Inference推断-《教你怎么听》Lesson 8

英语听力 2019-07-31 12:10:58 220

Number 1 Listen to the speakers.What items are they talking about?
Write the number in the circle beside the pictures.
1.It\'s used for cutting paper. It has two metal blades.
Put your fingers and thumb into the holes
and then put your paper between the little blades.
2.It makes bread taste good, I think.
You just take a slice of bread and put it into the slot and you press down the lever on the side.
And you wait for a minute, then press the button and take the bread out.
3.If you want to go up several floors, you\'d better take it.
Just press the up-button and wait for a few minutes and the door will open.
Get into it and press the button for the floor you want.
4.Well, put it into your mouth under your, tongue.
And in a few minutes it will show your temperature.
A normal temperaure is usually about 37°C.
5.Put the tape in here and close the lid and press the play button.
Then you will hear the music.
If you want to rewind, just press the rewind button.
6.First turn it on and wait for it to get hot.
Then spread your Shit on thble table.
Then press it over the shirt until the wrinkles are all gone.
7.It will pick up any dirt from the floor.
Just switch it on and run it over the carpet on the\'floor until that is clean. Just like that.
8.If it is big you can keep almost anything in it.
I keep a kit df bottles Of beer, sofi drinks, frozen food and leftover food.
Mine is actually rather crowded.
I should probably get a bigger one.
9.It is very useful in the dark and especially if you go camping, you must have one.
A small one fits in your pocket.
When it gets dark. turn it on and you can see your way easily.
10.Most department stores have them.
Actually they are more convenient than lifts.
Because you have to wait for lifts to come.
and sometimes the lifts are so crowded that you can\'t get into them any way.
But with this, you just step on them. Up you go.

Number 2 Listen to the dialogues.Where did each dialogue take place?
Write the key words on the line and circle your answers.
1.A: Do you have a ticket?
B: Yes. Which platform does the train leave from?
A: I think it\'s Platform 16.
2. A: Nice day today, isn\'t it?
B: Beautiful. sunny.
A: The breeze feels so good.
3.A: John. could you copy the report before you go home?
B: Sure. How many copies do you need?
A: Five or six.
4.A: I recommend that you stay in bed for a couple of days.
B: No work at all ?
A: No. You\'d better rest. And I\'ll give you some cough medicine for that cough.
5. A: All right, here is your homework.
Please read the passages on pages 71 and 72 and write a short essay on one of the topics.
B: Are you going to correct all the essays tomorrow?
A: Yes, I\'ll correct them tomorrow.
Listen to each dialogue.What is the relationship between the speakers?
Write the answers on the line.
1.A: Have you finished your report yet?
B: Yes.I\'ve typed it and then copied it for everyone.
A: Good. Please send one copy to each member of the committee.
We want to discuss the relport at the next meetrug.
2.A: ,Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
B: Sure. Let\'s go see the new French film.
A: No. We saw this film last week. How about that new Italian film.
B: Yes. OK. Let\'s go see that.
3.A: Please pay attention. You\'ve made a lot of careless mistakes.
B: I\'m sorry. I just don\'t understand algebra.
A: Well, if you study hard and do your homeworkevery day and stay well in class,
I think you\'ll understand algebra.
4.A: NOW, I want you to come straight home from school today.
Do you hear? No playing.
Come straight home.
B: OK.
A: And I want you to clean your room before dinner. It\'s such a mess in there.
5. A: I\'d like to take an X-ray, Mrs. Johnson.
I can\'t be sure, but I think you have a small cavity starting in one of your back tooth, and if so.
I want to get it filled before it begins to give you problems.
B: I have been so careful,about eating too many sweets too.
I don\'t know why my teeth get so many cavities.

Number 4 Listen to the short conversation and write down what the people are talking about.
A Is instant all right?
B I\'d prefer real if you\'ve got it.
A We haven\'t really got time to make real.
B Oh, all right then.
A Black or white?,
B Black, please.
They\'re talking about coffee.
A Go on then, what happened?
B Nothing much.
A Come on, you can tell me.
B There\'s nothing to tell really.
A But you must have done something.
B Yeah, we did. We went for a walk.
A What, the whole evening?
B Yeah, why,not?
A Are you seeing him again?
B Yeah, maybe.
A Well, how did you get on then? Did you pass? No. don\'t tell me.
I can see from your face.I\'m right,aren\'t?
B Fraid so. The third time.
A What happened this time?....
B He said it was because I didn\'t look in my mirror enough and because I didn\'t stop at a pedestrian crossing.
But I reckon it was just because he was in a bad mood.
A Well, did you get it?
B I\'m not sure.They said they\'d let me know.
A How soon?
B By next Friday at the latest.
A What sort of questions did they ask?
B Oh, the usual. You know, how much experience have you had, what qualifications have you got.
A What are you watching?
B The men\'s semi-finals.
A They must be Swedes.
B How did you guess?
A Because they spend the whole time on the baseline, never come up to the net. They\'re so boring!

