiful this place is in the Dordogne an there are lost of lakes there and we go there most afternoons an windsurf and sail.
Also there\'s a very nice market-French market there once a week where you get lovely pates,
lovely fresh fish,really good fresh fish and lovely bowls an baskets which th local people have made.
I like this part of France very much but I think it\'s shame that there are too many English people there.
What kind of city is it?It\'s a very modern city.
I expected that Tokyo would be quite old but there are very few parts of it which are old in fact at all
because it was firebombed during the Second World War by the Americans,
there are one or two temples that survievd that but basically it\'s a city that\'s been built since 1945.
Um,a lot of it is low rise;one-two-three-storey houses because of the earthquake danger,\'cos they get lots of earthquakes.
Once you\'ve mastered a little bit of japanese it\'s relatively easy to get around ToKo
because they\'ve got an excellent subway system and it\'s quick an easy to get around.
The problem is course that Tokyo is a city of thirteen,fourteen,fifteen million poeple
an they all want to get around at exactly th same time,
er,so especially if you\'re travelling in hte rush hours,eight o\'clock in the morning,
five o\'clock at night ity is a question in how many of the big stations of being pushed on to the train
they pay student sa bit of extra pocket money to do this.
Right in the centre of Tokyo is the Imperial Palace,and that\'s set in delighful gardens,
but it\'s completely closed to the public so nobody ever sees it.
In the rest of Tokyo there are ten,twelve public gardens but they tend to get very filled up with people,
especially during national holidays and what have you.
Other than that it\'s just street after street an block after block of very similar houses,
as I say one-or two-storeyed houses which just go on and on for mile after mile

like and dislike dislike 你like和dislike dislike和like的区别 like和dislike对话 and什么意思中文


