Jobs工作-《教你怎么听》Lesson 12

英语听力 2019-07-31 12:10:59 117

Unit Twelve Jobs

1.One the tape,there are four converstaions.
In each one,
a person is talking about and advertisement for a job.
While you listen,fill in notes in the table.
Woman:I\'ve got one here that might interest you.
Er, this is a mechanic\'s job for a garage just down the road.
About a hundred pounds a week...
Man:That sounds quite good.
What are the hours?
Woman:Er,usual garage hours.
Eight o\'clock to five-thirty.
Man:Sounds fine. I\'ll have to go and have a look at that.
Woman:Jack? I was looking through the paper this morning
and I saw an advertisement for an electrical engineer.
Eight thousand per annual. Are you interested?
Jack:Yes, very much.Er,what paper was it in?
Woman:In the Times.
Jack:Er,what sort of hours,er...
Woman:Nine till five and apply to the personnel officer for an interview.
Jack:Oh, right.Thanks.
I\'ll--what pap...?The Times?
I\'ll get that paper and I\'ll have a look at it.
Thank you.
Man A:Erin, well,I think there\'s a job that could well interest you.
Man B:Really?
Man A:Yes.It\'s at a comprehensive in,in,in, North London.
Man B:Oh, yes.
Man A: Yeah.They\'re,they\'re,they\'re looking for a, a French teacher.
Man B:Oh, that sounds interesting.
What,does it mention the salary?
Man A:Well, yes.
I seem to remember they mention something in the area of,oh,six thousand.
Man B: Uh huh.
Man A: And, well,I think,the,the job, you know,
it involves the normal,normal teaching hours.
I suppose you\'d have a 35 hour week.
Man B:Oh, really? When, when\'s the post vacant?
Man A:Er,well,starting you know,at the,at the beginning of September.
Announcer: Well,we\'ve still got our vacancy for a trainee dontal technician
to work in a dental laboratory in Tisely.
You\'d be filling in your time during the day from eight till five,
learning all about dental laboratory work, like making,plates and braces and things.
For this, you\'d be getting thirty pounds a week to start with
and you must be keen and interested in this,type of work.
And, if you are,and you\'re sixteen to seventeen,
just ring Youth Line ontwo, three, two,oh,two,oh 12:20

2.Four pictures below show the present jobs of the speakers.
Put the right letter for each speaker and write down the jobs they did before
and why they changed them.
Guide voice: Listen to Jill.
Interviewer: What\'s your job?
Jill:Well,I\'m--I\'m an assistant, you know,
ann just serve, check all the--or do the ordering and check everything.
Interviewer: What sort of things do you serve?
Erm what kind of things do you order?
Jill:Make-up erin, you know, the babies"-- baby food, and things like this.
Interviewer:How long have you been working here?
Jill:Two-and-a-half years.
Interviewer:What did you do before?
Jill:Worked in a boutique.
Interviewer: What were you doing nere?
Jill:Selling clothes. Dusting. (She laughs)
Interviewer: Why did you takethis job
Jill:More interesting.
There\'re lots more--there\'re lots of things to do and it\'s just much better.
Guide voice: Listen to Clare.
Interviewer:Can I ask you erm how long you\'ve been working here?
Clare:About,er,two years now.
Interviewer:Yes, and what did you do before that?
Clare:I was, er.a secretary in,er,a typists"pool.
Interviewer:And,why did you take.this job?
Clare:It was much more challenging.
I\'m now a personal secretary,
so it means I\'m working directly to someone ,
and not,erm, in a pool just doing anybody\'s work that comes in.
It\'s much more interesting, I\'m given much more responsibility.
Interviewer: Mm--huh, and,er,what have you been doing today?
ClarClare:Today I\'ve been typing a number of letters,er,which have been dictated to me.
I\'ve also been an, ananging my boss\'s, erm, social ealendar,
cos I also do that as well as his work here--making appointments for him--
and I\'ve also been talking to visitors that come in to see him--
general things like that,general office work.
Guide voice: Listen to Pat.
Interviewer: Er...Can I ask you--how long have you been working here?
Pat:Five years.
Interviewer: Mm--huh, and what did you do before that?
Pat:I worked in the post, office.
Interviewer: And can you tell you\'ve been doing this morning? from yesterday\'s work---
all--the cheques and things that people cashed I\'ve been entering up on the machine
their accounts,and getting their,
in fact the statements up--to--date,from yesterday\'s work.
Interviewer: And why did you take this job?
Pat:More regular hours than my job in the post office,to a certain extent,
and more direct figure work...
Interviewer:Which you enjoy.
Pat:Yes. Yes.
Guide voice: Listen to Brenda.
Interiewer: So, can you tell long have you been in your present job?
Brenda: I\' tourist guide.
Interviewer: were you doing before you became aguide?
Brenda:I was a primary school teacher.
Interviewer: Er...why did you change from a primary school teacher to a guide?
BrenBrenda:Er ...well well,moved,away---my husband changed his job,
and there were too many primary school teachers locally, so I had to think again.
Interviewer:Uh--huh. was chosen for a special course.
So I was so thrilled at this.
I did the training.
And: I do speak some languages, which they like very much of course.
Interviewer: Uh-huh. So you enjoy it?
Brenda:I enjoy it very much, but I do find it exhausting.
Andnow that I\'ve done it for two years solidly...
erm, (you)know, every now and then I take a day off,
but even so it does get very exhausting in the summer?