Number 5 Listen to the advertisements on the tape and write down what type of products you think they are advertising.
1 Why worry about traffic jams, difficult driving conditions, speed limits and expensive parking?
Our intercity service will take you faster, more comfortably and without delays to your destination.
British Rail--it makes a lot of sense.
2 Nothing attacks those ground-in stains and dirt better than Blanco.
Blanco with its quick biological action leaves your clothes whiter than white!
More and more housewives are changing to Blanco.
Try it and you\'ll be amazed at the results.
3 There\'s one very important thing about Spendcard.
It\'s accepted in more establishments in more countries than any other card.
Spendcard offers its members a whole series of services and discounts.
Open up a new world with Spendcard.
4 A: Oh Alison. I can\'t possibly go to the disco tonight.
B: Why not?
A: Just look at my hair. Greasy, dull and lifeless!
B: Hey! Why don\'t you try Shine? It\'s got a new formula conditioner. It worked for me.
A: Hmm. All right.
B: Kelly. You look great!
A: Yes. Thanks to Shine!
5 The new Puma took over 6 years to design, test and build.
With its 2-1itre fuel-efficient engine,aerodynamic lines and luxury finish, it\'s in a class of its own.
If you consider that the Puma has a large boot and space for a family of five it\'s worth a second look.
Contact your local dealer for a test drive.
A: What\'s that you\'re eating?
B: A new Frolic bar.
A: Looks good!
B: Uh ha. It\'s got nuts,raisins, coconut...
A: Let\'s try a bit.Mmmm,delicious, hiscuity.
B: Er,yes.
B: Superb toffee centre...scrumptious!
B: Yes. Isn\'t it!
A: Lovely! Must buy one.
B: Yes!!
Glengunnich Malt has a long tradition--over 3 hundred years in fact.
It\'s made using only the finest traditional:
fresh spring water and the best Scottish barley to produce the unmistakable flavour of Glengunnich.
By leaving Glengunnich to nature in wooden barrel for l0 long years its taste is unequalled.
Try it straight, with ice, tonic or soda. Glengunnich Malt for every occasion!
A: You\'d like to get wide, objective reporting on current issues?
B: Certainly.
A: Full coverage of foreign and domestic news, finance, sports, the arts and entertainment?
B: Oh yes!
A: Plus special features, a colour supplement and the chance to win thousands of pounds every week?
B: I sure would!
A:Then change to the Daily Herald tomnorrow!!
9 Hi. This is Linda Nightingale. In my profession I always need to look my best.
Acting is very demanding and I\'m constantly in the public eye.
Studio lighting can easily affect my looks so that\'s why I use Petal.
It\'s so soft and gentle on my skin, so creamy and smooth, it leaves my complexion looking fresh and natural.
10 These days it\'s difficult to know where to invest what, with changing interest rates,
bank charges and different types of investment accounts it\'s all very confusing.
So isn\'t it nice: to know that at the Midwestem there is friendly,
professional help available to make sure you make the right decisions about how to handle your money.
We can also advise you on a whole range of matters such as insurance,mortgages and pensions.
Pop into you local Midwestem branch. We\'ll be pleased to see you!

Number 6 Listen and try to identify the situation which is taking place,and who is speaking.
1 Now it\'s Robson for United. He passes to Strachan on the left.
He beats the defender, oh and a beautiful cross to Whiteside!
Lovely shot just over the bar.What a nice move by United!
2 ...and so members of the jury,we have heard the accused try to explain
what he was doing on the afternoon of the robbery.
However,we have to consider the evidence before the court which proves
he was in possession of part of the stolen money.
3 Do you, Diana, take Charles to be your wedded husband, for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health and foresaking all others ...
4 Right now Gerry. I want you to think very carefully before you answer.
I know all the viewers out there are right behind you.
Now Gerry, for the top prize of ~ 10,000 can you telLme what the name of Napoleon\'s first wife was?
5 Attention please. Flight B.A. 34 for Rome is now boarding at Gate 26.
Will passengers for Hight B.A.34 please proceed to Gate 26.
6 Tomorrow will start off bright and sunny but will cloud over later with some heavy-rain
in western areas by late afternoon and snow on higher ground.
7 Now Mr Baines.Just look at this little beauty here.
Two years old, brand new engine; only 15,000 miles on the clock and in excellent condition.
It\'s a real bargain at £2,400.
8 OK.Mrs Harris. Just drive straight on here please.
Not too fast,we\'re in a 30 miles an hour limit.Good,Thas better.
Slow down-for the traffic tights and then turn left and go onup the hill.
9 Ah,comein Nigel. Mrs Lacey asked me to speak to you about arriving,late andfailing to hand in any homework this tenn.
Now, you know the rules as well,as I do, so I\'m afraid I shatl have to speak to your parents.
10 Over there on your left you will see Buckingham Palace,
one of the Queen\'s four official residences.
To your right is the magnificent memorial to Queen Victoria,
one of Britain\'s longest reigning monarchs, and over there on the right is St.Jarnes\'s park,
one of London\'s many beautiful parks.

Number 7 Listen and write where the person is and what he /she wants.
1 No. They\'re much too tight round the waist.
Can I try a size 14? Oh, and have you got a pair in dark brown?
2 Good morning. I\'d like a return ticket to Cambridge please. Second class.
3 A copy of The Times please and um,a packet of mints.
4 Oh,good aftemoon. Do you have my tickets left for tonight\'s performance of Romeo and Juliet ?
5 no pints of bitter and a whisky,and soda please.
6 Hello. We\'d like to book two places on the coach trip to London please.Um,where will we stop for lunch?
7 I\'d like it,much shorter, especiailymund the ears. Er,can you leave it a bit longer at the back?

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