Instruction操作指南-《教你怎么听》Lesson 5

英语听力 2019-07-31 12:10:57 105

UNIT FIVE Instruction
Number 1 Look at the eight pictures below.

You will hear six people,each one explaining how to use one of these machines.
Write down th name of the machines in the order of the description.
1.George:You don\'t know this machine works, do you?
Barbara:Yes, erm. you need ten pence. Have you got a 10-pence piece?
Barbara:Well, you put your money in here, er, if you want coffee, er, you can have white, coffee or black Coffee.
This button is for white coffee, this button\'s for black coffee, and then there\'s tea, chocolate, whichever you like.
Erin, if you want sugar in the drink you press this er .... this other button here.
2.Dave:Right, you pick up the receiver and wait till you hear a dialling tone which is a \'Burr\'.
Once you\'ve got that, you can dial your number.
When ,you\'ve dialled your number, you get another tone which is a de de de de.
That indicates you put your money through. There\'s a 5 and a 10p slot.
In the 5p you get 2 minntes, and in the 10p you get 4 minutes.
3.Tony: Excuse me, do you know how these mach .... these parking meters work?
Chris:Yes, they\'re quite easy. How long are you planningto park for?
Tony: Enn, couple of hours, aren\'t we staying?
Chris:Then you\'ll need two ten-penny pieces.
You put it into the slot at the side and wait for the meter ann to go across.
Tony: Ah, OK.
4.Steven: Excuse me please, can you tell me how the machine works?
Cheryl:Certainly. Erm, first,ofall you adjust the height of the stool.
Steven:Uh huh.
Cheryl:You put 4 times, erin 10-pence pieces in the slot them.
Enn, you sit and pose for four different shots
and then you wait three minutes for the photographs to be developed and they come out here.
Steven:Thank you very much.
5.Dorothy:How long would you like to stay in the car park?
Vivien:Two hours please.
Dorothy:Two hours. Well, you see the arrow pointing that way?
Dorothy:You turn it around to two hours on the clock.
Vivien:Uh huh.
Dorothy:You put your 30 pence in the slot and then you wait for the ticket to drop from there,
you take the ticket out and then you put it on your car,
Dorothy:And that\'s it. And that allows you to stay for two hours.
Vivien:Thank you very much indeed.
6.Mandy:Excuse me, can you tell me how to work this cigarette machine, please?
ken:Yes, certainly. Erm, as you can see, you\'ve got five different types of cigarettes on here.
You have to choose which type of cigarette you want,
then you put the appropriate coinage called for in the slot in the top right-hand comer
and just pull the drawer of that selected packet and you should get your packet of cigarettes.
All right?
mandy:Oh. I see. Thanks very much.
Len: You\'re welcome.

Number 2 Listen and follow the directions.You will be drawing flags of different countries.
1 )Draw two horizontal lines across the flag. The top stripe should be red.
The middle stripe should be white and the bottom stripe should be green.
In the middle of the white stripe draw a blue circle.This is similar to the flag of India.
2)Draw two vertical lines. The stripe on the left should be blue,
the stripe in the middle should be white. The stripe on the right should be red: This is like the flag of France.
3)Fill in the flag with solid blue except the four stars. The stars are in the middle of the flag.
The four stars should be in the diamond shape. This is like the flag of Micronesia.
4) This next one is the flag of Jamaica. The two yellow stripes make an X across the flag.
Yellow is on the right and left.

Number 3 Look at the pictures and listen to the instructions.Then put the two groups of pictures in order.
Number each group 1-8
Stand up. Put your feet apart. Straighten your arms out wide.Now lean to the right, touch the floor.
Now stand up straight again. Now lean to the left, toueh the floor. Now stand up straight again.OK. Good. That\'s it.
First stand up and put your feet apart. Put your hands together.
Now raise your bari& high over your head. OK. Now slowly move your hands in circle down to the floor.
Now come up again. OK.Good. Do it one more time. Yes, that\'s it.

Number 4 Look at the diagram below.Then listen to the directions.After listening,complete the setences.
Lift the lid and put in your clothes. Then add some washing powder and shut the lid.
Select the water temperature--hot or warm or cold. Then push the wash button.
After about half an hour, the machine will stop.
Take your clothes out.

Number 5 Listen to the method for making an omelet.Put th instructions into correct order from 1-7 and write down the missing verbs.
First, break five to six eggs in a bowl.
Beat the eggs lightly.
Then add a little salt.
Next, heat the butter or margarine in a frying pan until melted.
Now pour the contents of the bowl into the frying pan and leave for a moment,
Lift the edges of the omelet lightly, making the uncooked egg run under.
Finally, fold the omelet in half, and slide it onto a hot dish.

Number 6 Listen and follow the instructions.
I\'m going to give the direetions to draw a picture.
First draw a small house in the middle of the page.
The house should have one door and two windows.
Behind the house in the background draw three mountains.
Draw a sun in the top left-hand comer of the page.
Now draw five trees around the house,and draw a few flowers in front ofthe house on the right.

你要听劝教 仔细听听我能教你的 孩子怎么教她才听你的 小孩不想听你教怎么办 仔细听听我能教你的是什么歌 教你会说话免费听 教你学说话在线听 听我一场相声能给你教