3.You will hear ten people talking.
Listen and write down what you think their jobs are,
and the words which help you decide.
1 Good-morning, ladies and gentlemen.
On behalf of Captain Kirk and the crew,
welcome to this British Airways flight to New York.
In accordance with international regulations,
the cabin staff will now demonstrate safety procedures.
OK. Calm down everyone.Quiet please.That includes you, Matthew!
Now first I\'d like you to hand in last night\'s homework.Er,
you\'d better pass them down to the from.
William!Will you stop that please and pay attention.
Right Mr Baines.Now open up nice and wide.A bit wider.
That\'s good. Now let\'s have a look.
Hmm,this filling needs redoing.
Right bottom three is chipped.
Ah,there\'s a little piece of food trapped here.
Yes.Now you were complaining of a pain have on the:upper left.(Ow!)
Sorry about that.
Yes.I\'m afraid there might be aniabseess there so I\'m going to take an X-ray.

4 Yes, the trousers are a bit tight,sir.
Let me bring you a larger size to try one.
Um, a 34 waist should do it.
The jacket is a perfect fit,isn\'t it?
The dark blue really suits you,
I\'ll just go and check if we have a larger size in stock.
I won\'t be a minute.
Now ladies and gentlemen.
Behind you is the Sheldonian Theatre.
A magnificent building designed by Sir Christopher Wren
who was actually a studem,here at Oxford.
The theatre was built in the 17th century,
and is used for university ceremonies and Concerts.
In fact, it\'s never been used as a theatre.
A very good morning to you, madam! I\'m from International Cleaning Services.
We\'re calling on selected households in this area,
to give a speecial demonstration of our new range of cleaning fluids.
We\'re giving away a free carpet cleaner for every client who buys a giant bottle,of Jiffy liquid.
Now,if I could just come in and,take up a few minues of your time,
I\'d like to, show you some of our excellent products.

7 Just love that record!A golden oldie from the 60\'s by "theKings."
That one was specially for Tracey Rogers for her birthday from all her friends at Leicester Poly.
Hope you enjoyed that one, Tracey,and you just have a WONDERFUL birthday OK!
You\'re on Radio City 248 WHF.

8 Good morning,madam. Did you realize your car is parked on a double yelow line?
This is a noparking ama and you\'re disrapting the traffic.
I\'m afraid I\'m going to have to give you a parking ticket.

9 Good evening sir, madam. Here\'s the menu.
May I recommend the chef\'s speciality: home--madeonion soup and then to follow.
Scottish salmon garnished with chef\'s own special dressing.

10 Nearly there,sir. It was Cricket Road,wasn\'t it? Here we are, number 27.
I\'ll park behind the lorry. Right, that\'ll be 6.50 please.
4.John is talking about his job.
Write down while you are listening.
What he likes about his job
What he dislikes about his job
What you think his job is like.
Jobs: Likes and dislikes
I Hellow, Les.
L Hello.
I It\'s very kind of you to give me some of your time.
L Ur,that\'s all right,Now er....what ,do you want me to tell you about?
I Well could you tell me aboutyour job?
What do you like about it?
L Well, most of all, I like getting up early in the morning.
[laughs] If I live-to be80,
I\'ll say it\'s because of the fresh air and getting up early,
and having a physical job doing physical work.
This means a lot to me, because I\'ve always been an active type of person.
I So the early mornings don\'t bother you?
L No, I\'ve always been an early bird.
I used to help ,the milkman when I was at school.
I What about winter?
L Ar, well, it\'s a bit berder but I still like it.
Another good thing of course is that I finish early,
so I can go to the pub for a pint at lunch--time. I Ah!
L It\'s nice to look at other people going to work with their briefeases and things, and think.
Well, I\'ve done over half my work,I\'ll be finished at lunch--time."
And some people think it\'s a boring job.
Well, it\'s certainly repetitive,
but you\'ve got to know your area really well to sort the letters.
I Ar yes.
L People are generally very nice, but well, there are some difficult ones.
They shout at you for walking on the Broaden, or got not shutting the gate,
or because you have shut the gate, [laugh]
or they park their cars so that you can\'t actually got to their front door.
And of oourse there\'s the dogs.
One took the top off my finger last year [Oh!]s
so I don\'t care for them very much. It\'s a shame,
because I like dogs really, the nice ones,
but ...when there\'s one going for me I\'m terrified of them.
I Ar I should think so.
L Something interesting is, whether you want to or not
you find out a lot about the people you\'re delivering to.
Perhaps I\'ve never met them,
but I know who\'s having tax problems,who\'s gone away on holiday,
who\'s having a birthday, and things like that.
I Thank you, Les. You really seem to enjoy your work
L I do.

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